Pennilessness example sentences

Related (6): poverty, destitution, insolvency, indigence, neediness, impoverishment

"Pennilessness" Example Sentences

1. His pennilessness meant he was unable to pay his rent.
2. The pennilessness left him destitute and dependent on charity.
3. She struggled with the pennilessness after losing her job.
4. His pennilessness forced him to live on the street.
5. The family had to move in with relatives due to their pennilessness.
6. The years of pennilessness had taken a toll on his health and spirit.
7. Pennilessness drives many people to crime out of desperation.
8. Her pennilessness after the divorce was hard to accept.
9. The youth struggled with homelessness and pennilessness.
10. Pennilessness often breeds feelings of hopelessness.
11. After being let go, he faced the reality of pennilessness.
12. Pennilessness can make people anxious and depressed.
13. She attempted to put on a brave face despite her pennilessness.
14. The thought of pennilessness terrified her.
15. Pennilessness made normal day to day living difficult.
16. Charities exist to help those suffering from pennilessness.
17. Pennilessness often forces people into menial jobs.
18. Pennilessness cast a shadow over their holiday celebration.
19. Their pennilessness was made worse by mounting debts.
20. Pennilessness forced them to start their lives from scratch.
21. Pennilessness haunted her dreams and made her anxious.
22. His pennilessness came at a difficult time in his life.
23. Pennilessness forced him to rely on friends for basic survival.
24. The pennilessness caused many arguments between the couple.
25. Her pennilessness left her homeless.
26. Pennilessness engulfed their lives after they lost everything.
27. Pennilessness left little room for joys or pleasures.
28. Pennilessness can strain even the closest of relationships.
29. Her pennilessness meant having to rely on food banks for meals.
30. Pennilessness crippled his self-confidence and self-worth.
31. Pennilessness fueled his desire for wealth and success.
32. Their pennilessness cast a shadow over every aspect of their lives.
33. Pennilessness forced them to make sacrifices they never imagined.
34. Pennilessness led to many sleepless nights spent worrying.
35. Pennilessness taught them the value of even the smallest joys.
36. His pennilessness came at the worst possible time.
37. She struggled to appear upbeat despite her pennilessness.
38. Pennilessness meant living with constant shame and humiliation.
39. Pennilessness weighed on his mind constantly.
40. Pennilessness weighed heavily on the family each holiday.
41. Pennilessness limited the options and opportunities available to him.
42. Pennilessness left her with a profound sense of failure.
43. Pennilessness crushed his self-esteem and left him defeated.
44. Pennilessness followed him like a dark shadow.
45. Pennilessness underscores the importance of basic financial security.
46. Pennilessness pushed many to the brink of desperation.
47. Pennilessness deprived him of life's most basic comforts.
48. Pennilessness made him question his purpose and existence.
49. The struggle against pennilessness defined much of their lives.
50. Pennilessness hung over the family like an ominous storm cloud.

Common Phases

1. The pennilessness of the young man led him to commit crimes to make ends meet.
2. The family had to struggle with the pennilessness after the father lost his job.
3. The pennilessness caused him to sleep in the street and beg for food and change.
4. The couple tried their best not to give in to the desperation that accompanies pennilessness.
5. The pennilessness made him question his life decisions and wonder how he ended up in such a state.
6. He arrived in the city pennilessness and homeless, seeking any job that would take him.
7. Pennilessness drove him to do anything to get money including stealing and selling drugs.
8. The family was plunged into extreme poverty and pennilessness after the death of the father.
9. The pennilessness led many to turn to social welfare and government assistance programs.
10. The periods of pennilessness made her grateful for the times of financial stability.
11. With pennilessness looming, she considered prostitution as a last resort.
12. The pennilessness had him worried he would never be able to have a normal life again.
13. Their pennilessness meant they had to live off whatever food banks and shelters provided.
14. After his business failed, he experienced the shocking reality of pennilessness for the first time.
15. The pennilessness forced her to move back in with her parents and rely on them for support.
16. Pennilessness left him hopeless that things would ever change for the better.
17. Pennilessness had plagued her family for generations but she was determined to break the cycle.
18. The couple faced pennilessness and uncertainty after losing their jobs and their house.
19. Pennilessness drove him to rob banks and hold up stores just for a few dollars.
20. Some viewed pennilessness as a sign of moral failure rather than a result of circumstances.
21. Pennilessness caused him to spiral into depression and substance abuse.
22. Pennilessness made the cold nights on the street harder to bear.
23. The boy experienced the humiliation that comes with pennilessness at a young age.
24. Pennilessness threatened to undo the decades of hard work his father had built.
25. Their pennilessness during retirement left them dependent on their children for support.
26. Pennilessness had once seemed impossible but was now an awful reality he struggled to accept.
27. The once wealthy family had to adjust to a life of pennilessness after losing their fortune.
28. Pennilessness drove many into homelessness and destitution.
29. Pennilessness had pushed her to the brink of desperation and despair.
30. Pennilessness haunted his nights and filled his days with worry and dread.
31. His years of pennilessness defined him and changed him in ways both positive and negative.
32. Pennilessness meant relying on others for even basic amenities and necessities.
33. Pennilessness forced her to confront her worst fears and insecurities.
34. Pennilessness had driven him to live a life of crime with no hope of escape.
35. The pennilessness took a toll on their health both mental and physical.
36. Pennilessness had seemed an impossible fate only a few short months ago.
37. Newly arrived and pennilessness in a foreign city, he had to wonder how life had brought him here.
38. Pennilessness made them question if life was really worth living anymore.
39. Rather than feel ashamed of his pennilessness, he vowed to change his circumstances.
40. Pennilessness had pushed him to abandon all dignity and beg for scraps.
41. The pennilessness made surviving day to day an all consuming challenge.
42. The pennilessness left her constantly worried about being able to provide for herself.
43. Pennilessness forced her to rethink everything she thought she knew about life.
44. Pennilessness ate away at her soul, making each day a struggle.
45. He was plunged into the nightmare of pennilessness with no family or friends to rely on.
46. Pennilessness had humbled him and broken any feelings of entitlement he once had.
47. The couple strove to maintain hope in the face of pennilessness.
48. Pennilessness seemed destined to define his entire life from that point on.
49. The pennilessness showed her who her real friends were and who would turn their backs.
50. His pennilessness soon led to desperate measures and penny-ante crimes.
51. The family feared pennilessness more than anything else in the world.
52. Pennilessness caused many to drift into homelessness and destitution.
53. Pennilessness had once seemed like a concept she could only experience through fiction.
54. Pennilessness left her incapable of envisioning any prosperous or stable future.
55. The pennilessness brought previously unimaginable hardship and suffering.
56. Pennilessness made her worry about providing even the most basic necessities for her children.
57. The pennilessness drove her into the arms of a man who exploited her desperation.
58. Pennilessness had eroded any vestiges of pride or dignity he had once possessed.
59. The pennilessness pushed him towards severe depression and thoughts of suicide.
60. Pennilessness seemed set to define the foreseeable future with no end in sight.

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