Penitence example sentences

Related (6): contrition, remorse, repentance, atonement, sorrow, shame

"Penitence" Example Sentences

1. He performed acts of penitence to atone for his sins.
2. She wore the rough sackcloth as a sign of her penitence.
3. The hermit retreated into the wilderness in search of penitence and spiritual enlightenment.
4. The sinner kneeled at the altar seeking forgiveness and release from guilt through penitence.
5. He undertook a long pilgrimage as an act of penitence.
6. True penitence comes from within, not from external acts of self-punishment.
7. The monk performed hours of meditation and prayer as penitence for his past transgressions.
8. She fasted and wore the hair shirt for weeks in an attempt at penitence.
9. Through extreme acts of penitence, he hoped to earn forgiveness and redemption.
10. The whiskery beggar claimed to be performing penitence but was likely after a free meal.
11. After years of partying and excess, he sought penitence and spiritual purification in the monastery.
12. The ascetic living conditions were intended to foster penitence and spiritual discipline.
13. He flagellated himself daily as a means of penitence.
14. Public displays of penitence were meant to demonstrate contrition and seek favor from the community.
15. Through penitence and prayer, he hoped to find peace of mind and spirit.
16. She sought solace and penitence in long hours of prayer and meditation.
17. The tradition of penitential pilgrimages dates back centuries.
18. He undertook the grueling fast as an act of penitence for his many sins.
19. The look of remorse and penitence on his face appeared genuine.
20. The priest assigned acts of penitence to cleanse their souls of sin.
21. Her heartfelt apology showed true penitence and remorse for her actions.
22. Penitence can take many forms beyond mere words of apology.
23. Skeptics questioned whether his acts of penitence were motivated by genuine remorse.
24. Penitence without changed behavior is superficial and hollow.
25. They accepted his apology and acts of penitence as a sign of true contrition.
26. Penitence and prayer relieved some of her guilt but did not fully free her spirit.
27. His acts of penitence felt hollow and insincere.
28. She devoted herself to works of charity as penitence for her privileged upbringing.
29. The priest doubted the sincerity of the criminal's professions of penitence.
30. Through prayer and acts of penitence, she hoped to make amends for her past mistakes.
31. Her bitter cries of penitence moved those around her.
32. The harsh conditions were meant to foster penitence and spiritual cleansing.
33. His public acts of penitence failed to win the approval of those he had wronged.
34. She wore the hair shirt underneath her clothes as an act of penitence.
35. Penitence that transforms the soul must first come from within.
36. His heartfelt acts of penitence finally won her forgiveness.
37. She found true penitence and peace of soul through prayer and meditation.
38. The grueling fast was intended as an act of spiritual penitence.
39. His professions of penitence seemed shallow and insincere.
40. True penitence comes not from self-flagellation but from accepting one's humanity.
41. Her acts of penitence brought only temporary relief from guilt.
42. Penitence requires honesty, spiritual growth and changed behavior.
43. Public displays of penitence were intended to serve as an example to others.
44. His tears of penitence and remorse finally moved his father to forgive him.
45. She dedicated her life to works of charity and penitence.
46. He undertook the dangerous pilgrimage as part of his spiritual quest for penitence.
47. Genuine contrition and penitence for ones wrongs set the spirit free.
48. Spiritual enlightenment cannot be achieved through acts of penitence alone.
49. Extreme acts of penitence can themselves become a form of spiritual pride.
50. Physical penitence and mortification of the flesh is misguided and vain.
51. She fasted and prayed in hopes that acts of penitence would relieve some of her guilt.
52. True penitence and forgiveness go hand in hand.
53. The spirit finds freedom not through penitence but through accepting God's grace.
54. Spiritual growth demands honest penitence but also true faith and joy.
55. Penitence that comes from within transforms the soul.
56. He undertook the risky journey as part of his spiritual quest for penitence and purity.
57. With time, his hollow acts of penitence gave way to genuine spiritual transformation.
58. Through prayer and penitence, her guilt gave way to acceptance and peace.
59. She devoted her life to works of mercy as an act of penitence and spiritual transformation.
60. Genuine penitence and spiritual growth set her spirit free at last.

Common Phases

1. He performed acts of penitence to atone for his sins.
2. The bishop recommended deeds of penitence as a condition of absolution.
3. She undertook a week of solemn penitence for the wrongs she had committed.
4. In penitence, he wore a hair shirt and fasted for days.
5. The priest assigned prayers and alms giving as acts of penitence.
6. Her sincere penitence lifted a heavy burden from her soul.
7. The pilgrimage was an act of penitence to seek forgiveness for his mistakes.
8. After her confession, she embarked on a journey of penitence and self-reflection.
9. The monks enforced strict disciplines of penitence and self-denial.
10. His humble penitence moved even the hardest of hearts.
11. She expressed her deepest penitence with prayers and tears.
12. In religious doctrines, penitence was seen as road to salvation and grace.
13. His outward shows of penitence seemed hollow and insincere.
14. The preacher called the congregation to deeds of penitence and righteousness.
15. Her acts of penitence did not prevent feelings of self loathing from rising up within her.
16. Through penitence, mercy and grace we may gain redemption.
17. The priest prescribed daily prayers and kneeling as acts of penitence.
18. True penitence comes from within, not from outward displays.
19. The clergy believed acts of penitence brought believers closer to God.
20. The monk's tears of penitence were seen as signs of spiritual progress.
21. She performed acts of penitence in the hopes of finding peace within herself.
22. The church required true penitence, not just performative acts.
23. His days of wandering were seen as an expression of heartfelt penitence.
24. The purely physical acts of penitence meant little without true remorse of the heart.
25. He faced his accusers with deepest penitence and humility.
26. Realizing his errors, he fell to his knees in penitence and begged for forgiveness.
27. An outward show of penitence may mask inner resistance to change.
28. She poured out her penitence in prayers uttered through tears and sobs.
29. Her feigned penitence fooled no one who knew her well.
30. In the midst of his penitence, peace and grace found a way into his heart.
31. The bishop accepted his acts of penitence as proof of true remorse.
32. Through acts of penitence and mercy we grow in grace and wisdom.
33. The preacher called the congregation to deeds of penitence and good works.
34. Her deep penitence brought release from pain and self-recrimination.
35. Through deeds of penitence, we make ourselves worthy of God's grace.
36. Only after true penitence does healing become possible.
37. His penitence expressed itself in prayers, fasting and meditations.
38. She found solace in acts of penitence and devotions.
39. The ceremony of penitence made a solemn impact on those assembled.
40. The priest directed him to deeds of penitence commensurate with his crime.
41. Her penitence was so heartfelt it stirred those who witnessed it.
42. The spirit of true penitence dwells within the heart, not in outward deeds alone.
43. The ritual acts of penitence were meant to improve one's spiritual disposition.
44. Submitting oneself to penitence and humility can lead to inner peace.
45. Through sincere penitence, mercy may be found.
46. Her public acts of penitence belied her private resistance to change.
47. True penitence stems from a willingness to change.
48. His expressions of penitence seemed contrived and insincere.
49. After deep penitence and reflection, he vowed to change his ways.
50. The priest could see that her public show of penitence masked deeper issues.
51. Through sincere penitence and change of heart, we may be forgiven.
52. Feeling deep penitence, she resolved to atone for her wrongs.
53. Her show of penitence availed her nothing as there was no commitment to change.
54. Her ritual acts of penitence meant little without heartfelt remorse and resolve.
55. True penitence begins with acceptance of responsibility.
56. Although outwardly expressing penitence, inwardly he resisted change.
57. Only sincere penitence coupled with good works leads to redemption.
58. The path of penitence and forgiveness leads to spiritual fulfillment.
59. Through acts of penitence and mercy, we grow in grace.
60. His penitence was marked by a deep resolve to change his ways.

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