Penmanship example sentences

Related (8): handwriting, calligraphy, script, cursive, chirography, manuscript, lettering, inscription

"Penmanship" Example Sentences

1. His penmanship was impeccable, with neat and precise letters.
2. The note was written in elegant penmanship with flowing cursive writing.
3. She congratulated the student on her excellent penmanship and neat handwriting.
4. The doctor's poor penmanship made the prescription difficult to read.
5. Her penmanship began to deteriorate as her arthritis worsened.
6. The exam focused heavily on grammar, spelling, and penmanship.
7. They admired the poet's beautiful penmanship in his handwritten letters.
8. The judge cringed at the lawyer's sloppy penmanship on the legal documents.
9. The focus on proper penmanship and cursive writing is slowly disappearing from schools.
10. The old-fashioned teacher still believed that good penmanship was a sign of a proper education.
11. The signature was written in a clear and precise penmanship that was unmistakably his.
12. Students spent hours each week practicing their penmanship through repetitive drills.
13. Her penmanship showed a carelessness and lack of attention to detail.
14. The teacher commended the students on their greatly improved penmanship and neatness.
15. He worked hard to improve his sloppy penmanship through more careful copying of exercises.
16. The old letters were written in a beautiful and expressive penmanship revealing the author's personality.
17. They criticized her penmanship as being too big and childish.
18. His cramped and rushed penmanship made his writings difficult to follow.
19. They were surprised by the sharp contrast between his elegant speech and poor penmanship.
20. Her delicate and meticulous penmanship showed patience and precision.
21. The note's messy penmanship suggested it had been written in haste.
22. The handwritten manuscript revealed an extraordinary penmanship that conveyed intelligence and grace.
23. The ornate penmanship indicated a writer with a fondness for fine details and aesthetic beauty.
24. The penmanship exercised showed a marked improvement from the previous week.
25. Experts were called in to analyze and identify the unique penmanship in the ransom note.
26. Learning beautiful penmanship served as an exercise in discipline and patience.
27. The penmanship lessons focused on proper letter formation, spacing, and alignment.
28. The illegible penmanship made it impossible to decipher the messy handwritten shopping list.
29. The application was rejected due to the applicant's poor penmanship and difficulty reading the handwriting.
30. Her calligraphy skills demonstrated a level of penmanship far beyond what was ordinary.
31. Their job applications were rejected immediately due to their messy and difficult to read penmanship.
32. Hispenmanship revealed a passionate temperament through its florid andflourishingstrokes.
33. The child failed to achieve proficiency in penmanship despite repeated practicing and correction.
34. Her flowing and artistic penmanship reflected a refined and creative personality.
35. The cursive penmanship exercises were required to improve the students' handwriting skills.
36. The banker marveled at the customer's exquisitepenmanshipwith its perfectly even lines and dots on the'i's.
37. Good penmanship was expected in the worksheets, assignments, and final drafts.
38. Experts were hired to examine historical documents for clues revealed through the author's penmanship.
39. He spent hours every day improving his penmanship through copying dictionary entries word for word.
40. Her illegible penmanship caused her to make many errors when taking notes or writing assignments.
41. They critiqued the student's penmanship as being too large, uneven, and messy.
42. Hispenmanshiprevealed a precise and logicalnaturethroughitscarefulstrikingofletters and even spacing.
43. The clerk admired the business owner's clear and neat penmanship on the tax form.
44. Report cards reflected grades not just for academic performance but also for penmanship and handwriting.
45. The scholar's fine and articulate penmanship made reading his notebook entries a pleasure.
46. His penmanship began to deteriorate due tothe tremors brought on by his Parkinson's disease.
47. The passion and intensity of the author's penmanship seemed to convey more than the actual words on the page.
48. The teacher insisted thateffectivepenmanshipwas anessential skill for future success in school and career.
49. They studied penmanshipmodels letter by letterto understand proper stroke orderand spacing.
50. Her lackadaisical penmanship indicated asloppyand careless approach towardevery aspect of her work.
51. Experts were called in to authenticate handwritten documents based on analysis of the writer's unique penmanship.
52. The task required hours of painstaking effort to decipher the almost illegiblepenmanhip and translate the faded ink into typed text.
53. Students were required to use properpenmanshipin all assignments and written school work.
54. Hispristinepenmanship revealed anelegant and disciplinedtemperament.
55. They critiquedherpenmanship as being too unevenand erratic,indicative of apersonalityprone toexcess.
56. Histidyandprecisepenmanshiprevealedahighlyorganizedand meticulous nature.
57. Her artisticpenmanshipreflecteda creativeand passionate spirit.
58. They were impressed by the pastor's ancient but still legiblepenmanship inthe centuries-old scriptures.
59. The doctor's nearly illegiblepenmanshipleft patients struggling to readthe prescriptions and instructions.
60. Experts were consulted to determine ifhandwriting samples revealed clues through differences inpenmanship.

Common Phases

1. She has beautiful penmanship, with small neat letters.
2. His penmanship was atrocious and I could barely read his writing.
3. The teacher was very strict about the students' penmanship.
4. The old-fashioned teacher drilled students endlessly on proper penmanship.
5. The note was handwritten in lovely flowing penmanship.
6. The doctor's terrible penmanship made it difficult to decipher the prescription.
7. calligraphy classes helped improve her penmanship
8. Her messy penmanship made the check hard to deposit.
9. Practice improves penmanship.
10. Penmanship classes were common in grade school.
11. Cursive writing helped enhance her penmanship.
12. This old letter shows off the person's neat penmanship.
13. Many jobs require good penmanship on applications.
14. The child's penmanship has improved significantly this year.
15. The clerk asked the customer to rewrite the check due to poor penmanship.
16. Many awards were given for best penmanship.
17. The handwritten essay received high marks for its neat penmanship.
18. His penmanship deteriorated after years of typing reports.
19. The mysterious letter contained no clues except for the flawless penmanship.
20. The check was unreadable due to the writer's chicken scratch penmanship.
21. The teacher made them write each letter multiple times to improve their penmanship.
22. Practicing penmanship exercises every day helped him get a job as a bank teller.
23. Good penmanship and spelling still impress potential employers.
24. Years of practice had led to her impeccable penmanship and calligraphy skills.
25. The notes were almost illegible due to the writer's terrible penmanship.
26. I could barely make out the birthdate on the form due to the writer's messy penmanship.
27. The student's penmanship on timed exams was often poor compared to work done at home.
28. His cursive penmanship was a work of art, effortlessly flowing from letter to letter.
29. The handwritten letters all showed the unique characteristics of the author's penmanship.
30. Printing led to worsening of her previously beautiful penmanship.
31. The teacher stressed clear and concise penmanship.
32. Sloping letters were encouraged to improve students' penmanship.
33. The penmanship and spelling were both in dire need of improvement.
34. Computer keys replaced penmanship for many professions.
35. His job required precise and accurate penmanship.
36. The powers of observation and neat penmanship are essential skills.
37. Printing tended to produce neater penmanship than cursive writing.
38. The teacher gave extra credit for the most improved penmanship.
39. The child's penmanship was praised above all the others in the class.
40. The artist's penmanship rivaled that of famous calligraphers.
41. Poor penmanship has been tolerated less and less over the years.
42. Penmanship drills were common assignments to improve handwriting.
43. The note card was penned in beautiful penmanship.
44. Professional penmanship was important for doctors and lawyers.
45. The class focused on improving speed and legibility of penmanship.
46. The teacher held up the sample as the ideal penmanship to emulate.
47. Computers replaced penmanship for many forms of communication.
48. His penmanship has never been very good but is readable.
49. The penmanship on the greeting card showed love and care in each letter.
50. The librarian's notes showed excellent penmanship and organization.
51. The report earned high marks for content, grammar, and penmanship.
52. The simple words were penned in elegant penmanship.
53. The typewriter replaced penmanship as the dominant mode of writing.
54. The artist's penmanship evoked emotion with each stroke of the pen.
55. The teacher created penmanship models for students to copy.
56. The alphabet was written multiple times for penmanship practice.
57. His messy penmanship made him difficult to work with.
58. The samples of different penmanship styles filled the notebook.
59. The essay received points deducted for poor penmanship.
60. Typewriters and computers eventually made penmanship an obsolete skill.

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