Roving example sentences

Related (10): wandering, travelling, exploring, drifting, moving, touring, itinerant, nomadic, migratory, ambulatory

"Roving" Example Sentences

1. The roving band of gypsies traveled from town to town.
2. The roving reporter covered stories all over the country.
3. The thief had a roving eye for anything valuable.
4. His roving hands groped her without permission.
5. The besotted man's eyes roved shamelessly over the scantily clad women at the beach.
6. The roving beggar wandered the streets asking for alms.
7. The roving cat explored every nook and cranny of the neighborhood.
8. His mind roved back in time, remembering happier days of his youth.
9. The roving gaze of the peeping tom made the women uncomfortable.
10. The roving wolf pack wandered the woods in search of prey.
11. The roving lecturer traveled tirelessly, speaking at universities across the country.
12. The roving firefly glowed brightly in the dark meadow.
13. The unemployed man roved aimlessly through the city.
14. The roving eye of the security camera monitored the bank lobby.
15. With a roving commission, the naval captain was free to attack enemy ships wherever he found them.
16. The roving hawk circled high overhead, watching for small animals below.
17. The roving tiger eyed the fawns suspiciously from the tall grass.
18. The roving conscience that once plagued him had been silenced by time.
19. His thoughts roved back to happier times before his troubles began.
20. The child's mind roved through fantastic realms of imagination and make-believe.
21. The roving breeze ruffled the leaves of the trees.
22. The roving eyes of the customers scanned the merchandise on display.
23. His roving feet took him to distant lands and far-off shores.
24. The roving bee flitted from flower to flower, collecting pollen.
25. The roving cloud cast shifting shadows on the landscape below.
26. The roving raccoon foraged for food in the neighborhood garbage cans.
27. His roving spirit led him to travel extensively throughout his life.
28. The roving inventor had numerous ideas but few finished products.
29. The roving peddler made his way from town to town, selling his wares.
30. The roving salesman knew every back road and highway across the state.
31. The roving merchant traveled the continent for many years.
32. Their roving gaze discomfited those exposed to it.
33. The roving lad sought adventure wherever he could find it.
34. His roving imagination created fantastic stories and situations.
35. The roving eye of the voyeur could not be trusted.
36. The wind bore the sound of roving accordions and joyful song.
37. The sunset cast roving shadows across the land.
38. His roving fancy took him far across distant lands and long-ago times.
39. The roving mind began to wander as his interest waned.
40. The roving feet wandered the city streets in search of something new.
41. The roving pack of stray dogs terrorized the neighborhood.
42. The gypsy family lived a roving, nomadic life.
43. The rover wandered with roving footsteps and idle thoughts.
44. The roving eye is difficult to spot.
45. Her roving attention wandered as the lecture wore on.
46. In consequence of his roving disposition, he never remained long in one place.
47. The roving singer traveled from town to town performing for crowds.
48. The old sailor had roving tales of adventures on the high seas.
49. The roving clouds cast shifting shadows on the landscape below.
50. The roving sightseer wandered aimlessly through the museum.
51. The roving bee flits from flower to flower.
52. The roving mind lost itself in reveries and daydreams.
53. His thoughts roved to a more carefree time of his youth.
54. The vagabond lived a roving existence.
55. Her eyes roved hungrily over the delectable treats arrayed before her.
56. The roving sky filled with massive clouds.
57. His feet roved the dusty highway for miles.
58. The roving glance made her uncomfortable.
59. The rover wandered with roving steps and thoughtful air.
60. The roving imagination conjured fantastic visions.

Common Phases

1. The coyote stalked through the desert, roving in search of prey.
2. The children ran freely through the field, roving from one adventure to the next.
3. The roving peddler made his way through town, offering trinkets and goods for sale.
4. The mercenaries roved through the countryside, looting and pillaging the villages.
5. The cat roved through the garden, hunting birds and chasing butterflies.
6. The police officer roves the streets each night, vigilant for signs of crime.
7. The roving reporter traveled across the country to report on interesting news stories.
8. The guitar player wandered around the party, playing his roving guitar.
9. The roving eye of the security camera monitored the store at all times.
10. The roving mind wandered aimlessly from thought to thought.
11. The wandering minstrel roved from town to town, singing songs for coins.
12. The roving camera panned across the stadium, showcasing the excited crowd.
13. The cast roved back and forth across the stage during rehearsals.
14. The eyes roved over the crowd, searching for a familiar face.
15. The tourists roved through the museum, gazing at the various artifacts.
16. The eyes of the roving old man scanned the faces of the congregation.
17. The mind of the insomniac roved through imaginary landscapes.
18. The roving herd of buffalo moved across the vast plains in search of fresh grass.
19. The eye of the great orb weaver spider roved across its roving web for flies and insects.
20. The roving clouds drifted across the vast, blue sky.
21. The wanderer roved from town to town, meeting interesting people along the way.
22. Fireflies roved through the air above the tall grass on a warm summer night.
23. The roving jazz musician played different clubs around the city.
24. The eyes of the shopkeeper roved over the potential customers as they entered the store.
25. The astronauts roved across the surface of the moon in their lunar rover vehicle.
26. The roving searchlight shone across the terrain, seeking out potential enemies.
27. The pack of hyenas roved the savannah at night, looking for easy kills.
28. The exploration team roved across the surface of Mars in the rover vehicle.
29. The guard roved the aisles of the store to keep an eye on customers.
30. The thoughts of the novelist roved through different scenes and settings for her new story.
31. The puppies roved through the house, exploring every nook and cranny.
32. The roving tramp wandered the streets with no particular destination in mind.
33. The journalist roved through war-torn countries, documenting the conflict.
34. The eyes of the art lover roved over the different paintings in the gallery.
35. The caravan roved through the desert, following ancient trade routes.
36. The aimless young man roved around town, unsure of his purpose.
37. The eyes of the tired night watchman roved over the deserted warehouse.
38. The roving hawk searched the field below for smaller prey animals.
39. The wandering minstrel roved from town to town, playing his lute and singing for coins.
40. The artist's eyes roved over the landscape, searching for scenes that inspired her.
41. The abandoned puppy roved the neighborhood in search of food and shelter.
42. The dancer's feet roved effortlessly across the stage as she performed.
43. The roving spotlight swept across the stands searching for disorder during the game.
44. The roving mind floated from thought to thought without settling on any one idea.
45. His gaze roved over the assembled throng as he stepped onto the stage.
46. The roving tiger stalked the edge of the forest, searching for prey.
47. The performer's eyes roved over the audience, captivating them with her gaze.
48. The journalist's thoughts roved from interview to interview as she worked.
49. The children roved freely through the fields on a warm summer day.
50. The homeless man roved the sidewalks of the city with all of his belongings in bags.
51. The eyes of the lover roved appreciatively over the beloved's form.
52. The roving herd of cattle moved slowly across the range.
53. The monk's thoughts roved ceaselessly as he sat in silent meditation.
54. The surfer's eyes roved across the ocean in search of the perfect wave.
55. The gypsy caravan roved through the countryside, stopping where they pleased.
56. His eyes roved across the faces of the crowd, searching for his long lost love.
57. The driver's eyes roved constantly over the street, searching for potential hazards.
58. The puppies roved wildly through the house, enjoying their youthful exuberance.
59. The roving camera panned across the desolate landscape, showing the aftermath of the disaster.
60. The shepherd roved the slopes of the hillside with his flock of sheep.

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