Peregrine example sentences

Related (12): falconry, raptor, migration, soaring, stoop, talon, eyrie, hunt, aerie, cliff, talons, huntress

"Peregrine" Example Sentences

1. The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world.
2. Peregrine falcons can reach speeds of over 300 km/h during dives.
3. This peregrine falcon was spotted during a migration.
4. Peregrine falcons have been known to nest on skyscrapers.
5. He watched the peregrine falcon soar across the sky.
6. The peregrine falcon is an impressive hunter.
7. The peregrine falcon is a large and powerful bird.
8. Peregrine falcons have been found in many different habitats.
9. Peregrine falcons have a wingspan of up to 4 feet.
10. Peregrine falcons hunt by diving at their prey from above.
11. The peregrine falcon is a top predator in its habitat.
12. The peregrine falcon is a protected species in many countries.
13. The peregrine falcon is a symbol of power and speed.
14. Peregrine falcons have been used in falconry for centuries.
15. The peregrine falcon is an iconic symbol of the wild.
16. Peregrine falcons have been successfully reintroduced to many areas.
17. The peregrine falcon is a magnificent sight in flight.
18. Peregrine falcons have a wide range and can be found on every continent.
19. Peregrine falcons are a common sight in cities and towns.
20. Peregrine falcons are apex predators and have few natural predators.
21. The peregrine falcon is a common sight in many parts of the world.
22. Peregrine falcons are known for their dramatic hunting dives.
23. The peregrine falcon is a powerful symbol of freedom and strength.
24. Peregrine falcons are highly adaptable and can live in a variety of habitats.
25. Peregrine falcons are capable of hunting at very high speeds.
26. The peregrine falcon is a symbol of majesty and beauty.
27. Peregrine falcons are among the most widespread birds of prey.
28. Peregrine falcons have been successfully reintroduced in many areas.
29. Peregrine falcons use their speed and agility to catch their prey.
30. The peregrine falcon is a symbol of courage and resilience.
31. Peregrine falcons have been known to travel great distances during migration.
32. Peregrine falcons have a distinctive call that can be heard from far away.
33. Peregrine falcons are incredibly fast and can reach speeds of over 200 mph.
34. Peregrine falcons have been known to hunt other birds in mid-flight.
35. Peregrine falcons have a wide variety of prey, including small mammals and birds.
36. The peregrine falcon is a powerful symbol of nature's beauty.
37. Peregrine falcons are a protected species and their numbers are increasing.
38. Peregrine falcons have been used in falconry for centuries and are still used today.
39. Peregrine falcons are an important part of the natural ecosystem and help to control pest populations.
40. Peregrine falcons are an important symbol of resilience and hope in the face of environmental challenges.

Common Phases

Peregrinate; Peregrinating; Peregrinated

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