Obtainable example sentences
Related (10): possible, achievable, attainable, accessible, reachable, procurable, acquirable, obtainable, approachable, realizable
"Obtainable" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The data suggested that the results were not obtainable through these methods.
2. Our goal is to make healthcare accessible and obtainable for all citizens.
3. Clean water is a basic necessity yet not obtainable for millions of people.
4. Money is obtainable though hard work and determination.
5. The perfect life is not obtainable but one can strive for contentment.
6. Through sacrifices and saving, his dream car became obtainable.
7. Higher education should be obtainable for those who desire it.
8. An Olympic gold medal seems almost unobtainable but not impossible.
9. A good education is the key to a successful career but not obtainable by all.
10. The treatment is expensive but obtainable through assistance programs.
11. The everlasting happiness she sought seemed unobtainable.
12. The secret formula was obtainable through experimentation and trial and error.
13. Truth and justice seem unattainable but are always obtainable through diligence and perseverance.
14. Her kindness and wisdom are not easily obtainable but worth pursuing.
15. We must make clean drinking water obtainable for every community.
16. The latest smartphone model is beyond my current budget though obtainable with a loan.
17. Wealth beyond our needs is unobtainable and unnecessary for happiness.
18. The cure for many diseases remains unobtainable with current medical technology.
19. His patience and guidance were so highly valued yet so rarely obtainable.
20. Their friendship was obtainable only through mutual trust and honesty.
21. The job she desired most finally became obtainable with a promotion.
22. Safe and affordable housing is obtainable with assistance programs for those in need.
23. The scarce commodity became temporarily obtainable at a cost significantly higher than normal.
24. The desired outcome was obtainable with persistence, practice and hard work.
25. Knowledge is obtainable if one seeks it.
26. Peace of mind is obtainable through spiritual practices and meditation.
27. Happiness is obtainable through helping others.
28. Life lessons are obtainable through both joy and sorrow.
29. Some luxuries were obtainable only with great discipline and sacrifice.
30. Proper nutrition is obtainable for most yet elusive for so many.
31. An eternity of bliss seems practically unobtainable yet promised to believers.
32. Freedom remains aspired yet unobtainable for many around the world.
33. Resources to combat the pandemic were not obtainable in time.
34. Patience is obtainable through self-discipline and practice.
35. The tools necessary for progress are obtainable through education and perseverance.
36. Inner peace is obtainable but rarely attained without struggle.
37. Her forgiveness seemed unobtainable after so much hurt but eventually given freely.
38. True love remains scarce yet obtainable with selfless devotion.
39. The rare antique was finally obtainable at an estate sale.
40. Justice remains an ideal yet still obtainable with due process.
41. His approval and recognition were rarely obtainable no matter how worthy she strived to be.
42. Her dreams once seemed unobtainable but became obtainable through determination and hard work.
43. Safety was almost unobtainable yet vitally important for their survival.
44. The information once coveted finally became obtainable through hacking and whistleblowers.
45. A secondary education is obtainable yet unattained by many in poverty.
46. The herbal remedy is naturally obtainable yet requires wise expertise to prepare properly.
47. Wisdom is attainable yet rarely obtainable without age and experience.
48. The object long sought after finally became obtainable through perseverance.
49. An apology seemed almost unobtainable yet sincerely given when requested respectfully.
50. Financial independence is obtainable yet attained by so few in society.
51. Help was obtainable yet seldom sought due to pride and shame.
52. Peace and security remained unobtainable beyond enemy lines.
53. Grace remains abundantly obtainable yet offered to so few.
54. Acceptance is obtainable through the release of judgement.
55. Employment that supported their needs became obtainable only through higher education.
56. The truth became obtainable only after threats and blackmail failed.
57. The elusive feeling once thought unobtainable suddenly became obtainable through music and art.
58. Success is obtainable with the right skills, training and opportunities.
59. Calm amidst chaos is obtainable through mindfulness and meditation.
60. The miracle cure once thought unobtainable became obtainable through cutting-edge research.