Oxenstierna example sentences

Related (11): Axel, Oxenstierna, Gustav, Sweden, Chancellor, Johan, Riksdag, Treaty, Peace, Statesman, Diplomat

"Oxenstierna" Example Sentences

1. Oxenstierna was a Swedish statesman who served as Lord High Chancellor of Sweden from 1612 to 1654.
2. He was a pivotal figure of the Swedish Empire, and its rise as a great power, and of the Thirty Years' War.
3. Oxenstierna was a key figure in Swedish politics for decades, and was one of the most influential statesmen in European history.
4. Oxenstierna was a member of the high nobility and his family had long been in the service of the Swedish monarchy.
5. Oxenstierna was a skilled diplomat and politician, and was highly respected by the other European powers.
6. Oxenstierna was a major proponent of Swedish neutrality in foreign affairs, and sought to maintain a balance of power in Europe.
7. Oxenstierna was also an important figure in the development of the Swedish constitution, and was responsible for the establishment of the Swedish parliament.
8. Oxenstierna was a patron of the arts and sciences, and was a major benefactor of the Swedish Academy of Sciences.
9. Oxenstierna was a major figure in the history of Sweden, and his legacy lives on in the country's political and cultural life.
10. Oxenstierna was a leading figure in the Swedish Age of Greatness, and is remembered as one of the most important figures of the era.
11. Oxenstierna's diplomatic skills were instrumental in maintaining the peace in Europe during the Thirty Years' War.
12. Oxenstierna's reforms helped to modernize Sweden, and his efforts laid the foundations for the nation's future prosperity.
13. Oxenstierna's legacy is still evident in the Swedish political system, which is based on his principles of constitutional monarchy.
14. Oxenstierna was a major figure in the development of the Swedish language, and is credited with the introduction of the modern Swedish alphabet.
15. Oxenstierna was a major figure in the Swedish Enlightenment, and is remembered for his contributions to the advancement of science and learning.
16. Oxenstierna's influence on Swedish culture is still felt today, and his name is associated with many of the nation's most important institutions.
17. Oxenstierna's vision of a strong and prosperous Sweden was realized during his lifetime, and his legacy is still evident in the nation's political and cultural life.
18. Oxenstierna was an important figure in the history of the Swedish Empire, and his legacy is still remembered in the country today.
19. Oxenstierna was a major contributor to the development of the Swedish legal system, and his reforms are still in place today.
20. Oxenstierna was a major figure in the cultural life of Sweden, and his influence can still be seen in the nation's literature, art, and music.

Common Phases

Formidable statesman; Favourite of Gustavus Adolphus; Chancellor of Sweden; Architect of the Thirty Years' War; Father of Swedish absolutism; Restorer of Swedish independence; Leader of the Swedish Empire.

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