Odontoceti example sentences

Related (3): dolphins, porpoises, narwhals

"Odontoceti" Example Sentences

1. The odontoceti are a family of toothed whales.
2. The odontoceti use echolocation to navigate their environment.
3. The odontoceti are well-known for their sharp teeth and streamlined bodies.
4. Some scientists believe that the odontoceti communicate with each other through a series of clicks and whistles.
5. The odontoceti are found in ocean waters all over the world.
6. The orca, or killer whale, is a large and powerful member of the odontoceti family.
7. Many people enjoy going on whale watching tours to catch a glimpse of the odontoceti in action.
8. The odontoceti have a complex social structure and often travel in groups known as pods.
9. The largest member of the odontoceti family is the sperm whale.
10. The odontoceti are fascinating creatures that have captured the imagination of scientists and nature lovers alike.
11. Some species of odontoceti are known to hunt and kill other marine mammals.
12. The bottlenose dolphin is one of the most well-known members of the odontoceti family.
13. Some species of odontoceti are threatened by human activities such as pollution and overfishing.
14. The odontoceti are a diverse group of marine mammals that come in a variety of shapes and sizes.
15. The odontoceti are fascinating creatures that have evolved a wide range of adaptations to their aquatic environments.
16. The narwhal is a member of the odontoceti family, and is known for its long, spiral tusk.
17. The odontoceti have a complex system of vocalizations that are used for communication and echolocation.
18. The common dolphin is another member of the odontoceti family that is popular among whale watchers.
19. The odontoceti are important indicators of the health of our oceans and the creatures that live in them.
20. The killer whale, or orca, is one of the most visually stunning members of the odontoceti family.
21. The odontoceti are an intelligent and fascinating group of marine mammals that have captured the hearts of many people around the world.
22. The odontoceti are expert swimmers, with sleek bodies and powerful tails that allow them to glide effortlessly through the water.
23. The beluga whale is a member of the odontoceti family that is known for its distinctive white coloring.
24. The odontoceti are highly adapted to their marine environments, with specialized bodies and unique behaviors.
25. The pilot whale is a member of the odontoceti family that is often hunted for its meat in some parts of the world.
26. The odontoceti are a diverse group of animals that include some of the most iconic and recognizable creatures in the ocean.
27. The melon-headed whale is a member of the odontoceti family that is sometimes referred to as a "false killer whale."
28. The odontoceti have been studied extensively by scientists in order to better understand their behavior and biology.
29. The Risso's dolphin is a member of the odontoceti family that is known for its distinctive scarring.
30. The odontoceti are an important part of the marine ecosystem, playing a crucial role in maintaining balance and diversity.

Common Phases

1. Odontoceti are a suborder of cetaceans;
2. Odontoceti are also known as toothed whales;
3. Odontoceti includes species such as dolphins, porpoises, and killer whales;
4. Odontoceti have teeth instead of baleen;
5. Odontoceti use echolocation to navigate and find prey;
6. Odontoceti have a melon in their forehead that helps with echolocation;
7. Odontoceti are found in oceans and some freshwater rivers;
8. Odontoceti are highly intelligent and social animals.

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