Pathway example sentences

Related (10): trail, route, passage, track, corridor, way, lane, walkway, avenue, thoroughfare

"Pathway" Example Sentences

1. The chemical pathway is crucial for this reaction to occur.
2. Scientists hope to develop new drugs by targeting specific pathways in cells.
3. Students walked along the stone pathway to class.
4 The brain's neural pathways are shaped by experience and learning.
5. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in the reward pathway in the brain.
6. The metabolic pathway for glucose breakdown is complex.
7. The bride walked down the flower-lined pathway to the altar.
8. Enzymes act as catalysts in biological pathways.
9. The signal transduction pathway triggers a cellular response.
10. The biochemical pathway shows how molecules are converted.
11. They walked through the winding forest pathway.
12. The biosynthesis pathway for amino acids requires many steps.
13. The pathway was overgrown with weeds.
14. New cells form through mitosis and follow the cell cycle pathway.
15. Scientists aim to find new treatments by understanding disease pathways.
16. Circulation gives blood access to all tissues via tiny blood pathways.
17. The absorption pathway carries nutrients into the bloodstream.
18. Exploring potential drug pathways is a job for pharmacologists.
19. The breath of spring flowers lined the country pathway.
20. Scientists mapped the metabolic pathways in cells.
21. Leaves covered the forest floor pathway.
22. The hormonal pathway regulates body functions.
23. Contractile vacuoles allow single-celled organisms to regulate their pathways.
24. Plants evolved various pathways to synthesize food.
25. Neuronal pathways transmit signals through the nervous system.
26. The transduction pathway carries a stimulus from receptor to effector.
27. The electron transport pathway generates energy for the cell.
28. The lymphatic system carries molecules through its branched pathways.
29. Learning strengthens neural pathways in the brain.
30. The kidney filters wastes from the bloodstream via its tubular pathways.
31. The built stone pathway led up the hill.
32. Lighting conditions affect photosynthetic pathways in plants.
33. Growth hormone triggers signaling pathways that promote cell division.
34. Tiny canals in the ear allow sound waves to stimulate sensory pathways.
35. Dendrites receive signals and pass them along neuronal pathways.
36. Nutrients must pass through metabolic pathways to fuel cellular functions.
37. People walked along nature's pathways through the garden.
38. Uptake pathways absorb nutrients into organelles.
39. Tissue organization follows developmental pathways.
40. Plants rely on photosynthesis as their primary metabolic pathway.
41. Cell surface receptors activate intracellular signaling pathways.
42. The catwalk served as a pathway between buildings.
43. Circadian rhythms follow genetic pathways.
44. Molecules move through transportation pathways within cells.
45. The physical pathway wound through beautiful scenery.
46. Cellular respiration utilizes several metabolic pathways.
47. Hormones interact with target cells via signaling pathways.
48. DNA transcription and RNA translation are essential pathways in protein synthesis.
49. Genes encode information for protein production through metabolic pathways.
50. Synaptic potentials travel down neuronal pathways.
51. The visual pathway begins in the eyes and ends in the brain.
52. Infection triggered an inflammatory pathway in the body.
53. Mitochondria carry out the citric acid cycle pathway.
54. Anatomical pathways allow for the movement of substances throughout the body.
55. Exercise strengthens neural pathways involved in motor skills.
56. Gene expression follows regulatory pathways.
57. The electron transport chain is an essential pathway in cellular respiration.
58. The kidney filters blood via glomerular pathways.
59. Linkages along the biochemical pathway depend on enzymes.
60. Learning new skills builds new neural pathways in the brain.

Common Phases

1. pathway to success
2. signaling pathway
3. metabolic pathway
4. signaling pathways
5. regulatory pathway
6. biochemical pathway
7. cellular pathway
8. biosynthetic pathway
9. synaptic pathway
10. biological pathway
11. neural pathway
12. degradation pathway
13. transport pathway
14. secretory pathway
15. autophagy pathway
16. endocytic pathway
17. exocytic pathway
18. electron transport pathway
19. biosynthetic pathways
20. central dogma pathway (central dogma refers to DNA to RNA to protein)

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