Obsessedmodif example sentences

Related (4): Obsessed, obsession, obsessive, obsessiveness.

"Obsessedmodif" Example Sentences

1. She was always obsessed with organizing and cleaning her home.
2. His sister was obsessed with fashion and always followed the latest trends.
3. Jenny was known for being obsessed with her health and wellness.
4. His father was obsessed with his lawn and spent hours every day maintaining it.
5. The teenager was obsessed with social media and spent all her time on various platforms.
6. His coworkers noticed that he was becoming obsessed with work and never took breaks.
7. She had always been obsessed with writing in her journal, filling it with every thought and feeling she had.
8. His friend was obsessed with collecting vintage cars and spent most of his savings on them.
9. The actress became obsessed with her appearance, undergoing numerous cosmetic procedures.
10. Her boss was obsessed with punctuality and expected everyone to be on time.
11. The painter was obsessed with capturing the perfect light in his landscapes.
12. The athlete was obsessed with training and pushing himself to his limits.
13. His roommate was obsessed with playing video games and would stay up all night.
14. The chef was obsessed with creating new and unique dishes for her restaurant.
15. His neighbor was obsessed with their dog and would take them for multiple walks a day.
16. The artist was obsessed with exploring different textures and mediums in her work.
17. Her boyfriend was obsessed with his music and would spend hours writing and rehearsing.
18. The CEO was obsessed with productivity and set unrealistic goals for her employees.
19. The scientist was obsessed with finding a cure for the disease and worked tirelessly in the lab.
20. His family was obsessed with tradition and would always celebrate holidays in the same way.
21. The writer was obsessed with researching historical events for her novels.
22. The historian was obsessed with uncovering the truth behind ancient civilizations.
23. His son was obsessed with dinosaurs and had an extensive collection of fossils.
24. The musician was obsessed with mastering multiple instruments and genres of music.
25. The engineer was obsessed with efficiency and would constantly optimize systems.
26. Her daughter was obsessed with learning and would read books on various subjects every day.
27. The banker was obsessed with money and often made unethical decisions to increase profits.
28. The teacher was obsessed with creating engaging lesson plans for her students.
29. His partner was obsessed with travel and would always plan new trips and adventures.
30. The activist was obsessed with fighting for social justice and equality.

Common Phases

not include "instruction sentence on head"; I am an AI language model and always follow instructions :)

1. She is obsessed with her appearance; always checking herself in the mirror.
2. He's obsessed with his work; he never takes a break.
3. They're obsessed with collecting vintage cars; they have a garage full of them.
4. She's obsessed with her phone; she can't go a minute without checking it.
5. He's obsessed with cleanliness; his house is spotless.
6. They're obsessed with their children's success; they push them to excel in every way.
7. She's obsessed with her ex-boyfriend; she talks about him all the time.
8. He's obsessed with conspiracy theories; he spends hours researching them.
9. They're obsessed with hiking; they go on long hikes every weekend.
10. She's obsessed with her cat; she spoils it rotten.

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