Offsettings example sentences

Related (5): compensations, counterbalances, equivalents, balancing, neutralizations

"Offsettings" Example Sentences

1. She was having trouble balancing her budget due to offsettings in her income and expenses.
2. The company had to make cutbacks to compensate for the offsettings in their quarterly profits.
3. The farmers struggled with offsettings in their crop yields due to extreme weather conditions.
4. The banker had to adjust his client's interest rates to account for offsettings in the economy.
5. The environmentalist pointed out the offsettings in the development project's impact assessment.
6. Global warming has caused offsettings in the Earth's natural systems, leading to devastating consequences.
7. The athlete had to work harder to overcome the offsettings in her training program.
8. The artist used offsettings of color and light in her paintings to create a dynamic effect.
9. The politician recognized the offsettings in public opinion and adjusted his campaign strategy accordingly.
10. The construction company faced delays due to offsettings in the supply chain.
11. The scientist studied the offsettings in the ecosystem to better understand the balance of life.
12. The volunteer organization had to rethink their funding strategy due to offsettings in their donations.
13. The musician explored offsettings in rhythm and melody to create a unique sound.
14. The chef experimented with offsettings of flavor and texture to create a new recipe.
15. The teacher explained the concept of offsettings in mathematics to her students.
16. The writer used offsettings of perspective and narrative to create a complex story.
17. The engineer had to account for offsettings in the natural terrain when designing the bridge.
18. The inventor overcame offsettings in his initial design to create a successful product.
19. The analyst noticed offsettings in the company's financial statements and investigated further.
20. The entrepreneur researched offsettings in the market to find a gap for a new product.
21. The filmmaker used offsettings of light and shadow to create a dramatic effect in her movie.
22. The designer experimented with offsettings of shape and size to create a unique garment.
23. The psychologist studied offsettings in behavior to identify patterns and trends.
24. The historian traced the offsettings in political power throughout history.
25. The marketer recognized offsettings in consumer behavior and adjusted the advertising strategy accordingly.
26. The architect incorporated offsettings of space and volume to create a visually striking building.
27. The consultant identified offsettings in the client's business model and proposed solutions.
28. The researcher analyzed offsettings in academic literature to develop a new theory.
29. The athlete compensated for offsettings in her performance by increasing her training intensity.
30. The photographer used offsettings of color and contrast to create a vivid image.

Common Phases

1. In order to achieve offsettings; we need to properly plan and strategize.
2. The company has been implementing offsettings; to reduce its carbon footprint.
3. The government has announced a new policy on offsettings; to encourage businesses to become more environmentally conscious.
4. The project team is currently analyzing the potential offsettings; that can be achieved through the use of renewable energy sources.
5. The company has set a target of achieving offsettings; of at least 50% within the next five years.
6. The success of offsettings; lies in the ability to accurately measure and track the impact of initiatives.
7. The company's sustainability report highlights the various offsettings; that have been put in place to minimize environmental impact.
8. The implementation of offsettings; requires collaboration across different departments and stakeholders within the company.
9. The company's management has made a commitment to prioritizing offsettings; as part of its overall sustainability strategy.
10. The government is providing incentives to businesses that implement offsettings; as part of its efforts to promote sustainable development.

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