Palpi example sentences

Related (5): tarsi, mandibles, maxillae, antennae, chelicerae.

"Palpi" Example Sentences

1. The spider uses its palpi to sense its prey.
2. The male mosquito's palpi differ from the female's.
3. My palpi quivered in fear as I approached the venomous snake.
4. The butterfly's palpi are relatively small compared to other insects.
5. The beetle's palpi are used to taste its food before eating it.
6. The tick's palpi help it to attach to its host.
7. The spider monkey's palpi are quite dexterous and useful for gathering food.
8. The dragonfly's palpi are used for catching flying insects in midair.
9. The cricket's palpi are used in mating rituals to attract a mate.
10. The roach's palpi are used to locate food and sense danger.
11. The moth used its palpi to explore its surroundings.
12. The ant's palpi help it to detect pheromones left by its fellow ants.
13. The grasshopper's palpi help it to chew and swallow its food.
14. The bee's palpi are used to help it gather nectar and pollen.
15. The snail's palpi help it to locate food and sense danger.
16. The fly's palpi are used to taste its food before consuming it.
17. The termite's palpi help it to communicate with other termites in the colony.
18. The caterpillar's palpi are used to navigate its environment and find food.
19. The lobster's palpi are used to capture prey and bring it to its mouth.
20. The housefly's palpi are covered in tiny hairs that help it to sense its surroundings.
21. The scorpion's palpi are used to capture and crush its prey.
22. The squid's palpi are used to move food towards its beak for consumption.
23. The octopus uses its palpi to manipulate objects in its environment.
24. The mosquito uses its palpi to detect carbon dioxide in the air, helping it to find hosts more easily.
25. The grass spider's palpi are longer than its legs and are used to manipulate its prey.
26. The chameleon uses its palpi to sense the texture and temperature of objects in its environment.
27. The centipede's palpi are used to catch and sense its prey.
28. The crab's palpi are used to manipulate food and to defend itself.
29. The snail's palpi are retractable and can be pulled inside its shell for protection.
30. The sea anemone's palpi are used to catch prey and bring it to its mouth.

Common Phases

1. The insect's palpi were waving in the air;
2. The spider used its palpi to touch and taste its prey;
3. The butterfly's palpi were curled up on its proboscis;
4. The bat's palpi helped it navigate through the dark;
5. The mollusk extended its palpi to detect food in the water;
6. The crustacean's palpi were covered in tiny sensory hairs;
7. The moth used its palpi to sense pheromones in the air.

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