Originates example sentences

Related (10): spawns, emerges, arises, derives, stems, begins, starts, commences, springs, sources

"Originates" Example Sentences

1. The tradition of Halloween originates from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain.
2. The word "robot" originates from the Czech word "robota," which means "forced labor."
3. The coffee plant originates from Ethiopia, where it was discovered in the 11th century.
4. The idea for the game of basketball originates from a game played with a soccer ball and two peach baskets in 1891.
5. The concept of democracy originates from ancient Greece, where citizens held assemblies and voted on laws.
6. The custom of exchanging wedding rings originates from ancient Egypt, where the circular shape symbolized eternity.
7. The tradition of blowing out birthday candles originates from ancient Greece, where it was believed that the smoke carried wishes to the gods.
8. The practice of yoga originates from ancient India, where it was used as a spiritual practice to unite the mind, body, and spirit.
9. The holiday of Valentine's Day originates from a Roman festival where men would draw names of women to court for the year.
10. The myth of the Loch Ness monster originates from Scottish folklore dating back to the 6th century.
11. The game of chess originates from India, where it was known as chaturanga and was played with four players.
12. The sport of baseball originates from English games such as cricket and rounders.
13. The idea of the scientific method originates from ancient Greek philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato.
14. The story of Santa Claus originates from the Dutch legend of Sinterklaas, who gave gifts to children on St. Nicholas Day.
15. The concept of gravity originates from Sir Isaac Newton's law of universal gravitation in the 17th century.
16. The language of Esperanto originates from a linguistic movement in the late 19th century to create a universal language.
17. The tradition of kissing under mistletoe originates from ancient Norse mythology where it was a symbol of love and peace.
18. The practice of acupuncture originates from ancient Chinese medicine and dates back to 100 BC.
19. The idea for the iPhone originates from Steve Jobs' vision to create a device that combined a phone, music player, and internet browser.
20. The origin of life on Earth originates from the theory of evolution, which proposes that all living organisms share a common ancestor.
21. The fashion of wearing high heels originates from the Persian army, where soldiers wore them to help secure their feet in stirrups.
22. The recipe for pizza originates from Italy, where it was first made in Naples in the 18th century.
23. The sport of soccer originates from England, where it was developed in the 19th century from various forms of football.
24. The belief in astrology originates from ancient Babylonians who observed the movements of the stars and planets.
25. The tradition of Oktoberfest originates from a Bavarian wedding celebration in 1810 that later turned into an annual festival.
26. The idea for the internet originates from a research project called ARPANET funded by the US Department of Defense in the 1960s.
27. The art of bonsai originates from China, where miniature trees were grown as symbols of wealth and prosperity.
28. The tradition of wearing a wedding veil originates from ancient Rome, where the bride wore a veil to ward off evil spirits.
29. The mythology of vampires originates from ancient folklore in various cultures around the world.
30. The practice of meditation originates from various spiritual traditions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism.

Common Phases

not have the context of the use of "originates" in the requested prompt.
1. The tradition originates from ancient times.
2. The rumor originates from unreliable sources.
3. The problem originates from a lack of communication.
4. The disease originates in contaminated water.
5. The art form originates in Africa.
6. The conflict originates from a difference in opinions.
7. The idea originates from a brilliant mind.
8. The concept originates in philosophy.
9. The technology originates in Silicon Valley.
10. The language originates from Latin.

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