Overweightedness example sentences

Related (7): obesity, adiposity, corpulence, overweight, plumpness, chubbiness, heaviness.

"Overweightedness" Example Sentences

1. Overweightedness can lead to health complications such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
2. The prevalence of overweightedness among children is increasing globally.
3. Hereditary factors may contribute to the development of overweightedness.
4. Overweightedness is a result of an imbalance between calorie intake and physical activity.
5. Overweightedness may affect an individual's mental health and self-esteem.
6. A sedentary lifestyle is a major risk factor for overweightedness.
7. Overweightedness can increase the risk of certain types of cancer.
8. Limited access to healthy food options can contribute to overweightedness.
9. Overweightedness can be managed through a combination of diet and exercise.
10. Overweightedness can cause joint pain and damage.
11. Poor sleep habits may contribute to overweightedness.
12. Certain medications can cause overweightedness as a side effect.
13. Overweightedness is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors.
14. Overweightedness can be a struggle for many individuals who face social stigmatization and discrimination.
15. Public health initiatives are needed to address the issue of overweightedness on a national level.
16. Overweightedness can lead to premature death and reduced life expectancy.
17. Regular physical activity can help prevent overweightedness and improve overall health.
18. Overweightedness can lead to reproductive health complications in women.
19. Body mass index (BMI) is often used as a tool to measure overweightedness.
20. Overweightedness is often associated with low socioeconomic status.
21. Negative body image can contribute to the development and perpetuation of overweightedness.
22. Early intervention is crucial in the prevention and management of overweightedness.
23. The food industry plays a role in the development and continuation of overweightedness.
24. Certain medical conditions may contribute to overweightedness, such as hypothyroidism.
25. Overweightedness can lead to mobility issues and increased risk of falls.
26. Psychological factors, such as stress and trauma, can contribute to overweightedness.
27. Weight loss surgery may be an option for individuals with severe overweightedness.
28. Overweightedness can result in increased healthcare costs and utilization.
29. Increased awareness and education can help prevent overweightedness in future generations.
30. Overweightedness is a multifaceted issue that requires a comprehensive approach to solutions.

Common Phases

1. His lack of exercise has contributed to his overweightedness;
2. She has been struggling with overweightedness for years now;
3. His sedentary lifestyle has resulted in overweightedness;
4. The fast food industry is partially to blame for the nation's overweightedness;
5. Her hormonal imbalance is causing her overweightedness;
6. The doctor told him that his overweightedness is putting him at risk for heart disease;
7. He is making changes to his diet and exercise routine to combat his overweightedness;
8. The cultural obsession with thinness often leads to feelings of shame and guilt for those struggling with overweightedness;
9. She is constantly made to feel self-conscious because of her overweightedness;
10. His overweightedness has caused him to feel depressed and insecure about his appearance.

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