Pedestals example sentences

Related (9): statues, trophies, awards, idols, monuments, columns, plinths, platforms, bases

"Pedestals" Example Sentences

1. The ancient Greeks placed statues on marble pedestals in their temples.
2. The bronze statue of the goddess Athena stood tall on a pedestal in the center of the city square.
3. The museum curator carefully placed the fragile artifact on its designated pedestal in the exhibit.
4. One of the most famous works of art, Michelangelo's David, stands on a pedestal in the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence.
5. The famous actress felt like she was on a pedestal with all the attention she received from her adoring fans.
6. The military hero was placed on a pedestal by the government, given medals and honors for his bravery.
7. The pedestal fan blew cool air around the room on a hot summer day.
8. The sculptor spent months designing and crafting the perfect pedestal for his masterpiece.
9. The championship trophy was placed on a pedestal at the center of the football field for all to see.
10. The bride and groom stood on a raised pedestal for their wedding ceremony, surrounded by friends and family.
11. The artist placed his sculpture on a pedestal made of reclaimed wood, enhancing the rustic feel of the piece.
12. The wealthy businessman lived on a pedestal, always surrounded by luxury and attention.
13. The princess was adored and placed on a pedestal by her loyal subjects, who believed she could do no wrong.
14. The statue of a famous civil rights leader was erected on a new pedestal in the park, honoring his legacy and achievements.
15. The singer was placed on a pedestal by her record label, with fans clamoring for her next hit single.
16. The ancient ruins of a temple were discovered, with pillars and pedestals still standing after thousands of years.
17. The pedestal table was the centerpiece of the dining room, where the family gathered for meals and conversation.
18. The sculptor's new piece was too large for any existing pedestals, so he had to create a custom stand for the exhibit.
19. The museum staff carefully dusted and cleaned each pedestal holding valuable artifacts, protecting them for future generations to admire.
20. The athlete was placed on a pedestal of fame and fortune, with endorsements and sponsorships flooding in after his championship win.
21. The artist's latest work was controversial, with some critics calling it genius and others knocking it off its pedestal.
22. The company's CEO was placed on a pedestal of success, praised for his innovative leadership and business savvy.
23. The designer created a line of luxury accessories that placed her on a pedestal in the fashion world, with A-list celebrities clamoring for her designs.
24. The city erected a statue of its founding father on a pedestal in the town square, commemorating his influence and legacy.
25. The general stood on a pedestal of authority, with soldiers following his every order without question.
26. The beauty queen was placed on a pedestal of charm and grace, representing her country at international pageants.
27. The architect designed the building with towering columns and pedestals, adding a majestic and grandeur to the structure.
28. The scholar was placed on a pedestal of expertise and knowledge, writing books and articles that shaped the field of study.
29. The naturalist discovered a new species of insect, placing her on a pedestal of scientific discovery and innovation.
30. The actress refused to be placed on a pedestal by her fans, insisting she was just an ordinary person who happened to be famous.

Common Phases

1. The statue stood atop its pedestal; a symbol of strength and power.
2. She placed the vase carefully on the pedestal; afraid to knock it over.
3. The basketball players towered over the crowd from their pedestals; heroes of the game.
4. The artist contemplated the final placement of her sculpture on the pedestal; ensuring it was in the perfect spot.
5. The trophy shone brightly on its pedestal; a testament to the team's hard work and dedication.
6. The ancient ruins loomed on their pedestals; relics of a long-gone civilization.
7. The singer addressed the adoring crowd from her pedestal; her voice carrying across the stadium.
8. The city installed new streetlights on the pedestals; illuminating the dark alleyways.
9. The cake sat proudly on its pedestal; a beautiful centerpiece for the wedding reception.
10. The book stood stoically on the pedestal; inspiring generations of readers.

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