Peridol example sentences

Related (4): haloperidol, antipsychotic, neuroleptic, butyrophenone

"Peridol" Example Sentences

1. The doctor prescribed Peridol to treat her schizophrenia.
2. She experienced severe side effects from taking Peridol.
3. Peridol is a powerful antipsychotic medication.
4. He was hospitalized after overdosing on Peridol.
5. The nurse administered the Peridol injection to the patient.
6. Peridol can cause drowsiness and dizziness.
7. The psychiatrist adjusted the dosage of Peridol for her patient.
8. The patient's behavior improved after taking Peridol regularly.
9. She experienced a significant reduction in hallucinations after taking Peridol.
10. Peridol is also known as haloperidol.
11. The doctor used Peridol to calm the patient during their procedure.
12. It's important to take Peridol as prescribed by your doctor.
13. Her symptoms improved after switching to Peridol from another medication.
14. The patient reported feeling less anxious after taking Peridol.
15. Peridol is commonly used to treat bipolar disorder.
16. He developed a tolerance to Peridol and needed a higher dosage.
17. The patient's psychotic episodes decreased with Peridol therapy.
18. The doctor cautioned the patient about the potential side effects of Peridol.
19. Peridol was effective in treating his manic episodes.
20. The nurse monitored the patient closely after administering the Peridol injection.
21. She stopped taking Peridol due to the side effects.
22. The patient had a negative reaction to Peridol and needed a different medication.
23. The doctor prescribed Peridol to help with his agitation.
24. It can take several weeks for Peridol to have an effect on symptoms.
25. The patient experienced weight gain as a side effect of Peridol.
26. The psychiatrist increased the dosage of Peridol to manage the patient's symptoms.
27. Peridol is a type of typical antipsychotic medication.
28. The patient's delusions improved with Peridol therapy.
29. The doctor monitored the patient's blood pressure regularly while taking Peridol.
30. She reported feeling more stable after starting Peridol.

Common Phases

- The doctor prescribed peridol for my anxiety; I hope it helps.
- Peridol is a powerful antipsychotic medication; it can cause some serious side effects.
- I had to take peridol before my surgery; it helped me relax and prevented me from vomiting.
- Peridol is commonly used to treat schizophrenia; it can also be used to treat other mental illnesses.
- My mother's delusions improved after she started taking peridol; she's much more stable now.
- Peridol is not recommended for long-term use; it can lead to dependence and withdrawal symptoms.
- The nurse gave me an injection of peridol to calm me down; I felt better almost immediately.
- Peridol is known for causing drowsiness; you should avoid driving or operating heavy machinery while taking it.
- The dosage of peridol should be carefully monitored; too much can be dangerous, while too little may not be effective.
- I've been taking peridol for several weeks now; it's made a huge difference in my mood and behavior.

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