Oldness example sentences

Related (5): Aging, antiquity, longevity, seniority, venerableness.

"Oldness" Example Sentences

1. The oldness of the house was evident in its creaking floors and walls.
2. The antique furniture displayed marks of oldness and years of use.
3. The book had an air of musty oldness from years sitting on the shelf.
4. The signs of oldness and wear added character to the home.
5. The painting had lost some of its vibrancy over time, gaining an air of oldness.
6. His age and oldness showed in the wrinkles on his face and hands.
7. Despite its oldness and poor condition, the stagecoach still rattled along the road.
8. The farm tools displayed signs of oldness but still worked effectively for their tasks.
9. The historical village preserved relics and structures for their oldness and history.
10. The jokes had gained an air of oldness from being told one too many times.
11. The horse's oldness could be seen in the gray hairs around its muzzle.
12. His stories had gained an air of oldness, familiarity and comfort.
13. The heirloom showed signs of age and oldness but remained treasured in the family.
14. The antiques displayed beauty despite their obvious oldness.
15. The chairs were obviously old yet comfortable in their oldness.
16. The trousers had developed a distinguished oldness over years of wear.
17. The hand tools displayed an air of oldness but remained dependably functional.
18. The newspaper gained a musty oldness left lying folded in the drawer.
19. Some clung to memorabilia for its familiar oldness and sentimentality.
20. The clothing had an air of oldness despite being freshly laundered.
21. The countenance of elders can display wisdom and oldness.
22. The car displayed distinct signs of oldness despite regular maintenance.
23. The apple tasted unpleasantly of oldness, being well past its prime.
24. Oldness brings both wisdom and decline.
25. She wore the familiar, comfortable clothes for their familiar oldness.
26. The dress retained an air of elegance despite its obvious oldness.
27. The wooden surfaces gained a patina and air of oldness over the decades.
28. His creaky voice displayed an air of oldness despite his energetic spirit.
29. The heirloom had great sentimental value for its familiar oldness.
30. Oldness in many things brings a sense of comfort and nostalgia.
31. The garden had grown wild but retained an air of oldness and beauty.
32. The pocket watch still worked but showed signs of great oldness.
33. The vineyard had gained characteristics of oldness over the decades.
34. The dolls were obviously old yet treasured for their familiar oldness.
35. The memory gained an air of musty oldness from being recalled so many times.
36. His writings had gained an air of distinguished oldness over the years.
37. The cottage showed obvious signs of oldness yet remained cozy.
38. The leather book cover gained a soft, worn look from oldness.
39. The face had gained an air of distinguished oldness.
40. The blanket had becomethreadbare with oldness yet remained comforting.
41. The uniform had aged and taken on an air of oldness over decades of use.
42. The woman wore her oldness gracefully, with dignity and wisdom.
43. The technology industry races against the oldness of outdated innovation.
44. The curtains had faded over time, displaying characteristics of oldness.
45. The church building showed signs of oldness through worn stone and wood.
46. The trees exhibited majesty despite their evident oldness.
47. The walls gained character from their many years and marks of oldness.
48. The smell gained mustiness and oldness from being shut away for so long.
49. The songs gained an air of familiar oldness and nostalgia.
50. The photographs gained an air of oldness with the yellowing of the edges.

Common Phases

air of oldness - an appearance or quality suggesting that something is old
age and oldness - the state of being old, or having lasted for a long time
display/show signs of oldness - to exhibit visual indicators that one is aging or has been in existence for a long time
gain an air of oldness - to acquire a quality that suggests advancing age over time
gain characteristics of oldness - to accumulate features that are typical of old age
obvious oldness - something's age that is clearly or evidently old
patina of oldness - a surface finish or appearance that comes from long years of use
take on an air of oldness - to develop a quality of seeming old or aged
treasure for its oldness - to value something highly because of how old it has become
wear the marks of oldness - to exhibit visible indications of aging
wisdom and oldness - the knowledge and insight that often comes with advanced age
The house displayed an air of oldness but remained much loved.
The antiques gained characteristics of oldness over decades of storage.
He wore the clothes for their familiar oldness and comfort.
The cottage showed obvious signs of age and oldness.
She treasured the jewelry for its oldness and family history.
Hope these phrases and examples help! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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