Paralysised example sentences

Related (4): paralyzed, paralysis, paralyzing, paralyzes



paralysed (adjective) · paralyzed (adjective)

  - (of a person or part of the body) partly or wholly incapable of movement:



paralyzed (past tense) · paralyzed (past participle)

  - cause (a person or part of the body) to become partly or wholly incapable of movement:

  - render (someone) unable to think or act normally, especially through panic or fear:

  - bring (a system, place, or organization) to a standstill by causing disruption or chaos:


incapacitated, immobilized, powerless, paraplegic, quadriplegic, tetraplegic, monoplegic, hemiplegic, paretic, paraparetic, palsied, incapacitated, immobilized, powerless, paraplegic, quadriplegic, tetraplegic, monoplegic, hemiplegic, paretic, paraparetic, palsied, disable, immobilize, incapacitate, debilitate, numb, deaden, benumb, dull, obtund, torpefy, immobilize, transfix, freeze, stun, petrify, immobilize, halt, stop, freeze, cripple, disable, deactivate, disenable

"Paralysised" Example Sentences

1. The fear of failure had paralysised his ability to take risks.
2. The venom of the snake had quickly paralysised its prey.
3. The thought of speaking in front of a large audience had paralysised her.
4. The stroke had paralysised half of her body.
5. The muscles in his leg had paralysised due to the injury.
6. The growing debt had paralysised the company's financial stability.
7. The fear of flying had paralysised her desire to travel.
8. The shock of the news had completely paralysised him.
9. The medication had accidentally paralysised her vocal cords.
10. The anxiety had paralysised her ability to make decisions.
11. The fear of heights had paralysised his legs, making him unable to move.
12. The sudden trauma had temporarily paralysised her nervous system.
13. The spinal injury had paralysised him from the waist down.
14. The extreme cold had paralysised his fingers.
15. The guilt had paralysised her from seeking help.
16. The night terrors had paralysised him with fear.
17. The fear of water had paralysised him, preventing him from learning how to swim.
18. The shock had paralysised her body, leaving her unable to respond.
19. The medication had inadvertently paralysised his facial muscles.
20. The fear of failure had paralysised his dreams and ambitions.
21. The spider's venom had temporarily paralysised its prey.
22. The constant stress had paralysised her creativity.
23. The impact of the car accident had paralysised his entire body.
24. The trauma had paralysised her emotionally.
25. The mental illness had paralysised his ability to function in daily life.
26. The fear of rejection had paralysised his social life.
27. The disease had slowly paralysised his entire body.
28. The self-doubt had paralysised her ability to take action.
29. The fear of change had paralysised her ability to adapt.
30. The regret had paralysised her from moving forward.

Common Phases

1. The patient was completely paralysed from the waist down; he couldn't move his legs at all.
2. The fear had paralysed her; she was unable to make a decision.
3. The shock had paralysed him; he couldn't speak or move for several minutes.
4. The venom had quickly paralysed the snake's prey; it was unable to escape.
5. The thought of public speaking paralysed her with fear; she couldn't even stand up straight.
6. The accident had paralysed his arm; he couldn't lift it or use it at all.
7. The political climate had paralysed progress; no laws were being passed or policies implemented.
8. The intense cold had paralysed his fingers; he could no longer feel them or move them properly.
9. The chemical exposure had paralysed the worker; he had to be rushed to the hospital.
10. The stroke had paralysed her entire left side; she needed extensive rehabilitation to regain movement.

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