Occiput example sentences

Related (2): skull, nape

"Occiput" Example Sentences

1. The doctor felt for any swelling at my occiput after my fall.
2. The massage therapist focused her treatment on the tight muscles in my neck and occiput.
3. The pain in my occiput radiated up to my temples and down my neck.
4. I hit my occiput on the corner of the table when I tripped.
5. The fracture was located just above my occiput.
6. She pressed her fingers into my occiput to feel for any tension.
7. The occiput bone anchors the muscles in the back of the skull.
8. Her fingers dug into the fleshy part at the base of my occiput.
9. The towel draped over my head covered my occiput and neck.
10. The physio asked me to turn my head from side to side while palpating my occiput.
11. The chiropractor adjusted the joints around my occiput to relieve the pressure.
12. The muscles connecting my occiput to my upper back were severely strained.
13. The back of my head, particularly my occiput, ached from sitting at the computer all day.
14. His tattoo covered the entire region from his occiput to his shoulders.
15. The occipital artery runs along the surface of the occiput bone.
16. My occiput felt sore and bruised after hitting the ground so hard.
17. The pressure points at my occiput helped relax the tension in my head and neck.
18. The concussion had inflamed the soft tissues around my occiput.
19. She rubbed the aromatic oil into my occiput to relieve the throbbing headache.
20. I had an unbearable itch on my occiput but nothing seemed to alleviate it.
21. The occiput bone joins the top and back of the spinal column.
22. The doctor spun my head from side to side as she felt along my occiput.
23. I had to apply an icepack to my occiput to reduce the swelling after the injury.
24. She massaged my occiput to release the tight muscles connected to my temporals.
25. I could feel a lump beginning to form along the back of my occiput.
26. My occiput felt hot and inflamed after I failed to treat the injury properly.
27. The pain radiating from my occiput through my neck made it impossible to sleep.
28. The tattoo artist gently wiped excess ink from my occiput once the design was complete.
29. The myofascial therapist treated my occiput using various massage techniques.
30. My occiput became tender and bruised after I fell backwards onto the concrete.
31. She rubbed my occiput vigorously in circles to loosen the tight shoulder knots.
32. The chiropractor adjusted my occiput to help with the pain between my shoulder blades.
33. The barber shaved the back of my occiput and neck to reduce irritation.
34. I cradled the back of my throbbing occiput with my hand to relieve some of the pain.
35. The area connecting my occiput to my upper spine had become inflamed.
36. The IV was inserted into a vein along the side of my occiput.
37. She poked a finger into the muscles attaching my occiput to my skull to massage any knots.
38. I could see a small lump starting to form on the back of my occiput.
39. The chiropractor adjusted the joints between my occiput and atlas vertebrae.
40. The acupuncturist inserted needles along both sides of my occiput to relieve the tension headaches.
41. The freezing sensation spread from my occiput across my forehead.
42. The sharp pain radiating from my occiput worsened anytime I moved my head.
43. Blood began to trickle down the side of my occiput from the wound.
44. The physio treated my occiput by doing gentle stretches on my neck muscles.
45. I could feel a migraine coming on behind my occiput and above my eyes.
46. The barber shaved the hair on the back of my occiput before giving me the buzzcut.
47. My occiput felt numb after receiving anesthetic for the surgery.
48. The muscles attaching my occiput to my cervical spine were severely spasmed.
49. The doctor palpated my occiput and neck to determine the source of the pain.
50. My occiput was bruised and swollen after the fall.
51. He adjusted the ligaments connecting my occiput and atlas vertebra.
52. I could feel the veins in my occiput throbbing with each pulse.
53. The barber trims the hair on the back of my occiput down to a '1' length.
54. The swelling on my occiput made it painful to rest my head against the pillow.
55. She massaged my occiput vigorously to relieve the muscle spasms.
56. A dull ache had settled into my occiput and the base of my skull.
57. My occiput started to throb as soon as I sat up in bed.
58. She coated my fingers in oil before massaging my occiput firmly.
59. The bruise on my occiput turned an ugly purple colour.
60. Her fingers dug into my occiput, applying deep firm pressure to the knotted muscles.

Common Phases

1. The back of the head/skull
2. The occipital region
3. The occipital bone
4. Hit/bumped my occiput
5. Inflammation of the occiput
6. Pressure on the occiput
7. Tenderness in the occiput
8. Sore occiput
9. Massage the occiput
10.Adjust the occiput
11. Swelling in the occiput
12. Pain radiating from the occiput
13. Muscle spasm in the occiput
14.tender occiput
15. Bruised occiput

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