Oppressed example sentences

Related (5): Marginalized, subjugated, mistreated, disadvantaged, repressed.

"Oppressed" Example Sentences

1. The oppressed people rose up against their tyrannical ruler.
2. The minority group felt oppressed and marginalized in society.
3. The women were oppressed and denied basic rights under the strict laws.
4. The poverty-stricken population felt oppressed and powerless.
5. The workers organized to fight against the oppressive factory conditions.
6. For centuries, the ethnic group was oppressed and disenfranchised.
7. The minority community lived in fear of further oppression.
8. The dictator ruled with an iron fist, oppressing any voice of dissent.
9. The civil rights movement fought against oppression and inequality.
10. The government put down the protests with an oppressive show of force.
11. The people chafed under the oppressive yoke of dictatorship.
12. The regime used intimidation and violence to oppress political opponents.
13. Activists fought for justice and an end to oppressed minority groups.
14. The peasants rose up in revolt against the oppressive aristocracy.
15. Centuries of oppression and injustice finally brought the people to rebellion.
16. The indigenous population suffered greatly under colonial oppression.
17. Breaking the cycle of poverty and oppression required systemic change.
18. The villagers lived in fear under the oppressive boot of the warlord.
19. The government Crackdown further crushed and oppressed the protesters.
20. Activists fought for a world free from oppression and inequality.
21. The party platform called for rights and justice for oppressed groups.
22. The reign of the oppressive dictator finally came to an end.
23. The patients fought against the oppressive conditions at the asylum.
24. Charities work to alleviate the suffering of oppressed peoples.
25. The dissidents fought back against the oppressive regime.
26. The laws were designed to further oppress and marginalize minorities.
27. The history teacher taught about oppressed groups throughout time.
28. Protesters demanded an end to oppression and social injustice.
29. Workers struck in protest of oppressive working conditions.
30. The serfs rose up in rebellion against the oppressive aristocrats.
31. Tyrants used oppression and violence to hold onto power.
32. Activists fought for justice and equality for oppressed groups.
33. Children suffered under the oppressive regime of their parents.
34. Reformers worked to end oppression and create a more just society.
35. The rebellion aimed to overthrow the oppressive monarchy.
36. Colonial powers oppressed local populations for economic gain.
37. Workers organized against oppressive labor practices.
38. Oppression bred resentment and revolt among the peasants.
39. Activists called for an end to religious oppression and persecution.
40. The regime kept tight control through oppression and censorship.
41. Activists protested the oppression of women around the world.
42. Reformers sought to end religious and ethnic oppression.
43. Famine and poverty further oppressed the already suffering population.
44. Oppressed groups struggle for justice and equality.
45. Slaves plotted revolt against their oppressors.
46. The government used oppressive tactics to control the population.
47. Oppression sparks rebellion and revolution.
48. Critics condemned the regime for its oppressive policies.
49. Victims of oppression find their voice through activism and protest.
50. The feudal lords oppressed the serfs for centuries.
51. Oppressors use violence and intimidation to assert power and control.
52. Reformers fought to end the oppression of women in society.
53. Activists marched against oppression and injustice.
54. Dictators rely on force and oppression to stay in power.
55. Protests demanded an end to the oppressive working conditions.
56. Women around the world continue to be oppressed in many ways.
57. Minorities faced systemic oppression for generations.
58. He spoke out against oppression and injustice wherever he found it.
59. Activists fought for rights and dignity for oppressed groups.
60. Oppression breeds violence and anger within the oppressed.

Common Phases

1. An oppressed group - A social group that experiences discrimination, disadvantage or dominance by another group.
2. Oppressed minorities - Minority groups that face discrimination and social inequality due to their race, religion, gender or sexuality.
3. A history of oppression - The experience of being unjustly treated over a long period of time.
4. Fight oppression - To work actively to end unjust treatment and discrimination against groups of people.
5. Voices of the oppressed - The perspectives and narratives of groups who experience injustice and inequality in society.
6. Overthrow the oppressor - To remove from power an individual or group that exercises unjust dominance over others.
7. Oppressive regime - A government or system of rule that exercises unjust authority over people, typically by force.
8. Oppressive policies - Laws or rules that unfairly restrict the rights and freedoms of specific groups.
9. Oppressed masses - The common people who experience injustice and hardship under a political system.
10. The oppressed rose up - The underprivileged groups revolted against the individuals or forces that were oppressing them.

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