Peripherality example sentences

Related (10): marginality, outlying, remoteness, isolation, eccentricity, edge, fringe, boundary, extreme, marginalization.

"Peripherality" Example Sentences

1. The city's peripherality makes it difficult to attract new businesses and industries.
2. The village's peripherality resulted in a lack of amenities and services for residents.
3. Despite efforts to improve infrastructure, the region's peripherality continues to hamper economic development.
4. The region suffers from peripherality, lacking good transport links and access to major markets.
5. The area's peripherality means that services and facilities tend to be limited.
6. Peripherality has consigned many regions to economic decline and stagnation.
7. The region hopes that a new highway will alleviate its peripherality and boost economic prospects.
8. The town has long suffered from peripherality, located on the edge of the county with poor transport connections.
9. Due to its peripherality, the village missed out on many of the government development schemes.
10. Their peripherality meant they rarely received media attention or publicity for local issues.
11. Many regions seek to overcome peripherality through improved transport and digital connectivity.
12. Despite government efforts, the area still suffers from peripherality due to its remote location.
13. Urban decay is often associated with peripherality, lack of services and poor connectivity.
14. Policies aimed at regional development often seek to tackle issues of peripherality.
15. The town's peripherality limited opportunities for residents, especially young people.
16. Infrastructural developments aim to reduce peripherality through better transport networks and digital connectivity.
17. Peripherality has economic and social downsides, including lower wages and a smaller job market.
18. The region hopes a new motorway will reduce its sense of peripherality and isolation.
19. The area's peripherality fuels a sense of alienation and separation from centers of power and influence.
20. Regional development schemes aim to tackle peripherality through practical measures and infrastructural investments.
21. Peripherality means that regional development often lags behind more central areas.
22. The community's peripherality left residents feeling cut off and lacking in amenities.
23. However, for some, peripherality also confers a sense of independence and community spirit.
24. Industrial decline is often associated with peripherality due to limited economic opportunities.
25. New transport links aim to reduce peripherality and economic marginalization.
26. Peripherality has meant the region often misses out on government investment and initiatives.
27. Many rural communities suffer from peripherality due to their remote location and lack of services.
28. The town hoped a new motorway would reduce its sense of peripherality and foster economic growth.
29. Policies aim to tackle peripherality through infrastructural investments and improved digital connectivity.
30. However, peripherality can also foster a stronger sense of community and place.
31. The area's peripherality has limited employment opportunities and economic growth.
32. Peripherality was seen as a key factor in the region's economic decline.
33. New infrastructure aims to reduce peripherality by improving transport links and access to markets.
34. Peripherality contributes to economic hardship through limited job opportunities and lower wages.
35. Many rural communities suffer from peripherality, lacking services and opportunities found in cities.
36. Schemes aim to tackle peripherality through improved transport networks, digital connectivity and economic incentives.
37. The peripherality means young people often leave due to lack of work and amenities.
38. However, for some, peripherality also brings a slower pace of life and close-knit community.
39. Schemes aimed at reducing peripherality often focus on improved infrastructure and transport links.
40. Policies often seek to alleviate peripherality through investment in transport, digital and economic infrastructure.
41. The area's peripherality leaves residents feeling isolated and lacking in facilities.
42. Policies aim to tackle peripherality through schemes to improve connectivity, boost skills and attract businesses.
43. The town suffered from peripherality due to remote location, poor transport links and lack of economic opportunities.
44. However, peripherality can also confer some benefits, including a stronger sense of community.
45. Regional economic disparities are often associated with peripherality due to poorer infrastructure and connectivity.
46. Peripherality brings not just economic hardship but a sense of alienation and isolation from centers of power.
47. However, peripherality also means cleaner air, less traffic and a stronger sense of community.
48. Schemes aim to tackle peripherality through improved transport, digital and economic infrastructure.
49. Policies seek to alleviate peripherality through physical investments and economic incentives.
50. Peripherality fuelled a sense of alienation, with residents feeling cut off from news, services and opportunities.
51. However, residents valued peripherality for bringing peace, quiet and a strong community spirit.
52. Rural peripherality brings economic challenges but for some confers benefits like a slower pace of life.
53. Policies often aim to reduce peripherality through investments in transport, digital and economic infrastructure.
54. The town's peripherality meant limited amenities, services and economic opportunities for residents.
55. The area hoped a new motorway would alleviate its sense of peripherality and economic marginalization.
56. Peripherality fuels isolation and a sense of alienation from centers of power and influence.
57. The town's peripherality brought not just economic hardship but also a lack of services and amenities.
58. However, peripherality also meant a cleaner environment, stronger community and slower pace of life.
59. The region sought to tackle peripherality through improved transport links, digital connectivity and economic incentives.
60. Initiatives aim to alleviate peripherality by boosting connectivity, skills and opportunities within the area.

Common Phases

1. The peripherality of the region hinders economic growth.
2. Due to the town's peripherality, many businesses are unable to locate there.
3. European Union policies seek to reduce regional peripherality and socioeconomic disparities.
4. Inadequate transport infrastructure contributes to the region's peripherality.
5. Finland struggles with the peripherality of its northern regions.
6. Ireland invests heavily in decreasing the peripherality of the Western counties.
7. The peripherality of many rural communities poses challenges.
8. Tokyo's dominance makes the peripherality of regional cities more pronounced.
9. They tried to mitigate the peripherality of remote villages through investments in roads and utilities.
10. Growing peripherality usually leads to economic decline and depopulation.
11. Peripherality makes it difficult for businesses and industries to thrive in the region.
12. Development policies aim to combat peripherality through infrastructure improvements and incentives.
13. His research focused on the consequences of peripherality on local economies.
14. Peripherality breeds economic dependency and brain drain from rural areas.
15. Transportation networks help reduce regional peripherality.
16. Scandinavian countries have sought ways to reduce the peripherality of their Arctic territories.
17. They proposed investments in high-speed rail to decrease the peripherality of provinces.
18. Scotland invests in reducing the peripherality of its northern regions.
19. Peripherality causes many residents to move to urban centers for work and opportunities.
20. Due to peripherality, residents have limited access to public services and amenities.
21. Officials argued that the region's peripherality warranted special economic development subsidies.
22. Peripherality results in higher costs for businesses due to transportation expenses.
23. Her research examined the socioeconomic impacts of peripherality and marginalization.
24. The peripherality of outlying towns makes them largely dependent on the main city for economic activity.
25. Technological improvements have helped reduce some effects of peripherality.
26. Alaska grapples with how to mitigate the peripherality of many remote communities.
27. Policies must take peripherality into account to ensure equitable development and access to opportunities.
28. The peripherality of rural communities often leads to higher prices for goods and services.
29. Australia invests in tourism to combat peripherality in outback regions.
30. She analyzed how peripherality affects social cohesion and quality of life.
31. Peripherality creates disadvantages in access to health care, education and other social services.
32. His paper discussed strategies for decreasing the peripherality of remote and island communities.
33. The peripherality of the outlying villages led to a lack of economic prospects for youth.
34. Subsidies were provided to reduce the effects of peripherality in border communities.
35. They proposed a high-speed rail link to decrease the peripherality of outlying prefectures.
36. Policies aim to provide regionally balanced growth and reduce peripherality disparities.
37. Canada tackles the unique challenges of peripherality faced by Arctic and northern territories.
38. The peripherality of regions has important implications for economic and social policy.
39. The impacts of peripherality can be mitigated through investments and innovative solutions.
40. Access to high-speed internet helps combat peripherality in remote and rural areas.
41. Peripherality increases dependence on activities like tourism and natural resource exploitation.
42. The peripherality of small islands poses unique economic and infrastructure challenges.
43. Her research project examined how peripherality affects innovation and entrepreneurship.
44. Decreasing peripherality requires proactive policies and investment of public funds.
45. Policies must consider peripherality to ensure equitable distribution of resources and services.
46. He proposed incentives to attract businesses to peripheral regions and decrease unemployment.
47. Investment in transportation infrastructure is key to decreasing regional peripherality.
48. Peripherality results in high costs for delivering public services to remote communities.
49. Countries seek to reduce peripherality through investments in infrastructure and innovation.
50. Policies must accommodate peripherality to ensure regions do not fall further behind economically.
51. Policies that ignore peripherality risk marginalizing remote communities further.
52. Peripherality contributes to the difficulties faced by remote communities in attracting new residents.
53. Government intervention is often needed to mitigate the disadvantages of peripherality.
54. Low population density exacerbates the peripherality of remote regions.
55. Disproportionate peripherality has negative consequences for national economic growth and cohesion.
56. Many peripheral communities suffer from lack of employment opportunities and higher costs of living.
57. Reducing peripherality requires coordinating investments in transportation, telecommunications and innovation.
58. Peripherality creates disadvantages in human capital development and access to skilled labor.
59. The conference focused on addressing the challenges of peripherality through good governance and smart policies.
60. His speech highlighted the need to reduce peripherality disparities through targeted interventions.

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