Pacification example sentences

Related (5): calming, appeasement, truce, reconciliation, pacifism

"Pacification" Example Sentences

1. The government claimed that military victory would lead to pacification of the region.
2. After decades of war and conflict, pacification was finally within reach.
3. Counterinsurgency efforts focused on winning hearts and minds to achieve pacification.
4. The policy of appeasement failed to bring about lasting pacification.
5. Violent suppression only breeds further resentment and stands in the way of ultimate pacification.
6. Development and relief programs may help establish conditions for eventual pacification.
7. Troop surges can provide temporary pacification, but long-term stability requires political solutions.
8. The grant of amnesty was an effort to promote pacification and reconciliation.
9. Economic opportunities and development aid can aid pacification once initial safety and security have been established.
10. Pacifist efforts at negotiation and compromise are often the only route to lasting pacification.
11. The government's policy of zero tolerance resulted in superficial pacification through fear and coercion.
12. Justice and accountability must accompany pacification efforts to avoid resentment festering under the surface.
13. The community outreach program aimed at pacification of ethnic tensions in the region.
14. Pacification was achieved only temporarily through armed suppression of protests and dissidents.
15. Pacification promised by authoritarian regimes tends to be shallow and fragile.
16. The army's mission was to establish initial control and pacification of the territories.
17. The violence of occupation and war only delayed true pacification and reconciliation.
18. Political compromises will likely be needed for ultimatepacification of competing demands.
19. Pacification through military occupation alone is unlikely to succeed in the long term.
20. The protectorate system represented an attempt at pacification and political stabilization.
21. Pacification was never fully achieved due to deep-rooted economic and social injustice.
22. Incentives for disarmament may help promote greater pacification and stability.
23. Despite decades of conflict, the hope for eventual pacification still remained.
24. The mission of pacification and stabilization faced many challenges and setbacks.
25. International peacekeepers were deployed to aid the government's efforts at pacification.
26. Promises of reform and justice are often crucial to winning legitimacy and achieving pacification.
27. Pacification was ultimately possible only through concessions to the demands of protestors.
28. Economic development stands the greatest chance of bringing lasting pacification.
29. The offer of autonomy helped pave the way for eventual pacification and resolution of the conflict.
30. Genocidal tactics offer the illusion of pacification while sowing the seeds for future conflict.
31. The attempt at pacification through overwhelming force eventually gave way to diplomacy.
32. Pacification was only achieved through a generation of compromise and reconciliation.
33. Human rights abuses only breed resentment and undermine efforts at pacification.
34. Pacification was ultimately possible only through a just and fair settlement for all sides.
35. Nonviolent resistance movements may offer the most promising path to pacification and reform.
36. The no-fly zone helped establish conditions for later pacification efforts on the ground.
37. Pacification was fleeting and soon gave way to even greater conflict.
38. Pacification relies not just on security and control, but also legitimacy and justice.
39. Pacification efforts must address underlying grievances rather than just symptoms.
40. The declaration of martial law failed to bring about lasting pacification.
41. Pacification through violence tends to be temporary and superficial.
42. Diplomatic initiatives were necessary to supplement pacification efforts on the ground.
43. Economic inequality stands as an obstacle to ultimate pacification and resolution.
44. Pacification was never truly achieved as long as large portions of the population remained disenfranchised.
45. Pacification requires political will on all sides for compromise and reconciliation.
46. Pacification was ultimately achieved through negotiations resulting in a power-sharing agreement.
47. The offer of forgiveness and reconciliation did more to promote pacification than violent suppression ever could.
48. Pacification was only lasting once root causes of the conflict were meaningfully addressed.
49. Pacification depends less on force and control, and more on goodwill and legitimacy.
50. Pacification can only be lasting if all groups feel that a just and fair settlement has been achieved.
51. Pacification requires a combination of security, development, governance and reconciliation efforts.
52. Pacification was only possible once protesters' demands for reform were met.
53. Pacification through violence only breeds more violence in response.
54. The amnesty program helped achieve pacification by offering an alternative to protracted violence.
55. Pacification can offer a chance for reconciliation and building trust between former enemies.
56. Pacification through force of arms proved an illusion as protests and violence soon resumed.
57. Pacification was only achieved after hard truths were faced and injustices openly confronted.
58. Pacification depends not just on security, but also justice, reconciliation and reform.
59. Pacification is not guaranteed, but must be earned through meaningful change and compromise.
60. True pacification cannot be imposed by an outside power, but must come from within.

Common Phases

1. Pacification efforts
2. Attempts at pacification
3. Lasting/durable pacification
4. Ultimate pacification
5. Means of pacification
6. Pacification through...(force, diplomacy, concessions, etc.)
7. Achieving/gaining pacification
8. Temporary/superficial pacification
9. Military pacification
10. Path to pacification
11. Conditional for pacification
12. Promote/foster pacification
13. Causes of non-pacification
14. Challenges to pacification
15. Impede/undermine pacification

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