Occupy example sentences

Related (9): protest, seize, hold, control, reside, preoccupy, dominate, settle, engage

"Occupy" Example Sentences

1. The protesters occupied the front lawn of the capitol building.
2. The troops occupied the enemy's strongest positions.
3. The island was occupied by Spanish colonists for many years.
4. The students occupied the dean's office to protest budget cuts.
5. The park is occupied by people enjoying the sunny day.
6. The committee is occupied with reviewing proposals.
7. The construction crews occupied the street for most of the day.
8. The soldiers occupied the palace overnight before moving on.
9. The corrupt politician occupied a high office for many years.
10. The missing child occupies the parents' every thought.
11. The children occupied themselves with toys and games.
12. The puppies occupy the basket in the corner.
13. The quiet cottage occupied a peaceful spot by the river.
14. The cage occupies a prominent place in the biology lab.
15. The empty corner of the room occupies little space.
16. She occupies a high position in the company hierarchy.
17. The elderly woman occupies a small apartment downtown.
18. The injured soldier occupies a hospital bed.
19. The committee occupies a large meeting room every Tuesday.
20. Their thoughts occupied by the upcoming trip, they forgot to eat.
21. I occupy my time with hobbies and activities.
22. The rhinoceros occupies its habitat all day.
23. The general occupied the palace of the deposed king.
24. The athletes occupied the locker rooms for hours.
25. The home occupies my every free thought.
26. The children occupy themselves with toys and games.
27. Archaeologists occupy many years excavating an ancient site.
28. The prisoner occupies a six-by-eight cell.
29. Lazy afternoons occupy our weekends.
30. The cat occupies the window ledge all day.
31. His mind was occupied with thoughts of his childhood.
32. Rebels occupied the capital city.
33. The large rock occupies most of the corner.
34. The workers occupy the site for several months each year.
35. The killer occupied a jail cell for 20 years.
36. The children occupied themselves with their toys.
37. The office occupies the entire fourth floor.
38. The experiment occupies several pages of notes.
39. The students occupy the dean's office in protest.
40. The soldiers occupy the hilltop before dawn.
41. The general occupies an important position in the army.
42. I occupied myself with a good book while waiting.
43. The antelope occupies the plains during the day.
44. The empty jar occupies space on the shelf.
45. The general occupied the palace after it was abandoned.
46. The island was peacefully occupied for many years.
47. My business now occupies most of my time.
48. The cat occupies the entire lap.
49. The children occupy each other's thoughts.
50. The project occupies hours of my time each week.
51. The maid occupies herself with household chores.
52. The athlete occupies the podium as the winner.
53. The committee occupies this meeting room weekly.
54. The hurricane occupies the news coverage.
55. The invaders occupy northern France.
56. The thinking process occupies her mind.
57. The dogs occupy themselves in the backyard.
58. I occupy my time writing.
59. The mountain occupies the horizon.
60. The children occupy themselves outside.

Common Phases

1. The troops occupied the city.
2. The protesters occupied the town square for days.
3. Criminal gangs occupy many neighborhoods in the city.
4. The homeless people occupy the park during the day.
5. The invading army occupied the capital for two years.
6. The refugees occupied tents at the border camp.
7. The students occupied the administration building to protest budget cuts.
8. Tourists occupy the beach during the summer months.
9. The migrants occupy ramshackle huts on the outskirts of town.
10. The fallen tree occupies part of the driveway.
11. The pile of junk mail occupies half of my desk.
12. The dogs occupy most of the seats on the couch.
13. The children occupied themselves with toys while we cooked dinner.
14. I occupied my time by reading the newspaper.
15. He occupied his mind with puzzles to avoid dwelling on his problems.
16. The coach told the players to occupy the holes vacated by injured teammates.
17. The construction project will occupy most of next year.
18. My new job occupies the majority of my waking hours.
19. The puppies occupy the attention of everyone in the house.
20. Reading occupies a large amount of my free time.
21. Learning a new language occupied her for months.
22. The research project will occupy the scientists for years.
23. Playing video games occupies too much of my son's time.
24. The organization occupies itself with helping the poor and needy.
25. She occupies an important position in the company.
26. He occupies the chair of economics at the university.
27. The store occupies a prime location on the main street.
28. The house occupies a scenic spot on the lake.
29. The factory occupies several acres of land outside of town.
30. My thoughts occupied me the whole evening.
31. The dust bunnies occupy empty spaces under furniture.
32. His mind was occupied with thoughts of revenge.
33. The tourists occupied all the tables at the cafe.
34. The old Abandoned building occupies most of the block now.
35. The traffic jam occupies miles of the highway during rush hour.
36. The cat occupies various spots of sun throughout the day.
37. Clutter occupies every available surface of her office.
38. The front lines occupied much of Europe during the World Wars.
39. The children occupy themselves drawing and reading books.
40. The committee will occupy itself with plans for the march.
41. The dog occupies the whole couch, not leaving any space for people.
42. Decorating occupied her for hours during the holidays.
43. The police occupied positions around the building.
44. Our vacation occupies two weeks every summer.
45. The book occupies my mind during my commute to work.
46. I like to occupy my weekends with productive activities.
47. The meeting will occupy most of the afternoon.
48. His obsession occupies his every waking thought.
49. The party occupies the whole first floor of the house.
50. Solving puzzles occupies him for hours.
51. The furniture occupies far too much space in my small apartment.
52. Work occupies most of my day from 9 to 6.
53. Training occupies a few hours each Saturday.
54. The plot of the story occupies 20 different time periods.
55. Birds occupy many of the trees in the yard.
56. That topic occupies scholars for many centuries.
57. The toys occupy almost every flat surface in the kids' rooms.
58. Technology occupies a major part of modern life.
59. The dance party will occupy the club for the next several hours.
60. Her countless hobbies occupy all of her free time.

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