Organized example sentences

Related (10): systematic, orderly, structured, coordinated, planned, methodical, disciplined, regulated, efficient, well-arranged

"Organized" Example Sentences

1. The student council organized a charity bake sale.
2. The team organized their notes into color-coded folders.
3. The parents organized a carpool to take the kids to soccer practice.
4. The teacher organized her classroom supplies for the new school year.
5. The workers organized an informational picket line.
6. The church organized a food drive to help the needy in their community.
7. The boy scouts organized a community cleanup effort.
8. The mayor organized a town hall meeting to discuss important issues.
9. The organizers planned a well-organized event with many informative sessions.
10. The non-profit organization organized a fundraising gala.
11. The business had a well-organized system for tracking inventory.
12. The kitchen cabinets were neatly organized by category.
13. The class project required a well-organized group effort.
14. The book club divided duties according to members' organized interests.
15. The newly formed committee first had to organize themselves and set goals.
16. We organized our suitcases efficiently to pack in as much as possible.
17. The volunteer coordinated and organized the activity for the program.
18. The filing cabinet held organized files for each client.
19. The teacher tried to organize her students in assigned seats.
20. The soldiers marched in an organized line formation.
21. The student turned in an organized essay with a clear outline.
22. The well-organized speech flowed coherently from point to point.
23. Our files were completely disorganized and needed reorganizing.
24. The teacher organized a contest to get the students more motivated.
25. The holiday preparations were perfectly organized down to the last detail.
26. The research was well organized around a clear thesis statement.
27. The pantry was disorganized with items stored wherever there was space.
28. The new hire struggled at first to adjust to the highly organized system.
29. The opposing team had an organized defense that was difficult to break through.
30. We had an organized plan of attack to tackle the big project.
31. The party was highly organized with assigned roles for everyone.
32. Her bookmarks were neatly organized by color in the browser.
33. The professor organized the lectures in a logical progression.
34. The materials were not well organized which made following the manual difficult.
35. The new office employee learned the highly organized filing system.
36. The program offered organized childcare for parents during the event.
37. The warehouse had a carefully organized storage system for inventory.
38. The recreation department organized several after-school activities for children.
39. The country set up an organized system of taxation to fund operations.
40. The writer should organize the points in a logical order in the outline.
41. The restaurant manager organized a very efficient workflow for their staff.
42. The club organized an exchange trip to visit a similar student club abroad.
43. The schedule appeared randomly organized with no discernable pattern.
44. The highly organized system broke down after the power outage.
45. The organized crime ring carefully planned each step of the heist.
46. The office manager organized the new interns into their assigned teams.
47. The teacher organized the art supplies by color for easy student access.
48. The student organized their notes into hierarchical categories for better recall.
49. The company organized an offsite retreat for team building exercises.
50. The labor union organized a strike vote among its members.
51. The meeting was highly organized with everyone assigned a turn to speak.
52. The ingredients were not well organized in the recipe.
53. The closet was disorganized with clothes hanging every which way.
54. The civil rights group organized demonstrations to protest inequality.
55. The morning routine was highly organized to maximize time for school.
56. The team organized credentials to gain access to the secure area.
57. The protesters organized themselves into cordoned-off sections for safety.
58. No one could find anything because the pantry was so disorganized.
59. The politician organized a series of rallies to gain support for her campaign.
60. The argument lacked organization moving from point to point illogically.

Common Phases

1. Well organized
2. Poorly organized
3. Highly organized
4. Carefully organized
5. Neatly organized
6. Perfectly organized
7. Strictly organized
8. Effectively organized
9. Systematically organized
10. Logically organized
11. Properly organized
12. Poorly organized
13. Chaotically organized
14. Badly organized
15. Haphazardly organized

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