Inscription example sentences

Related (11): inscription, engraving, etching, carving, lettering, writing, inscriptional, epitaph, dedication, commemoration, memorialization

"Inscription" Example Sentences

1. The inscription on the plaque read from left to right.
2. The ancient inscription was barely legible after centuries of weathering.
3. The crew carved their names into the wall as an inscription.
4. I read the inscription on the tombstone about the deceased man's life.
5. The inscription above the door read "Home Sweet Home."
6. The wedding rings both had personalized inscriptions.
7. The inscription engraved on the stone read what year the building was built.
8. The symbols forming the inscription remained undeciphered.
9. I marveled at the intricate inscription carved into the wall.
10. She wrote an inscription in the front cover of the book.
11. The inscription was only visible under ultraviolet light.
12. The old inscription was hard to read due to erosion.
13. The tile inscription specified when the floor had been laid.
14. He couldn't make out the inscription etched on the artifact.
15. The runes forming the inscription told the story of the sword's origins.
16. They translated the inscription written in Greek.
17. The inscription in the corner dated the painting to the 17th century.
18. I traced my fingers over the decorative inscription carved into the lintel.
19. The block text inscription advertised the upcoming community event.
20. The gold inscription glittered in the sunlight.
21. The worn inscription showed the memorial's age.
22. I struggled to decipher the mysterious inscription written in code.
23. She got a small inscription on her wedding band.
24. The large brass plaque had an elegantly written inscription.
25. The official tried to read the faded inscription on the ancient map.
26. The inscription on the urn contained the deceased's name and dates.
27. The inscription over the fireplace declared it was built in 1902.
28. They couldn't make out the Latin inscription due to damage over the years.
29. Curious visitors examined the inscription carved into the stone.
30. The inscription was too small to read from where I stood.
31. The time capsule contained an inscription detailing the date it was buried.
32. The calligraphy of the Chinese inscription was stunning.
33. The memorial stone had a flowery inscription honoring the fallen soldier.
34. The inscription on the wall marked the name of the building's architect.
35. The mayor read aloud from the inscription on the cornerstone.
36. The small sculpted inscription commemorated the dead soldier.
37. The single line inscription simply said "Loved by all."
38. Over time the inscription on the statue became obscured.
39. The monk copied the inscription into his journal.
40. The decorative inscription added beauty and history to the stone archway.
41. The ancient inscription was a valuable historical find for archaeologists.
42. The gold ink inscription looked beautiful next to the embossed leather cover.
43. The inscription within the frame described the portrait's subject.
44. The hidden inscription held the key to unlocking the mystery.
45. The dedicatory inscription honored the founder of their organization.
46. The inscription on the tombstone told the deceased's date of birth and death.
47. No one could translate the old inscription written in a near-dead language.
48. The secret society's members each had a personalized inscription on their rings.
49. My grandmother had an inscription of my name engraved on her jewelry box for me.
50. The inscription explained who had donated the large bell to the church.
51. Poets like to include inscriptions honoring other writers in their books.
52. The cornerstone contained an inscription describing what the building was for.
53. The gilded inscription on the award stated its purpose.
54. Many tried to decipher the cryptic inscription with no success.
55. The strange inscription found carved into the cave wall puzzled archaeologists.
56. They translated the inscription and discovered it referred to a hidden treasure.
57. He read the inscription on the Statue of Liberty.
58. The graffiti was so illegible it barely resembled an inscription.
59. Her toast at the banquet referred to the club's inscription above the fireplace.
60. Her wrist bore a delicate bracelet with an elegant cursive inscription.

Common Phases

1. The inscription on the statue read "In honor of heroes."
2. The ancient inscription was in an unknown language.
3. I carved an inscription on the tree with my pocketknife.
4. The Latin inscription puzzled scholars for decades.
5. The burial tomb contained an inscription dating back 2000 years.
6. The worn inscription on the memorial stone was barely legible.
7. I had my name engraved as an inscription on the memorial plaque.
8. The vase contained an elaborate inscription in stylized Chinese characters.
9. They could not translate the hieroglyphic inscription on the obelisk.
10. The knight's tomb boasted an inscription boasting of his bravery.
11. He spent years studying the inscription to uncover its meaning.
12. Archaeologists are trying to decipher the ancient inscription.
13. The love poem was written as an inscription on the wedding ring.
14. The child carefully carved her name as an inscription into the sand.
15. The ring bears a short but loving inscription from her late husband.
16. The church spire rose above the cemetery, casting its shadow over worn inscriptions on crumbling gravestones.
17. The wedding gift came with a personalized inscription in beautiful handwriting.
18. She etched an inscription on the windowsill using her house key.
19. The graffiti artist spray painted an elaborate inscription on the wall of the subway tunnel.
20. The soldier's sacrifice was commemorated with a simple yet eloquent inscription.
21. His name will be added to the inscription on the memorial statue.
22. He carved an affectionate inscription into the wood of the old dock.
23. The rune inscription was carved into the standing stone.
24. I ordered dog tags engraved with a special inscription for my husband.
25. Experts have still not deciphered the meaning of the Elephantine inscription.
26. The tombstones feature inscriptions dating back centuries.
27. She traced her fingers over the inscription engraved on the headstone.
28. The short inscription on the ring conveyed deep meaning to the wearer.
29. The commemorative tablet bore a simple inscription honoring the fallen soldiers.
30. The pocket watch came with an inscription citing the words of the great poet.
31. The cuneiform inscription was one of the earliest ever discovered.
32. The invitation came with a personalized inscription written in flowing calligraphy.
33. They searched for clues within the cryptic inscription on the ancient parchment.
34. He carefully crafted his wedding vows to suit the ring's short but poignant inscription.
35. She lovingly traced her finger over the old inscription in the patio stone.
36. The graffiti artist spray painted a subtle yet poignant inscription about love on the side of the barn.
37. The ancient inscription described forgotten events of great historical significance.
38. He carved a short romantic inscription into the wood of their first dining table.
39. The plaque contained an epitaph containing a wise inscription from scripture.
40. The headstone bore an inscription commemorating the dearly departed.
41. The inscription on the trophy honored his years of achievement and dedication.
42. The wedding ring's simple yet beautiful inscription vowed eternal love.
43. The ring bore an inscription that reminded him of his wife's love every time he looked at it.
44. The birthday card came with a personal inscription written in her child's handwriting.
45. The old bridge featured faded graffiti inscriptions carved into its supports.
46. The gift came with an inscription written by his teenage daughter.
47. The artist etched his signature as an inscription in the corner of the painting.
48. I carefully wrote a heartfelt inscription in the front of the birthday card.
49. They could not decipher the meaning of the runic inscription on the rock.
50. He traced the inscription carved into the wooden coffee table for inspiration.
51. The gift came with a sentimental inscription from my grandmother.
52. The newlywed couple engraved an inscription on the outdoor bench.
53. The message in the inscription was universal, touching hearts across the ages.
54. The cenotaph bore an eloquent inscription honoring the memory of the fallen.
55. The armorial shield bore an inscription proclaiming its owner's motto and lineage.
56. The heirloom ring came with a touching inscription from her grandmother.
57. The scarf came with an affectionate inscription from my loving wife.
58. Scholars spent years trying to translate the ancient inscription on the Rosetta Stone.
59. I carefully penned a personal inscription with loving wishes in his birthday card.
60. The inscription on the family crest declared their motto and lineage.

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