"Pacify" Example Sentences
1. They pacified the crying child with a lollipop.
2. The ambassador tried to pacify the angry protesters.
3. The manager pacified the irate customer with an apology and free gift voucher.
4. Offering a sincere apology pacified the offended guest.
5. After pacifying the rioters, the police stood down.
6. The negotiator attempted to pacify the hostage takers.
7. The soldier's letter home pacified his worried parents.
8. The dictator pacified the dissenting rebels through intimidation and violence.
9. The nanny tried to pacify the fussy baby by rocking and singing to him.
10. The mother pacified her toddler with hugs and kisses.
11. The dog's owner pacified her by giving her a treat.
12. The dispute was finally pacified through lengthy negotiations.
13. Their demands were pacified with promises of future concessions.
14. The storm soon pacified into light drizzle.
15. The medicine finally pacified his stomach ache.
16. The calming words temporarily pacified the mob's anger.
17. The threats pacified the men into submission.
18. Flowers and chocolates pacified his angry wife.
19. The bribe pacified the official into granting the permit.
20. The sounds of the ocean pacified her frazzled nerves.
21. Her anxiety was only pacified with medication.
22. The doctor pacified the patient's pain with morphine.
23. The ocean breeze soon pacified the stormy waves.
24. He pacified her concerns with reassurances.
25. Their complaints were finally pacified through compensation.
26. His ranting mother was finally pacified when her son came to visit.
27. Giving in to their demands pacified the strikers.
28. The stern reprimand pacified the misbehaving students.
29. Her tears were pacified by her father's embrace.
30. His anger was finally pacified through meditation and yoga.
31. The nurse tried to pacify the screaming infant.
32. Ceding to their wishes pacified the angry mob.
33. The increase in wages finally pacified the disgruntled workers.
34. Flowery words pacified the savage beast.
35. The lawyer tried to pacify his irate client.
36. Giving her the promotion finally pacified the jealous colleague.
37. The cajoling and pleading finally pacified his rage.
38. The silence of the forest pacified his restless spirit.
39. The warm bath pacified her fractious toddler.
40. The stern lecture finally pacified the misbehaving teen.
41. He pacified the hysterical woman with a soothing voice.
42. The cat's purrs pacified the upset baby.
43. The tantrum was finally pacified with a time out.
44. The hot meal finally pacified his hunger.
45. Obeying orders finally pacified the insurgents.
46. His sarcastic words only served to pacify her anger further.
47. Soothing music pacified her nerves after the long day.
48. Giving in to her demands finally pacified the shrill nagging.
49. Concessions finally pacified the warring factions.
50. A stiff drink pacified his frazzled nerves after a stressful day at work.
Common Phases
pacify someone's anger/fears/concerns - Attempt to calm or soothe someone's negative emotions.
E.g. She tried to
pacify his anger with an apology.
pacify someone with something - Calm or appease someone by giving or doing something.
E.g. They pacified the protesters with promises of reform.
pacify into/to - Become calm or appeased.
E.g. The storm finally pacified into a light rain.
pacify into submission - Force someone into compliance by calming or appeasing them.
E.g. The threats pacified the prisoners into submission.
cede/give into demands to
pacify - Satisfying someone's demands or requests in order to calm them.
E.g. The company ceded to the workers' demands in order to
pacify the strike.
pacify through/by - Calm or soothe through a certain means.
E.g. He was only pacified through the use of medication.
pacify - Provide short-term relief or appeasement.
E.g. Flowers temporarily pacified her anger.
pacify savage/frenzied/hysterical - Calm someone who is extremely upset or unrestrained with their emotions.
E.g. The teacher pacified the hysterical student.
Hopefully these examples and phrases help provide more context for how "
pacify" is commonly used! Let me know if you have any other questions.