Pavemented example sentences

Related (8): asphalted, concreted, surfaced, tarred, cemented, flagged, bricked, paved

"Pavemented" Example Sentences

The word "pavemented" is not commonly used in English. It appears to be a misspelling of the word "paved". Instead, consider using sentences with the more common word "paved":
1. The driveway was freshly paved.
2. The brick pathways were newly paved.
3. The street was paved with asphalt.
4. The parking lot had recently been paved.
5. The new road was smoothly paved.
6. The alleyway had never been paved.
7. The walkway was unevenly paved with cobblestones.
8. The bike lane was poorly paved.
9. Potholes formed in the poorly paved road.
10. The courtyard was attractively paved with patterned pavers.
11. The stepping stones paved a path through the garden.
12. The worn road finally got paved.
13. The paving crews were working on the street.
14. The city was paving all the side streets this year.
15. The solar lights lined the newly paved walkway.
16. The bike trail had been newly paved.
17. The concrete had been freshly paved that morning.
18. We drove on the freshly paved county road.
19. Cracks formed soon after the road was paved.
20. The stones were artistically paved to form a pattern.

Common Phases

1. The streets were narrow and paved with uneven cobblestones.
2. The driveway up to the old mansion was long and paved with smooth concrete slabs.
3. The roads in the town were all newly paved and provided smooth travel.
4. The path through the old stone garden was paved with small pebbles artistically arranged.
5. The old Roman road that ran through the countryside was still partially visible, the stones that once paved it still protruding from the ground.
6. The pedestrian walkway was recently paved with red brick pavers creating a colorful pathway.
7. The patio outside the barbecue area was newly paved with flagstones giving it a rustic feel.
8. The country lane was roughly paved with bits of asphalt and gravel.
9. The small rural road was unpaved and dirt with potholes from recent rains.
10. They paved the road with new asphalt making driving far smoother.
11. The city workers were out laying new road pavement to smooth the bumpy streets.
12. The bicycle path running alongside the river was newly paved and marked for cyclists.
13. After years of neglect, the city finally repaved and rebuilt the main thoroughfare.
14. The original brick surface was paved over with concrete many years ago.
15. The village only had a few unpaved dirt roads winding between the farmhouses.
16. The parking lot outside the mall was newly reconstructed and repaved with asphalt.
17. They paved the path to the front door with flat stones to make it easier to navigate.
18. The once gravelly driveway was finally repaved allowing for much smoother access.
19. The old trail through the woods had done so much damage over the years that it needed to be completely repaved and regraded.
20. The front porch had been paved with new decorative slate tiles.
21. All of the school's outdoor courts and playgrounds needed to be repaved and refurbished.
22. They used newly quarried volcanic rock to pave the sidewalks.
23. The stone walkways that once paved the courtyard had become overgrown with weeds and cracked from tree roots.
24. The crew is out paving the new bike path through the park.
25. The once dusty dirt road finally got paved with asphalt last year.
26. The ground had been paved with interlocking concrete patio stones.
27. The builders paved over large patches of grass and greenery with concrete.
28. All of the roads around the university had recently been repaved.
29. The ancient Roman ruins were partially paved with original stones but were mostly covered in grass and weeds.
30. The hilly landscape was peppered with randomly paved winding roads.
31. We paved over the existing gravel surface with new concrete.
32. The parking lot needed a complete overhaul — it had to be torn up and repaved from scratch.
33. They paved the alleyway behind the buildings with durable concrete.
34. The yard was repaved with large flat stones to minimize lawn maintenance.
35. The bricks that once paved the laneway had become dislodged and uneven.
36. The space was paved with wood decking to create an outdoor living area.
37. The construction crew is out repaving the newly widened road.
38. The school's main courtyard was paved with large flagstone slabs.
39. The foundation crumbled away and the building had to be repaved and reinforced.
40. The walkway leading to the farmhouse hadn't been repaved in decades.
41. The old stone patio was repaved with new concrete slabs and gave the outdoor space a more modern feel.
42. The lane was repaved with tarmacadam to make it more durable.
43. The garden path had become overgrown so they repaved it using rectangular stone pavers.
44. The crew outside is repaving large sections of the street with new asphalt.
45. Most of the major streets had been repaved in recent years but smaller side roads were still patched together with gravel and dirt.
46. The old dirt lot was finally paved with blacktop to create more parking spaces.
47. The crew paved over the grass with concrete to create a large patio area.
48. They repaved the backyard in interlocking brick to create an outdoor recreation space.
49. The gravel lane leading to the farm was finally repaved with asphalt.
50. The cobblestone streets had become uneven and needed to be repaved.
51. We pavemented the playground area with recycled tires to create a shock-absorbing surface.
52. The back alley behind the shops had fallen into disrepair and needed to be completely repaved.
53. The trail to the mountain summit had severely eroded and needed to be repaved with durable materials.
54. They repavedmented the courtyard with patterned concrete pavers.
55. The path to the barn had fallen into such disrepair that it required being repaved.
56. The government finally decided to repave all the major roads in the city.
57. The foundation was crumbling so the entire structure had to be torn down and repaved.
58. They repaved the old walkway with interlocking porcelain paving stones.
59. The pathway was repavedmented with polished granite slabs.
60. The city recently repaved all the major highways leading in and out of town.

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