Olmecs example sentences

Related (6): pre-Columbian, Mesoamerican, civilization, sculpture, ancient, Mexico.

"Olmecs" Example Sentences

1. The Olmecs were one of the earliest Mesoamerican civilizations.
2. Olmec art is characterized by large stone sculptures of human heads.
3. The Olmecs built ceremonial centers in the Gulf Coast region of Mexico.
4. Olmec society was believed to be organized into social classes.
5. The Olmecs used hieroglyphic writing in their communication.
6. The Olmec civilization is believed to have thrived between 1400 BCE and 400 BCE.
7. Olmec artifacts such as pottery and jade figurines have been found throughout Mesoamerica.
8. The Olmec religion is not well understood, but it is believed to have influenced later Mesoamerican religions.
9. The Olmec civilization was eventually replaced by the Maya civilization.
10. Olmec trade networks extended as far as Central America and the Caribbean.
11. Olmec rituals and ceremonies often involved human sacrifice.
12. The Olmec diet included maize, beans, and squash, as well as fish and other seafood.
13. Olmec architecture was characterized by monumental stone structures, such as the Great Pyramid of La Venta.
14. The Olmecs were skilled at carving obsidian, a volcanic glass used for making tools and weapons.
15. Olmec society was likely governed by a council of elders or a single ruler.
16. The Olmec people were skilled farmers and used sophisticated irrigation techniques.
17. The Olmecs were known for their trading of exotic goods, such as cacao and quetzal feathers.
18. Olmec religion may have involved the worship of jaguars and other animals.
19. Olmec art often depicted a figure known as the "were-jaguar."
20. The Olmec people were likely influenced by the earlier civilization of the Zapotecs.
21. Olmec society may have been based on a matrilineal system, where descent and inheritance were traced through the mother's line.
22. The Olmec civilization's decline is not well understood, but may have been due to environmental factors such as drought and deforestation.
23. Olmec buildings often featured basalt columns and other decorative elements.
24. The Olmecs were skilled astronomers and may have developed a calendar.
25. Olmec religion may have included ancestor worship and reverence for the natural world.
26. Olmec art often depicted complex scenes and narrative themes.
27. The Olmec civilization's monumental sculptures are considered some of the finest in the world.
28. Olmec artifacts have been discovered as far north as Arizona and as far south as Costa Rica.
29. The Olmec civilization left a significant cultural legacy, influencing later Mesoamerican civilizations such as the Maya and the Aztecs.
30. Olmec society was characterized by complex social and political structures, including a ruling class and a network of regional centers.

Common Phases

The Olmecs were an ancient pre-Columbian civilization; They flourished in the tropical lowlands of what is now Mexico; They developed a complex society with advanced art, architecture, and engineering; They built monumental stone heads that have become iconic symbols of their culture; They had a religion that featured human sacrifice and bloodletting rituals; Archaeologists continue to study the Olmecs and their influence on later Mesoamerican cultures.

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