Refute example sentences

Related (10): disprove, contradict, rebut, challenge, deny, invalidate, negate, oppose, counter, impugn

"Refute" Example Sentences

1. She refuted all his claims with facts and evidence.
2. The scientist refuted the mistaken hypothesis with careful experimentation.
3. His arguments did not refute her key points.
4. The opposing attorney tried to refute his testimony on the stand.
5. The historian refuted the erroneous account of past events.
6. The evidence refutes the accusation that he stole the money.
7. He tried to refute my argument, but his counterarguments were weak.
8. She refuted the rumors about her with a clear and concise statement.
9. The survey results refuted his theory about human behavior.
10. No amount of reasoning could refute the hard facts staring her in the face.
11. The data refuted the predictions made by the flawed model.
12. Her calm demeanor refuted his accusation that she was upset.
13. Examining the faulty logic refuted his entire argument.
14. He tried to refute her claim that he had lied but failed to produce any proof.
15. The newspaper article refuted the spokesperson's misleading statement.
16. The lawyer tried in vain to refute the DNA evidence against his client.
17. The witness testimony refuted the defendant's alibi.
18. Time and again, I refuted his conspiracy theory with established facts.
19. The solution refuted his theory about how the machine worked.
20. The professor soundly refuted the student's illogical argument.
21. The eyewitness account refuted his claim that he had been out of town at the time.
22. The professor's criticism refuted many of the flawed assumptions in her research.
23. I tried to refute his reasoning, but honestly, I couldn't find any flaws in his argument.
24. Her conclusive evidence refuted all his previous claims.
25. I attempted to refute his point, but he brought up counterarguments I couldn't overcome.
26. His stern demeanor refuted her claim that he was a "pushover."
27. The demonstration successfully refuted his theory that the machine was impossible to build.
28. The overwhelming proof refuted the notion that the accident had been just an unfortunate coincidence.
29. His plausible explanation refuted her theory that he had intentionally misled her.
30. The journalist sought to refute the official account of the incident with her own investigation.
31. No amount of evidence could refute his unwavering faith in an unseen divine power.
32. The celebrity's scandalous secret life refuted his wholesome public persona.
33. The evidence unearthed by the detectives completely refuted his alibi.
34. Her calm response refuted his accusation that she was panicking.
35. The article sought to refute common misconceptions about the disease.
36. He tried to refute the allegation that he had been negligent in his duties.
37. The findings of the study refuted commonly held beliefs about the subject.
38. The alibi witnesses' testimonies failed to refute the DNA and fingerprint evidence.
39. The opposing lawyer tried unsuccessfully to refute the expert witness's credentials.
40. His experience refuted the claims made in the advertising campaign.
41. The careful logical analysis refuted claims that the novel was based on true events.
42. The whistleblower's revelations refuted the company's misleading public statements.
43. I attempted to refute her biased claims with objective evidence.
44. The judge's ruling refuted the defense lawyer's last-ditch effort to dispute the verdict.
45. Her steadfast composure refuted his accusation that she was distraught.
46. The experiment successfully refuted the prevailing theory at the time.
47. The government's investigation refuted claims of electoral fraud.
48. The witness testimony directly refuted the defendant's alibi.
49. The analysis refuted arguments that the current system was beyond repair.
50. Her thorough explanation refuted my mistaken assumptions on the matter.
51. The detective's questions tried unsuccessfully to refute her alibi.
52. The research findings refuted common misconceptions about the subject.
53. I could not refute her logic, though I maintained my opposing viewpoint.
54. The journalist's reporting sought to refute government denials of wrongdoing.
55. The lie detector test refuted his claim that he had nothing to do with the crime.
56. The facts refuted his belief that the event had never happened.
57. His smirk refuted his claim that the insult had not bothered him.
58. The defendant attempted to refute each piece of incriminating evidence.
59. The medical report refuted claims of a pre-existing health condition.
60. Her calm demeanor refuted his accusation that she was nervous.

Common Phases

1. refute a claim - To show that a claim is incorrect or untrue.
e.g. The scientist refuted the claim that the earth was flat.
2. refute an argument - To show an argument to be unsound by demonstrating flaws in its reasoning.
e.g. She refuted his argument with a logical counterargument.
3. refute a theory - To prove a theory to be wrong or invalid through evidence and reasoning.
e.g. The experiment results refuted the theory that microwaves cause cancer.
4. refute allegations - To show that allegations or accusations are not true.
e.g. She refuted the allegations of wrongdoing with hard evidence.
5. refute rumors - To demonstrate that rumors are untrue.
e.g. The company issued a statement refuting the rumors about layoffs.
6. fail to refute - To be unable to prove something untrue or incorrect.
e.g. I failed to refute his claim about witnessing the ghost.
7. in vain to refute - To unsuccessfully try to prove something untrue or incorrect.
e.g. I tried in vain to refute his absurd conspiracy theory.
8. soundly refute - To prove something untrue or incorrect conclusively and in an authoritative manner.
e.g. The professor soundly refuted the flawed reasoning in the student's paper.

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