Overshoots example sentences

Related (3): Exceeds, surpasses, overruns

"Overshoots" Example Sentences

1. The rocket's trajectory was off, causing it to overshoot its target.
2. The pilot overshot the runway and had to circle back around to land.
3. The economic forecast predicted that inflation would overshoot its target rate.
4. When playing basketball, it's important not to overshoot the hoop.
5. The artist produced a stunning piece, but overshot the allotted canvas size.
6. It's easy to overshoot the mark when measuring ingredients for baking.
7. The driver overshot the turnoff and had to drive an extra mile to turn around.
8. The quarterback overshot the receiver in the endzone, costing the team the game.
9. The hunters overshot the deer and missed their chance to catch it.
10. The climber overshot the ledge and had to take a few steps back to find their footing.
11. The scientist's projections overshot the actual results, indicating a need for revision.
12. The ship captain overshot the harbor entrance and had to navigate back into position.
13. The bowler overshot the pins and ended up with a difficult spare.
14. The golfer overshot the green and had to chip onto the putting surface.
15. The archer overshot the target and had to retrieve their arrow from the woods.
16. The artillery overshot the enemy bunkers and impacted into the hills behind.
17. The skier overshot the jump and landed awkwardly on the slope.
18. The cyclist overshot the turn and ended up in the gravel pit beside the road.
19. The swimmer overshot the finish line and had to turn around to touch the wall.
20. The runner overshot the mark and had to loop back around to finish the race.
21. The student overshot the word count and had to trim the essay down to fit the assignment.
22. The sales team overshot the revenue goal and exceeded expectations for the quarter.
23. The company overshot their budget and had to adjust spending for the rest of the year.
24. The plane overshot the designated landing zone and had to make an emergency landing elsewhere.
25. The movie's special effects overshot the mark and were criticized for seeming unrealistic.
26. The bowman overshot the castle wall and hit an innocent bystander instead.
27. The meteorologist overshot the projected storm track, causing unnecessary panic in the community.
28. The dancer overshot the final pose and had to adjust their position to match the choreography.
29. The chef overshot the seasoning on the dish and had to start over from scratch.
30. The architect overshot the building's height restrictions and had to revise the plans.

Common Phases

1. The rocket's speed overshoots its optimal trajectory; causing it to drift off course.
2. The stock market overshoots investor expectations; resulting in a sudden drop in value.
3. The airplane overshoots the runway during landing; causing the pilots to abort the landing and try again.
4. The car overshoots the turn on the road; causing the driver to lose control and crash.
5. The athlete overshoots the finish line; resulting in a disqualification from the race.
6. The artist overshoots the desired color tone; resulting in a painting that looks too bright or too dark.
7. The company overshoots its budget for the quarter; causing it to cut back on expenses and reconsider its financial goals.

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