Penitencen example sentences

Related (10): atonement, contrition, remorse, repentance, confession, expiation, self-punishment, regret, sorrow, apology

"Penitencen" Example Sentences

1. After committing the crime, he felt a strong sense of penitence.
2. The criminal expressed penitence for his actions at his trial.
3. The priest advised him to perform penitence to seek forgiveness.
4. The penitence shown by the thief led to a reduction in his sentence.
5. Her display of penitence convinced her friends to forgive her.
6. The sinner was ordered to perform penitence by the church authorities.
7. His penitence was apparent when he humbly asked for forgiveness.
8. The penitence of the politician was praised by the public.
9. She was filled with penitence for lying to her parents.
10. The prisoner's penitence was taken into consideration during his parole hearing.
11. He displayed penitence by solemnly confessing his sins to the priest.
12. The criminal's penitence was seen as an indication of his remorse.
13. The priest urged the congregation to engage in acts of penitence during Lent.
14. His admission of guilt was a clear sign of his penitence.
15. The penitence displayed by the defendant earned him a lighter sentence.
16. She went to the confessional booth to perform an act of penitence.
17. The politician's penitence was seen as an attempt to save face.
18. The criminal showed no sign of penitence during his trial.
19. The priest offered penitence as a means of earning redemption.
20. The penitence shown by the penitent was seen as evidence of his sincerity.
21. The act of penitence involved confessing one's sins to a priest.
22. The criminal's penitence was viewed with skepticism by the judge.
23. The priest offered penitence as an alternative to punishment.
24. The criminal's penitence was seen as a sign of weakness by his accomplices.
25. The act of penitence required her to make amends for her wrongdoings.
26. The politician's penitence was dismissed as insincere by the media.
27. The priest offered penitence as a way to avoid damnation.
28. The sinner was ordered to perform acts of penitence in order to be absolved of his sins.
29. Her display of penitence was seen as evidence of her contrition.
30. The penitence shown by the culprit was seen as an attempt to manipulate the court.

Common Phases

1. I have decided to enter a period of penitence; I need to reflect on my past actions.
2. She sought penitence for her mistakes; she apologized to those she wronged.
3. The bishop urged the congregation to practice penitence; he emphasized the importance of atoning for our sins.
4. During Ramadan, Muslims practice penitence through fasting and prayers; it is a time of spiritual reflection and growth.
5. The monk spent hours in penitence, seeking forgiveness for his misdeeds; he hoped to achieve a state of purity and enlightenment.
6. The prisoner was filled with penitence for his crime; he regretted the harm he had caused and wanted to make amends.
7. In Catholicism, penitence is a sacrament; it involves confession, contrition, and absolution.
8. After his outburst, he was filled with penitence and regretted his harsh words; he apologized to the person he had hurt.

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