Permeate example sentences

Related (7): Infuse, saturate, infiltrate, imbue, penetrate, impregnate, diffuse.

"Permeate" Example Sentences

1. The smell of baking cookies permeated the kitchen.
2. The sounds of music permeated the concert hall.
3. A sense of dread seemed to permeate the normally cheerful home.
4. The policy of zero tolerance permeated the school district.
5. A sense of gloom permeated the office after the layoffs were announced.
6. The odor of tobacco smoke permeated the rooms of the house.
7. Rumors of the scandal permeated the company.
8. The mood of celebration permeated the stadium during the championship game.
9. A feeling of love and joy permeated the holiday gathering.
10. An air of moroseness permeated the group of friends.
11. The fragrance of flowers permeated the gardens.
12. The rich aroma of coffee permeated the café.
13. Her kindness seemed to permeate every interaction.
14. The scent of the ocean permeated the seaside town.
15. The sounds of jazz music permeated the nightclub.
16. Resentment seemed to permeate their marriage.
17. An undercurrent of fear permeated society during the outbreak.
18. A sense of routine permeated his every move.
19. The motif of danger permeated the suspense novel.
20. The policy permeated every level of the massive bureaucracy.
21. The aroma of baked goods permeated the neighborhood.
22. The notes of melancholy permeated the funeral dirge.
23. His wisdom seemed to permeate everything he said.
24. Tension seemed to permeate the crowded room.
25. The scriptures seemed to permeate his every thought.
26. The feeling of loneliness permeated her creative work.
27. An air of excitement permeated the outdoor performance space.
28. The smell of clean laundry permeated the house.
29. The stench of rot permeated the closets.
30. The principal's authority seemed to permeate the school.
31. The tone of annoyance permeated the email.
32. An air of mystery permeated the centuries-old castle.
33. Their hopefulness seemed to permeate the group meeting.
34. Warmth and welcome permeated the family reunion.
35. His optimism permeated the team's thinking.
36. The scent of mown grass permeated the suburban neighborhood.
37. The stale scent of cigarettes permeated the rental car.
38. A somber mood permeated the funeral proceedings.
39. The notes of joy and celebration permeated the score.
40. An air of weariness permeated the office during crunch time.
41. The aroma of incense permeated the place of worship.
42. His honesty seemed to permeate everything he did.
43. A sense of surrender seemed to permeate my outlook.
44. Anger and resentment permeated the meeting.
45. An air of wantonness permeated the decadent nightclub.
46. The strong odor of bleach permeated the laundry room.
47. An aura of peacefulness permeated the meditation session.
48. His pessimism seemed to permeate his outlook on life.
49. The perfume's fragrance permeated the whole floor.
50. An air of chaos permeated the hectic elementary school.
51. The notes of melancholy permeated the sorrowful song.
52. The smell of garlic permeated the Italian restaurant.
53. His wisdom seemed to permeate everything he said and did.
54. An undercurrent of fear permeated society after the terrorist attacks.
55. The gospel's message seemed to permeate all their conversations.
56. The aroma of delicious food permeated the house.
57. The notes of joy and laughter permeated the celebration.
58. Her attitude of servitude permeated every aspect of her work.
59. The scent of pine trees permeated the cabin and surrounding forest.
60. The policy of zero tolerance seemed to permeate the criminal justice system.

Common Phases

1. The smell of cigarette smoke permeated the entire room.
2. His pessimism seemed to permeate every aspect of his personality.
3. A feeling of joy and happiness permeated the crowd.
4. The odor of freshly baked cookies permeated the kitchen.
5. Fear permeated the office as layoffs were announced.
6. An aura of mystery permeated the ancient castle.
7. Bitterness and resentment permeated their conversations.
8. The joy of Christmas seemed to permeate every room in the house.
9. The aroma of coffee permeated the air in the cafe.
10. A sense of positivity and optimism permeated their discussions.
11. Laughter permeated the room as the children played.
12. An air of melancholy permeated her features.
13. A sense of dread and foreboding permeated my dreams.
14. Tension permeated the group as they waited for news.
15. The soporific effect of the poetry permeated his sleepy mind.
16. The chill of winter had already begun to permeate the classrooms.
17. The scent of roses permeated the moist spring air.
18. Anger and resentment permeated their communication with each other.
19. Calmness permeated his being as he practiced meditation.
20. Thanksgiving cheer seemed to permeate the entire neighborhood.
21. A feeling of unease permeated the theater before the play began.
22. The aroma of freshly brewed tea permeated the entire floor.
23. Sadness permeated her thoughts as she remembered the past.
24. The incense burned to permeate the room with a sweet fragrance.
25. An air of festivity permeated the event.
26. Hard work and discipline permeated every classroom at the school.
27. An atmosphere of camaraderie permeated the group of friends.
28. The scent of flowers permeated her dreams.
29. A sense of desperation seemed to permeate their arguments.
30. Anger and outrage permeated social media in response to the incident.
31. Jealousy permeated their relationship.
32. Skepticism permeated her arguments.
33. An air of expectation permeated the stadium before the game.
34. The scent of lavender permeated the room, easing her mind into relaxation.
35. An undercurrent of doom and gloom permeated his otherwise pleasant writing.
36. The aroma of freshly baked bread permeated her childhood memories.
37. A sense of nostalgia permeated her as she looked through old photographs.
38. A wave of hysteria permeated the crowd at the concert.
39. An atmosphere of happiness and contentment permeated their relationship.
40. The smell of seasoned firewood permeated the mountain air.
41. An air of arrogance permeated his arguments.
42. Anxiety permeated her thoughts before her exam.
43. A feeling of petulance permeated his behavior.
44. The scent of fresh coffee permeated my dreams this morning.
45. An air of pride permeated his family lineage.
46. The chill of winter had already begun to permeate the landscape.
47. A sense of fear and dread permeated the room as the exam results were announced.
48. An atmosphere of peace and serenity permeated the monastery grounds.
49. The aroma of fresh bread permeated the bakery.
50. Kindness seemed to permeate every interaction they had.
51. A sense of political tension permeated the country.
52. An atmosphere of uncertainty permeated the Board meeting.
53. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee permeated the cafe as customers came in.
54. A sense of foreboding permeated his intense dreams.
55. An air of uncertainty permeated the economic situation.
56. Kindness and generosity permeated her being.
57. The scent of eucalyptus permeated the air in the hospital room.
58. A sense of frustration and helplessness permeated her daily interactions.
59. Anger and bitterness permeated their words.
60. The aroma of freshly baked apple pie permeated the dining room.

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