Pandithindi example sentences

Related (10): Kannada, Astrology, Horoscope, Panchangam, Jyotish, Kundali, Puja, Mantra, Yantra, Tantra

"Pandithindi" Example Sentences

1. The pandithindi is a traditional musical instrument used in carnatic music.
2. Learning to play the pandithindi requires rigorous practice and dedication.
3. The melodious sound of the pandithindi mesmerized the audience.
4. The pandithindi player captivated the audience with his skillful playing.
5. The pandithindi is a type of lute with frets and metal strings.
6. The pandithindi is played with a plectrum and produces a unique sound.
7. The pandithindi is an integral part of Indian classical music.
8. The pandithindi player used various techniques to create different sounds on the instrument.
9. The pandithindi has a rich history dating back to ancient times.
10. The pandithindi is made from high-quality wood and other materials.
11. The pandithindi player was praised for his mastery of the instrument.
12. The pandithindi can be played solo or as part of an ensemble.
13. The pandithindi player tuned the instrument carefully before beginning to play.
14. The pandithindi is a challenging instrument to learn due to its complex structure.
15. The pandithindi is also known as the veena in some parts of South India.
16. The pandithindi player demonstrated his virtuosity by performing intricate melodies effortlessly.
17. The pandithindi is used in various cultural events and celebrations in India.
18. The pandithindi requires a sensitive touch and a deep understanding of music theory.
19. The pandithindi can be played in different octaves to produce a range of sounds.
20. The pandithindi has a unique shape that sets it apart from other stringed instruments.
21. The pandithindi player received a standing ovation for his performance at the music festival.
22. The pandithindi is a popular instrument among classical music enthusiasts in South India.
23. The pandithindi is also used in devotional music and religious ceremonies.
24. The pandithindi can be played with different degrees of intensity to create a range of dynamics.
25. The pandithindi player used ornamentation to enhance the beauty of the melodies played on the instrument.
26. The pandithindi is an important component of the musical curriculum taught in music schools.
27. The pandithindi has undergone several modifications over the centuries to improve its sound and playability.
28. The pandithindi player demonstrated his versatility by playing both classical and folk music on the instrument.
29. The pandithindi produces a warm and resonant sound that evokes a range of emotions.
30. The pandithindi is a beloved instrument that holds a special place in Indian musical culture.

Common Phases

1. Pandithindi ninne mattu iddane benki
2. Pandithindi kelasa kottiralilla
3. Pandithindi avara manege hoguva gala?
4. Pandithindi nimge yavdunna kelasa illa
5. Pandithindi ivanu kelsa adakka jobless iddane
6. Pandithindi ivarige taala illa
7. Pandithindi banni naanu nimma baari ge
8. Pandithindi ivare naana kendde hogi
9. Pandithindi ivanu ondu sethinalli hotte kelsa madtare
10. Pandithindi ivanige vishe iddare adanna madaballi.

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