Omnivorous example sentences
Related (13): carnivorous, herbivorous, flexible, diverse, opportunistic, indiscriminate, varied, eclectic, all-consuming, rapacious, unselective, insatiable, voracious.
"Omnivorous" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. The bear is an omnivorous animal that eats both plants and meat.
2. The cockroach is an omnivorous pest that will eat almost anything.
3. Humans are omnivorous creatures capable of digesting both animal and vegetable matter.
4. The raccoon is an omnivorous mammal that enjoys eating plants, insects, eggs, and small animals.
5. Pandas are omnivorous animals that eat bamboo as well as other vegetation and small animals.
6. Insects like ants are often omnivorous, feeding on both plant and animal food sources.
7. Rats are known to be omnivorous scavengers, consuming almost any edible material.
8. Domestic pigs are omnivorous animals that will eat nearly anything, including plants, insects, and small animals.
9. The chimpanzee's omnivorous diet consists of fruits, leaves, flowers, bamboo shoots, insects, and occasionally small mammals.
10. Due to its flexible bill, the magpie is an omnivorous bird capable of catching animals and digging for plant food.
11. The crow's omnivorous diet includes carrion, grains, fruit, insects, and small animals.
12. Pigeons are known to be omnivorous birds that consume a wide range of plant and animal foods.
13. The diet of an omnivorous dinosaur likely included both plants and meat from other animals.
14. The octopus is an omnivorous cephalopod that feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, fish, and vegetation.
15. The omnivorous mealworm will consume plant material like cereals and grains as well as meat products.
16. Her diet is so wide-ranging and omnivorous that it consists of everything from salads to steak.
17. The dugong, an omnivorous marine mammal, mostly eats seagrasses and algae but will also consume invertebrates.
18. His curious and omnivorous reading habits led him to explore subjects from philosophy to fashion.
19. The young child's omnivorous appetite embraced everything from fruits to French fries.
20. Dogs have an omnivorous diet that typically includes both commercial dog food and table scraps.
21. The dingo's omnivorous diet consists of small marsupials, birds, reptiles, invertebrates, carrion and plant material.
22. Her mind was constantly absorbing new information in an insatiable and omnivorous manner.
23. The omnivorous sharks patrolled the reef searching for any edible creatures.
24. The omnivorous diet of the coyote includes rodents, birds, insects, fruits, vegetables and carrion.
25. Most primates have an omnivorous diet consisting of both plant and animal matter.
26. Due to their omnivorous diet, garden slugs consume a wide range of leaves, fruits and plants.
27. Her intellectual curiosity was omnivorous, propelling her into many diverse fields of study.
28. The omnivorous badger feasts on earthworms, insects, eggs, plants, small mammals, and carrion.
29. The mallard duck is an omnivorous bird known for eating aquatic plants, seeds, insects and small aquatic animals.
30. The giant panda's omnivorous diet consists mostly of bamboo supplemented with other plant materials and occasional meat.
31. Her omnivorous musical tastes spanned genres from classical to country.
32. Due to their small size and omnivorous diet, mice can thrive on a wide range of available food sources.
33. With its long bill, the common loon is an omnivorous diver that feeds on fish, crustaceans, insects and some plants.
34. The opportunistic and omnivorous diet of the wild boar includes roots, tubers, fruits, vegetables, insects, worms, small reptiles and eggs.
35. Her appetite for knowledge was omnivorous, insatiable and lifelong.
36. Gray wolves are omnivorous carnivores with a diet consisting of large prey animals as well as berries, roots and grasses.
37. The omnivorous rooster freely pecks at whatever food it finds, whether vegetable or animal in nature.
38. The omnivorous raccoons hunted for snails, slugs and insects in the backyard during the night.
39. The yellow-bellied slider turtle is an omnivorous reptile that feeds on aquatic plants, fruits, insects, worms, small fish and carrion.
40. The crows sounded their harsh calls as the small group of omnivorous predators circled above.
41. A pest that feeds on nearly everything in its environment is typically described as omnivorous.
42. The omnivorous stink bug feeds on a wide variety of plant juices as well as other insects.
43. Due to their omnivorous lifestyle, rabbits can consume grasses, herbs, leaves, flowers and bark.
44. The jaguar is an omnivorous carnivore that feeds on turtles, caiman, fish, deer, peccaries, monkeys, birds, rodents and even anacondas.
45. The kangaroo rat's omnivorous diet consists of seeds, grass, fruit, leaves, roots, greens and insects.
46. Bears have an omnivorous carnivore diet consisting of plants, insects, carbohydrate rich fruits and honey as well as meat.
47. The omnivorous goat readily consumes grasses, leaves, twigs, fruits and even the bark of trees and shrubs.
48. The omnivorous family dog quickly ate his portion of scrambled eggs as well as pieces of bacon.
49. With their extensive and omnivorous diet, starlings are remarkably adaptable and abundant birds.
50. The omnivorous team of researchers pursued knowledge across multiple domains.
51. Her information gathering expanded from a bookish, literary bent to a broad and nearly omnivorous consumption of facts and ideas.
52. The four-eyed fish is an omnivorous creature that feeds on plankton, tiny crustaceans, insects and plant matter.
53. The omnivorous and opportunistic diet of rats includes almost anything that provides nutrients and calories.
54. Although snakes are primarily carnivorous predators, some species have an omnivorous diet that includes fruit and nectar.
55. His omnivorous literary tastes led him to read authors from every genre and era.
56. Due to their opportunistic and omnivorous lifestyle, opossums will eat almost anything, including carrion, fruits, veggies, insects and small vertebrates.
57. Flies are omnivorous scavengers that feed on nearly any decaying organic matter.
58. The omnivorous and opportunistic foraging habits of seabirds allow them to adapt to changing food supplies.
59. Elephants have an omnivorous diet that includes grasses, leaves, roots, bark and fruit but they primarily consume vegetation.
60. The omnivorous researchers pursued knowledge aggressively, curiosity consuming them like a harsh parasite.