Palpacion example sentences

"Palpacion" Example Sentences

1. Palpacion is an important technique used by doctors to diagnose various medical conditions.
2. The veterinarian performed a thorough palpacion on the injured dog.
3. The nurse conducted a palpacion of the patient's abdomen to check for any abnormalities.
4. During the sports physical, the doctor used palpacion to assess the athlete's muscle strength.
5. The chiropractor used palpacion to locate and alleviate the patient's back pain.
6. Palpacion is often used by massage therapists to identify areas of tension in the body.
7. The doctor used palpacion to determine if the patient's lymph nodes were enlarged.
8. The physical therapist conducted a palpacion of the patient's knee to assess the extent of the injury.
9. The dentist used palpacion to examine the patient's jaw for any signs of TMJ disorder.
10. The midwife used palpacion to check the position of the baby during the prenatal visit.
11. The oncologist performed a palpacion of the patient's breast to identify any lumps or abnormalities.
12. During the gynecological exam, the doctor used palpacion to check for any ovarian cysts.
13. Palpacion can also be used by individuals to check for any unusual lumps or bumps on their own bodies.
14. The physical therapist used palpacion to identify the trigger points causing the patient's headaches.
15. During the dental exam, the dentist used palpacion to check for any swelling or tenderness in the patient's gums.
16. The dermatologist used palpacion to examine the patient's skin for any suspicious moles or lesions.
17. The chiropractor used palpacion to determine the exact location of the patient's spinal misalignment.
18. The doctor used palpacion to assess the patient's pulse and heart rate.
19. Palpacion helps therapists feel for muscle imbalances or other issues that may be causing pain or discomfort.
20. The neurologist used palpacion to check for any abnormal reflexes in the patient.
21. The physical therapist used palpacion to identify areas of restriction in the patient's range of motion.
22. The nurse performed a palpacion of the patient's chest to assess for any respiratory issues.
23. Palpacion can be used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools to provide a more accurate diagnosis.
24. The chiropractor used palpacion to detect any restrictions in the patient's fascia.
25. During the physical exam, the doctor used palpacion to check for any masses or tumors in the patient's abdomen.
26. The massage therapist used palpacion to locate and release tension in the patient's neck and shoulders.
27. Palpacion is a non-invasive technique that can be used to identify a wide range of medical conditions.
28. During the eye exam, the optometrist used palpacion to assess the pressure within the patient's eyes.
29. The podiatrist used palpacion to detect any tender areas or bony prominences in the patient's foot.
30. The physical therapist used palpacion to locate the source of the patient's pain and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Common Phases

Palpación de la zona afectada; Palpación del pulso; Palpación de los ganglios linfáticos; Palpación del abdomen; Palpación de la columna vertebral.

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