"Patrimony" Example Sentences
1. The monument is part of our national patrimony.
2. They aim to preserve the country's cultural patrimony for future generations.
3. The ancient ruins are an important part of our shared cultural patrimony.
4. The old church is a jewel in the architectural patrimony of the region.
5. The artifacts in the museum form part of our national patrimony.
6. Protecting our natural patrimony is crucial for sustainability.
7. The architectural patrimony of the city has deteriorated due to neglect.
8. The national park protects a diverse array of species within our natural patrimony.
9. The museum seeks to conserve and interpret our nation's cultural patrimony.
10. The festival celebrates different elements of our country's cultural patrimony.
11. The government passed legislation to protect the country's cultural patrimony.
12. The language is an important part of our cultural patrimony.
13. Traditional crafts represent an important aspect of our cultural patrimony.
14. The islands' biodiversity forms an important part of humanity's natural patrimony.
15. The government agency works to document and safeguard the nation's cultural patrimony.
16. The historic town square is an integral part of the region's architectural patrimony.
17. The old buildings form an important part of our shared architectural patrimony.
18. The foundation aims to protect humanity's shared natural and cultural patrimony.
19. The landmarks illustrate the rich architectural patrimony of the medieval period.
20. The institution seeks to preserve and interpret the historical and cultural patrimony of the nation.
21.The site forms an important part of our common cultural patrimony.
22. The region boasts a diverse natural patrimony of flora and fauna.
23. The cultural patrimony of minority groups must also be protected and promoted.
24. The old town represents an important aspect of the country's architectural patrimony.
25. The historic district protects a collection of buildings that illustrate the architectural patrimony of different eras.
26. The group aims to conserve the nation's rich cultural patrimony for future generations.
27. The buildings illustrate the diverse architectural patrimony of the colonial period.
28. The organization works to safeguard humanity's shared cultural patrimony.
29. The region has a rich natural patrimony of mountains, forests and wildlife.
30. The historic city center represents an important aspect of our nation's architectural patrimony.
31.The government placed restrictions on the trade of artifacts that form part of the nation's cultural patrimony.
32. The statue is an important part of our collective artistic patrimony.
33. The building exemplifies the rich architectural patrimony of its time.
34. Conserving intangible cultural expressions is essential to safeguarding a nation's patrimony.
35. The country boasts a rich architectural patrimony spanning different historical periods.
36. The cultural patrimony of indigenous groups must also be respected and protected.
37. The old town exhibits a wealth of architectural styles that illustrate the region's patrimony.
38. The center aims to promote awareness and appreciation of the nation's cultural patrimony.
39. The institution works to document, preserve and interpret the nation's diverse cultural patrimony.
40. The region has a rich natural and cultural patrimony that attracts many tourists.
41. Religion forms an important part of the country's cultural patrimony.
42. The university seeks to promote research and study of the nation's rich cultural patrimony.
43. They wanted to preserve the intellectual patrimony of the ancient Greeks for posterity.
44. The historic core epitomizes the architectural patrimony of the colonial era.
45. Natural wonders represent an important aspect of our shared natural patrimony.
46. The old neighborhoods epitomize the architectural patrimony of the city.
47. The song tradition forms part of the region's rich cultural patrimony.
48. The museum highlights the diverse natural and cultural patrimony of the nation.
49. The organization seeks to promote awareness and appreciation of the country's natural patrimony.
50. Landscapes of natural beauty form an integral part of our shared natural patrimony.
51. The park protects a collection of diverse ecosystems that represent the country's natural patrimony.
52. The institute aims to document and safeguard the nation's rich cultural and natural patrimony.
53. The linguistic patrimony of minority groups must also be promoted and protected.
54. The rivers flowing through the region form an integral part of its natural patrimony.
55. The government placed restrictions on the export of objects that form part of the country's cultural patrimony.
56. The forest represents an important part of our shared natural patrimony.
57. The collection illustrates the diverse cultural patrimony of the nation.
58. The buildings illustrate the rich architectural patrimony of the 19th century.
59. The museum works to promote appreciation and understanding of our country's diverse cultural patrimony.
60. The architectural patrimony of the region spans many historical periods.
Common Phases
1. The family estate was his
patrimony, handed down through the generations.
2. The ancestral farm has been in the family's
patrimony for over two centuries.
3. She inherited a valuable
patrimony of jewelry from her grandmother.
4. The prince's
patrimony included several castles and palaces.
Patrimony allows a connection to one's ancestors and history.
6. The heir inherited the entire
patrimony of the deceased.
7. The historic estate contained remarkable architectural features that constituted its
8. The lion's share of the personal
patrimony went to his eldest son.
9. As the firstborn son, the vast family
patrimony would ultimately be his.
10. The matriarch left instructions to divide the financial
patrimony equally among her children.
11. They hoped to preserve and build upon the cultural
patrimony passed down from their forefathers.
12. The historical
patrimony of ancient ruins was a draw for many tourists.
13. The property formed part of the family's rich
14. The financial
patrimony allowed him to lead a comfortable lifestyle.
15. Our humble
patrimony consisted of little more than love and traditions.
16. He squandered his entire
patrimony within a few years.
17. The paintings constituted an important part of the family's artistic
18. The princess's substantial dowry became part of the royal
19. The archaeological
patrimony of the Maya civilization remains largely unexplored.
20. Through meticulous conservation efforts, much of Mexico's rich cultural
patrimony survives today.
21. The royal
patrimony includes their network of palaces and castles.
22. The long history of the family business became part of its patrimonial legacy.
23. The family's French chateau was an integral part of their
24. The scholar devoted his life's work to preserving India's Sanskrit
25. The priceless artifacts formed part of the nation's cultural
26. The heir rejected his
patrimony of titles and estates.
27. Their
patrimony consists mainly of oral histories passed down through the generations.
28. The heir planned to use his vast
patrimony for charitable purposes.
29. She hopes one day to pass on her musical
patrimony to her own children.
30. Much of European
patrimony was lost during the two World Wars.
31. Their rich historical
patrimony traces its roots back to ancient Babylon.
32. The museum works to safeguard the nation's
patrimony for future generations.
33. The little cottage was part of his humble
34. Their intellectual
patrimony includes Plato and Aristotle.
35. The ancestral lands formed the majority of their
36. Her sizable
patrimony left her secure financially for life.
37. The oral traditions constitute an important part of their patrimonial legacy.
38. Knowledge forms a crucial part of humanity's intellectual
39. The lordship and estate were part of his landed
40. Their cultural
patrimony was largely passed down orally through storytelling.
41. The heir squandered his entire
patrimony within a year.
42. He received a sizeable
patrimony from his grandfather.
43. The film explored the enduring
patrimony of sacred groves in India.
44. The
patrimony included ancestral farmlands spanning several counties.
45. Her massive
patrimony made her one of the wealthiest women in the kingdom.
46. Their botanical
patrimony includes many rare and endangered plants.
47. Scholars work tirelessly to preserve India's Vedic
48. He spent his entire
patrimony on frivolous pursuits.
49. The royal jewels formed part of the
patrimony that passed to each new queen.
50. The
patrimony passed down from his forefathers included a title and castle estate.
51. His entire
patrimony was invested in high-risk ventures that eventually failed.
52. Our artistic
patrimony consists mainly of folktales and songs.
53. The treasury of classical music forms a vital part of our cultural
54. She inherited a small
patrimony from her grandmother.
55. The estate had been part of the family's
patrimony for centuries.
56. The land itself formed the core of their patrimonial legacy.
57. He married into an impressive aristocratic
58. Their botanical
patrimony includes numerous rare plants cultivars.
59. Their cultural
patrimony consists primarily of oral stories and customs.
60. The villas and vineyards constituted the majority of the noble family's