Palaver example sentences
Related (13): talk, discussion, conversation, negotiation, debate, chatter, gossip, rumor, hearsay, exchange, discourse, dialogue, communication.
"Palaver" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. After much palaver, we finally reached an agreement.
2. Let's skip the needless palaver and get down to business.
3. The meeting turned into a pointless palaver with no decisions being made.
4. The endless palaver was giving me a headache.
5. The politicians engaged in hours of palaver but failed to reach a compromise.
6. I grew tired of their constant palaver and left.
7. We spent an hour in palaver but failed to resolve the issue.
8. I did not have time for such palaver, I simply stated my position.
9. The committee descended into futile palaver rather than productive discussion.
10. There was much palaver, but in the end, common sense prevailed.
11. The talk soon descended into meaningless palaver.
12. I tuned out their palaver and daydreamed instead.
13. He engaged in palaver to divert attention from the issue at hand.
14. After hours of pointless palaver, they finally came to an agreement.
15. Needless palaver is a waste of everyone's time.
16. The meeting turned into useless palaver that accomplished nothing.
17. Their endless palaver was giving me a headache.
18. Let's dispense with the palaver and get straight to the point.
19. She grew weary of their incessant palaver.
20. We engaged in much palaver before coming to a compromise.
21. The meeting quickly turned into futile palaver.
22. He attempted to avoid the issue through endless palaver.
23. The palaver continued late into the night.
24. The ambassadors engaged in hours of diplomatic palaver.
25. I avoided the palaver by emailing my position in writing.
26. The committee descended into needless palaver rather than productive discussion.
27. I tuned out their meaningless palaver.
28. The endless palaver finally came to an end.
29. The politicians wasted time in pointless palaver instead of taking action.
30. His eloquent palaver obscured the truth of the matter.
31. There was much palaver but little progress.
32. After hours of palaver, we finally reached an agreement.
33. Needless palaver wastes everyone's time.
34. She grew tired of his endless palaver.
35. The meeting quickly turned into needless palaver.
36. I wasted hours listening to their futile palaver.
37. The ambassadors engaged in diplomatic palaver for hours.
38. The politicians engaged in pointless palaver but reached no consensus.
39. Their palaver only served to confuse the issue.
40. The committee descended into endless palaver rather than productive discussion.
41. Endless palaver obscures the truth.
42. The meeting soon descended into useless palaver.
43. His palaver only served to confuse the true facts of the matter.
44. Let's skip the palaver and get straight to the point.
45. The meeting quickly turned into meaningless palaver that accomplished nothing.
46. There was much palaver but little progress was made.
47. After hours of political palaver, compromise was finally reached.
48. His endless palaver only served to obfuscate the issue.
49. They engaged in political palaver for hours but reached no consensus.
50. Let's avoid pointless palaver and reach a workable agreement.
51. There was much diplomatic palaver but little substantive progress.
52. The meeting quickly descended into futile palaver.
53. The ambassadors engaged in hours of diplomatic palaver but little agreement was reached.
54. His palaver obscured the true facts of the matter.
55. The politicians wasted time in pointless palaver instead of reaching agreement.
56. The meeting descended into needless palaver rather than productive discussion.
57. They engaged in endless palaver that accomplished nothing.
58. There was much palaver but little progress was made.
59. Needless palaver wastes everyone's time.
60. Let's skip the palaver and get straight to the point.