Perfidious example sentences

Related (6): treacherous, deceitful, untrustworthy, duplicitous, disloyal, traitorous

"Perfidious" Example Sentences

1. The perfidious traitor betrayed his allies.
2. The politician's perfidious lies led to his downfall.
3. His perfidious scheme to defraud the government was uncovered.
4. The perfidious criminal mastermind carefully plotted his next heist.
5. The enemy planned a perfidious sneak attack.
6. The spy was caught red handed in a perfidious act of treason.
7. The perfidious plot to assassinate the prime minister was foiled.
8. The perfidious murderer crept up behind his unsuspecting victim.
9. After the perfidious murder attempt, security was tightened.
10. The perfidious thief betrayed his former gang to save himself.
11. The perfidious general aided the enemy in an act of bitter betrayal.
12. The security of our borders was threatened by perfidious elements within.
13. The perfidious assassin carried out the plot against the head of state.
14. The perfidious double agent fed false information to both sides.
15. His perfidious behavior eventually turned all his allies against him.
16. The politician made perfidious use of the private information disclosed to him.
17. The perfidious information leak compromised national security.
18. The security forces cracked down on the perfidious insurgents.
19. After a perfidious career fueled by greed and deception, he finally fell from grace.
20. Her perfidious allies were quick to abandon her once she lost power.
21. The courtroom was filled with perfidious witnesses giving false testimony.
22. The ship was haunted by the ghost of a perfidious mutineer.
23. The perfidious politician supported the opposition in a move condemned by all.
24. The traitor's perfidious actions brought shame upon his family name.
25. The perfidious spy's acts threatened national security.
26. The council revealed a list of the king's most perfidious enemies.
27. The perfidious killer stalked his helpless victim.
28. The perfidious salesman swindled his customers out of their life savings.
29. His perfidious smile could not conceal his treacherous intentions.
30. The storytelling bard regaled the crowd with tales of perfidious knights.
31. Her perfidious lover betrayed her with her best friend.
32. The democracy faced threats from perfidious forces operating in the shadows.
33. The perfidious bandits ambushed the wagon train.
34. The perfidious heartbreaker made promises he had no intention of keeping.
35. History is filled with examples of perfidious tyrants and dictators.
36. The perfidious crime went unpunished for many years.
37. The duke banished his former friend for perfidious treachery.
38. The traitor made a perfidious phone call that led to the arrest of innocents.
39. The general issued warnings against perfidious elements within the country.
40. The robbers were a perfidious bunch, with no honor among thieves.
41. The perfidious snake coiled up, ready to strike.
42. The perfidious swindler conned his victims out of their savings.
43. The perfidious barbarians pillaged the peaceful village.
44. The kingdom suffered under the perfidious rule of an evil king.
45. The novel detailed the perfidious dealings of corrupt politicians.
46. His perfidious eyes beheld her with false affection.
47. Her perfidious tongue spread lies about her innocent friend.
48. The mercenaries were a perfidious bunch, loyal only to gold.
49. The queen exiled her once-trusted adviser for perfidious treason.
50. The court jester amused the king with tales of perfidious nobles.
51. The citizens were weary of the perfidious leaders who promised much but delivered little.
52. The rebels launched a perfidious attack on the capital city.
53. The captain navigated the treacherous channel with great skill.
54. The swamp emitted treacherous vapors that weakened the soldiers.
55. The traitor made a treacherous phone call that led to the arrest of innocent people.
56. The sleek surface of the frozen pond was treacherously slippery.
57. After the treacherous attack, the enemy retreated into the woods.
58. The icy lake was too thin and treacherous to walk on.
59. The politician was accused of treacherous behavior after scandalous details emerged.
60. The sea was rough and treacherous, with huge waves crashing against the rocks.

Common Phases

1. His perfidious scheme to steal the company's funds was uncovered.
2. The perfidious plot to assassinate the president was foiled.
3. Her perfidious tactics in stealing her friend's boyfriend was scandalous.
4. The traitor's perfidious alliance with the enemy horrified his former comrades.
5. He made a perfidious attempt to sabotage his rival's business.
6. Their perfidious behavior was so transparent that everyone saw right through them.
7. The perfidious intention behind his seemingly helpful advice was obvious.
8. The treacherous spy was guilty of perfidious acts against his own country.
9. His perfidious lies almost destroyed their marriage.
10. The general's perfidious defection gave the enemy a strategic advantage.
11. The double agent's perfidiousness was finally revealed.
12. Her perfidious smile hid sinister intentions.
13. They accused him of perfidious dealings with the competition.
14. His perfidious omission of key facts led to disastrous results.
15. The perfidious nature of his financial advice soon became apparent.
16. The snake's perfidious bite nearly cost him his life.
17. The queen banished her perfidious handmaiden for plotting against her.
18. The colonel was demoted for his perfidious betrayal of military secrets.
19. The assassin made a perfidious attempt on the President's life.
20. The mole's perfidious deeds helped the enemy score several strategic victories.
21. Her perfidious promises were easily seen through as nothing more than hollow words.
22. His perfidious attempt to steal credit for another's work backfired dramatically.
23. The spy's perfidious actions were motivated solely by greed.
24. After learning of her perfidious intentions toward him, he distanced himself entirely from their friendship.
25. The wily villain's perfidious scheme soon came to light.
26. The general issued an order condemning the perfidious ambush of his troops.
27. The prince banished his perfidious councilor after learning of the treacherous plot against him.
28. The traitor was known for his perfidious tongue as much as his perfidious deeds.
29. His perfidious threats masked his own cowardice.
30. The prince's perfidious advisor soon revealed his true colors.
31. The king called for justice against the perfidious duke who betrayed his kingdom.
32. Her perfidious nature eventually caused all of her so-called friends to abandon her.
33. The would-be assassin's perfidious plot was thwarted by the royal guard.
34. Revenge was soon sought against those who made the perfidious attack in the night.
35. The knave was known for his perfidious ways and dishonest speech.
36. The general mourned the loss of his troops due to the enemy's perfidious attack.
37. The traitorous spy had to flee the country to escape punishment for his perfidious deeds.
38. The queen declared the treacherous duke's lands forfeit due to his perfidious behavior.
39. He soon learned not to trust the seemingly kind words of the perfidious speaker.
40. Her perfidious scheming eventually turned all of her friends into enemies.
41. The villain's perfidious plan ended in ruin when his treachery was revealed.
42. The king was known for rewarding those who exposed perfidious plots against the throne.
43. No one trusts those known for their perfidious ways.
44. The warrior vowed revenge against his perfidious brother who tried to steal his birthright.
45. The tyrant's brutality was matched only by his perfidious nature.
46. Word of the perfidious plot spread quickly and was soon foiled due to lack of secrecy.
47. The prince's advisor warned him against being fooled by the spy's perfidious words.
48. The perfidious general's treachery turned the tide of battle against his own army.
49. Her perfidious vengeance against her former friend was well-known throughout the land.
50. The treachery of his perfidious friend proved the old adage that no man is to be trusted completely.
51. The corporation's security department was tasked with rooting out any perfidious employees.
52. The lawyer accused his opponent of using perfidious means to deceive the jury.
53. Her perfidious actions finally caused her true nature to be revealed to all.
54. His perfidious oaths to his king meant nothing in the end.
55. The mistake of trusting the perfidious advisor was a costly one indeed.
56. The kingdom's spies were dispatched to uncover any perfidious plots before they could be carried out.
57. The warrior's perfidious brother sought to claim the sword of their father for himself.
58. Due to his own perfidious nature, he could not believe others acted from honorable intentions.
59. Her perfidious actions resulted in her banishment from the kingdom.
60. His perfidious lies caught up with him in the end.

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