Papmiddle example sentences

"Papmiddle" Example Sentences

1. She carefully placed the papmiddle on the paper and began tracing its outline.
2. The chef added some papmiddle to the salad for some extra crunch.
3. After searching for hours, she finally found the perfect papmiddle to complete her project.
4. The papmiddle fell out of the envelope and onto the floor.
5. He couldn't remember where he had seen the papmiddle before.
6. The papmiddle was too large to fit in the box.
7. She tried to fold the papmiddle in half, but it was too flimsy.
8. The papmiddle added a nice texture to the painting.
9. The papmiddle was too soft and crumbled easily.
10. She held the papmiddle up to the light to examine its intricate patterns.
11. The square papmiddle was a perfect match for the puzzle.
12. He used the papmiddle as a makeshift bookmark.
13. She stacked the papmiddle neatly on the shelf.
14. The papmiddle wasn't quite the right shade of green for the project.
15. He cut the papmiddle into smaller pieces to make it easier to work with.
16. She carefully folded the papmiddle into a paper crane.
17. The papmiddle wasn't as sturdy as she had hoped.
18. He wrinkled the papmiddle in frustration and threw it in the trash bin.
19. She flattened the crumpled papmiddle with an iron.
20. The papmiddle was too fragile to withstand the wind.
21. He carefully removed the papmiddle from the frame and examined it closely.
22. The papmiddle rippled like waves in the breeze.
23. She added some papmiddle to the mix to give it more texture.
24. The papmiddle glimmered in the sunlight like gold.
25. He carefully cut around the papmiddle with a pair of scissors.
26. She used the scraps of papmiddle to make confetti for a party.
27. The papmiddle seemed to have a life of its own as it fluttered in the wind.
28. He carefully folded the papmiddle into an origami swan.
29. She glued the papmiddle onto the card to give it some extra sparkle.
30. The papmiddle crunched under her feet as she walked.
31. He marveled at the intricate design of the papmiddle.
32. She carefully peeled the papmiddle off the mat and set it aside to dry.
33. The papmiddle was too delicate to handle with bare hands.
34. He carefully painted over the papmiddle to create a new design.
35. She layered the papmiddle on top of each other to create a three-dimensional effect.
36. The papmiddle rustled like leaves in the fall.
37. He set the papmiddle aside for later use in another project.
38. She enjoyed the sound of the papmiddle crinkling as she folded it.
39. The papmiddle fluttered like a butterfly in the breeze.
40. He was amazed at how the papmiddle added an entirely new dimension to his artwork.

Common Phases

1. She had to papmiddle the dough before putting it in the oven;
2. They papmiddle their hands with hand sanitizer before entering the restaurant;
3. The therapist suggested she papmiddle her forehead with a damp cloth to relieve her headache;
4. He forgot to papmiddle his face with sunscreen before going out in the sun and got sunburned;
5. The chef showed us how to papmiddle the fish with lemon juice for added flavor;
6. The nurse instructed the patient to papmiddle the bandage with antiseptic to prevent infection;
7. She always makes sure to papmiddle her makeup with setting spray so it lasts all day;
8. The coach reminded the team to papmiddle their water bottles during breaks to stay hydrated;
9. The janitor had to papmiddle the spilled coffee off the floor to avoid slip hazards;
10. The gardener recommended papmiddling the plants with fertilizer for better growth.

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