Overlord example sentences

Related (10): dominator, ruler, commander, master, chief, boss, leader, monarch, sovereign, potentate

"Overlord" Example Sentences

1. The Dark Lord played the role of the overlord, ruling over his subjects with an iron fist.
2. The overlord demanded that the peasants pay exorbitant taxes.
3. The overlords ruled the conquered lands with brutality and oppression.
4. The vast armies of the overlords swept across the land, subjugating all who resisted.
5. The overlord sat on his throne, surveying his domain.
6. The overlord's word was law, and no one dared defy him.
7. The magnanimous overlord generously allowed his people to live.
8. The overlord's palace towered over the city, a symbol of his power and wealth.
9. The figure of the cruel overlord appeared in many of the old folk tales.
10. The resistance movement plotted to overthrow the evil overlord and free the land.
11. The tyrannical overlord ruled through fear and violence.
12. The demonic overlord hungered to add more souls to his collection.
13. The wicked overlord banished all those who opposed him.
14. The loyal subjects bowed before their gracious overlord.
15. The grim overlord sentenced many to terrible fates in the dungeons below the castle.
16. The overlord's sorcerers practiced dark magic under his patronage.
17. The overlord declared, "You will bow before me or perish!"
18. In the videogame, the player took on the role of the brave hero rising up against the evil overlord.
19. The realm trembled under the overlord's iron fist.
20. The overlords' minions carried out their brutal tasks without question.
21. The good fairy blessed the hero who sought to defeat the foul overlord.
22. The overlord had a secret that, once revealed, would lead to his downfall.
23. The overlord's castle stood fully prepared for a siege.
24. The conquering overlords divided up the lands among themselves.
25. None dared speak up in court for fear of angering the unjust overlord.
26. The wretched overlord held a dubious claim to the throne.
27. The brave rebels continued to fight against the overlord's oppression.
28. The wretched overlord seized power through nefarious means.
29. The overlord's favored son was next in line to inherit his tyrannical rule.
30. The oppressed peasants prayed for a hero to overthrow the wicked overlord.
31. The betrayed subject plotted against his merciless overlord.
32. The overlord drained his lands dry to fund his lavish lifestyle.
33. The overlord's guard stood watch at every tower and turret.
34. The role-playing game allowed players to take on the identity of either the overlord or hero.
35. The overlord believed himself invincible and above the law.
36. The peasants hid from the overlord's troops who roamed the countryside.
37. The nobles plotted against their cruel overlord from within the court itself.
38. The oppressive rule of the overlord drove many from their homes.
39. None could withstand the overlord's terrible wrath once it was provoked.
40. The rebel campfires dotted the valley as they prepared to siege the overlord's castle.
41. The dark overlord's followers looked to him to lead them into battle.
42. The overlord's thugs patrolled the streets, harassing anyone who displeased him.
43. The overlord's victims cried out for justice and vengeance.
44. Even the overlord's own nobles lived in fear of incurring his anger.
45. The downtrodden masses dreamed of overthrowing their oppressive overlord.
46. The overlord's behavior grew increasingly erratic and ruthless.
47. The overlord was known for his cruelty and ruthlessness.
48. The overlord lived in constant fear of plots against his own life.
49. The overlord's minions enforced his oppressive laws with vicious efficiency.
50. The kingdom groaned under the brutal and wasteful rule of the overlord.
51. The evil overlord's reign of terror finally came to an end.
52. The nobles plotted how to remove their cruel and capricious overlord from power.
53. The revolutionaries worked to undermine the overlord's oppressive regime.
54. The dominion of the overlord spread across the entire region.
55. The overlord's troops plundered the farms and settlements at will.
56. The overlord poured gold and resources into building magnificent monuments to his own glory.
57. The overlord summoned his advisors to address the peasant rebellion that threatened his rule.
58. None were left untouched by the overlord's oppressive system of taxes and punishment.
59. The unfairness of the overlord's rule drove even his supporters to join the revolution.
60. The spectators cheered for the brave hero who rose up to overthrow the wicked overlord.

Common Phases

1. Evil overlord
2. Wicked overlord
3. Cruel overlord
4. Tyrannical overlord
5. Oppressive overlord
6. Overthrow the overlord
7. Rise up against the overlord
8. Reign of the overlord
9. Rule of the overlord
10. Defeat the overlord
11. Dominion of the overlord
12. Downfall of the overlord
13. Subjects of the overlord
14. Forces of the overlord
15. Minions of the overlord

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