Oubliettes example sentences

Related (6): dungeons, prisons, cells, confinement, isolation, captivity

"Oubliettes" Example Sentences

1. The old castle had a network of oubliettes beneath its walls.
2. The prisoners were thrown into the oubliettes and left to rot.
3. The oubliettes were damp and dark, with no light or fresh air.
4. Nobody knew how many bodies had been dumped into the oubliettes over the years.
5. The guards took pleasure in throwing their prisoners into the oubliettes.
6. The rats scurried around in the oubliettes, searching for scraps of food.
7. The oubliettes were used as a punishment for those who dared to speak out against the king.
8. The oubliettes were a symbol of the brutality of the medieval era.
9. The prince was horrified when he discovered the oubliettes beneath the castle.
10. The oubliettes were so deep, you couldn't hear the screams of the prisoners from above.
11. The prisoner was chained up in the oubliette, with no hope of escape.
12. The smell of decay was overwhelming in the oubliettes.
13. The king ordered the construction of new oubliettes to accommodate his growing number of prisoners.
14. The oubliettes were never cleaned, leading to the spread of disease among the prisoners.
15. The castle's deep oubliettes were the stuff of nightmares.
16. The prisoners who were thrown into the oubliette were never seen again.
17. The oubliettes were filled with the wails of the prisoners, echoing off the walls.
18. The prisoners were fed through a small hole in the oubliette's ceiling.
19. The guards would occasionally lower a torch into the oubliette to watch their prisoners suffer.
20. The king reveled in his ability to throw his enemies into the oubliette.
21. The oubliettes were a grim reminder of the castle's bloody past.
22. The oubliettes were dug so deep, it took several days to reach the bottom.
23. The prisoners were stripped of their belongings before being thrown into the oubliette.
24. The oubliettes were designed to be a slow, torturous death for those who were thrown in.
25. The guards took sadistic pleasure in listening to the prisoners' cries for help from the oubliette.
26. The prisoners quickly learned to fear the sound of the oubliette's heavy door slamming shut.
27. The castle's oubliettes were a favorite spot for ghostly sightings.
28. The prisoners spent their final days in the oubliette, surrounded by darkness and despair.
29. The oubliettes were a constant reminder to the prisoners of their impending doom.
30. The king's enemies were thrown into the oubliette and quickly forgotten.

Common Phases

1. The castle had a series of oubliettes that were once used to hold prisoners; some of them were rumored to still contain skeletons.
2. The only way to access the hidden treasure was by navigating through a labyrinth of underground tunnels and oubliettes; many adventurers had tried and failed.
3. The government denied the use of torture or secret prisons, but rumors of dissidents being held in oubliettes without trial persisted; human rights organizations demanded an investigation.
4. The ancient ruins were filled with oubliettes that had been used by different civilizations over centuries; each one held its own secrets and mysteries.
5. The horror movie featured a twisted villain who kept his victims locked in damp and dark oubliettes; fear and desperation consumed them until they were no longer recognizable.

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