Pangrammatic example sentences

Related (9): alphabet, letters, sentence, writing, language, typography, puzzle, linguistics, keyboard

"Pangrammatic" Example Sentences

1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, forming a pangrammatic sentence.
2. The pangrammatic alphabet contains all the letters of the English language.
3. She uses pangrammatic phrases in her crossword puzzles to challenge the players.
4. John attempted to create a pangrammatic sentence, but he was missing the letter "q".
5. The pangrammatic poem had a beautifully balanced rhythm.
6. The newspaper headline was a pangrammatic phrase that caught everyone's attention.
7. The cryptologist deciphered the secret message using a pangrammatic code.
8. The creative writing teacher assigned a pangrammatic exercise to her students.
9. The Scrabble player was able to create a pangrammatic word with the letters in her rack.
10. The linguist studied the origins and uses of pangrammatic sentences across various languages.
11. The journalist impressed her editors by writing a pangrammatic editorial on a deadline.
12. The word search puzzle included a pangrammatic list of words to find.
13. The instructor challenged his students to write a pangrammatic story in fewer than 100 words.
14. The designer used a pangrammatic phrase to test the layout and typography of the brochure.
15. The Scrabble player was elated to use the pangrammatic word "quixotic" for a triple word score.
16. The font designer showed how the typeface could fit all the letters in a pangrammatic sentence.
17. The pangrammatic phrase "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is often used as a typing exercise.
18. The novelist wrote a pangrammatic chapter in her book to illustrate her protagonist's wit.
19. The linguist discovered a pangrammatic sentence in an ancient manuscript written in a long-extinct language.
20. The crossword puzzle had a pangrammatic grid with every letter of the alphabet represented.
21. The copywriter was proud of his pangrammatic slogan that captured the brand's identity.
22. The speaker used a pangrammatic phrase to start his presentation and grab the audience's attention.
23. The anagram solver program can generate pangrammatic words from a jumbled set of letters.
24. The novelist wrote a pangrammatic sentence to describe the scene and engage the reader's imagination.
25. The speech therapist used pangrammatic exercises to help her patient overcome a speech impediment.
26. The calligrapher demonstrated how to write a pangrammatic phrase in beautiful script.
27. The music teacher composed a pangrammatic song to teach her students the alphabet.
28. The poet challenged herself to write a pangrammatic poem that rhymed and had a clear message.
29. The linguist explained how pangrammatic sentences can reveal the unique linguistic features of a language.
30. The game designer included a pangrammatic riddle that required players to solve a puzzle using every letter of the alphabet.

Common Phases

1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog;
2. Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs;
3. How vexingly quick daft zebras jump;
4. Waltz, bad nymph, for quick jigs vex;
5. Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz;
6. The five boxing wizards jump quickly;
7. Jaded zombies acted quaintly but kept driving their oxen forward.

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