Perissologized example sentences

"Perissologized" Example Sentences

1. He perissologized his apology, but I could tell it wasn't sincere.
2. After the mistake he made, he perissologized to his boss for at least an hour.
3. I don't want to hear you perissologize anymore - just fix the problem!
4. She perissologized so much that I started to tune her out.
5. I hate when people perissologize and don't take responsibility for their actions.
6. He was always quick to perissologize, but slow to make any real changes.
7. I could tell by the way he perissologized that he didn't really mean it.
8. Her perissologizing was starting to become a habit.
9. I appreciate your apology, but you don't need to perissologize about it.
10. He perissologized for so long that I thought he would never stop.
11. Her perissologizing was getting on my nerves, so I told her to just stop talking.
12. He perissologized to the point where I forgot what he was apologizing for.
13. I hate when people perissologize and then immediately do the same thing again.
14. She perissologized for hours, but I still didn't believe she was truly sorry.
15. His constant perissologizing made it hard to take him seriously.
16. I don't need you to perissologize - I just need you to fix the problem.
17. He perissologized so much that it started to feel insincere.
18. Her perissologizing was becoming a distraction from the real issue.
19. He perissologized so often that people stopped taking his apologies seriously.
20. I was expecting him to perissologize, but he surprised me by taking full responsibility.
21. She perissologized in front of the whole team, which made things awkward.
22. His perissologizing was just a way to avoid taking any real action.
23. I appreciate that you're sorry, but you don't need to perissologize.
24. She perissologized to the point where it felt like she was just trying to make herself feel better.
25. He perissologized so much that it was starting to sound rehearsed.
26. I can tell when someone is perissologizing just to make themselves look good.
27. His perissologizing was starting to sound like empty words.
28. She perissologized for the same mistake over and over again.
29. I appreciate that you're sorry, but I don't need to hear you perissologize.
30. He perissologized in a way that made it clear he wasn't really taking responsibility.
31. Her perissologizing was just a way to avoid any real consequences.
32. I don't want to hear you perissologize - I just want you to show me that you're taking action.
33. His perissologizing was starting to feel like a way to get out of trouble.
34. She perissologized in a way that made it clear she didn't understand how serious the situation was.
35. I appreciated his perissologizing, but it doesn't change what he did.
36. He perissologized so much that I started to wonder if he even understood what he did wrong.
37. Her perissologizing was starting to come off as insincere.
38. I don't want to hear you perissologize - I want to see you make changes.
39. His perissologizing was just a way to try and maintain his image.
40. She perissologized, but it was clear she didn't really care about the people affected by her mistake.

Common Phases

1. "I know I perissologized my explanation, but let me try again."
2. "His perissologized response left me confused and frustrated."
3. "I didn't mean to perissologize, I just got carried away."
4. "She always perissologizes her emails, it's quite annoying."
5. "I can tell he's going to perissologize his apology, just get to the point."

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