Peroxideorigin example sentences

Related (10): Peroxide, Origin, Bleach, Hydrogen, Chemical, Solution, Hair, Teeth, Disinfectant, Compound.

"Peroxideorigin" Example Sentences

1. The peroxideorigin of the substance was quickly identified through chemical analysis.
2. The label on the bottle clearly stated that the solution had a peroxideorigin.
3. The peroxideorigin of the bleaching agent made it effective at removing stains.
4. Researchers were able to determine the peroxideorigin of the bacteria by studying its DNA.
5. The dentist recommended using a mouthwash with a peroxideorigin to help prevent tooth decay.
6. The peroxideorigin of the hair dye caused some irritation on my scalp.
7. The cleaning solution had a peroxideorigin that made it powerful at removing grime.
8. The lab technician used a special test to confirm the peroxideorigin of the liquid sample.
9. The peroxideorigin of the cleaning product made it safe to use on a variety of surfaces.
10. The pharmacy stocks a range of products with a peroxideorigin for various medical treatments.
11. The bleaching agent's peroxideorigin helped it to whiten clothing without damaging the fabric.
12. The peroxideorigin of the medicine made it effective at killing bacteria in the body.
13. The peroxideorigin of the solution allowed it to effectively dissolve tough stains and dirt.
14. The peroxideorigin of the cleaning ingredients in the product made it eco-friendly and safe for the environment.
15. The peroxideorigin of the antiseptic cream helped it to kill germs and prevent infection.
16. The hair salon offered a variety of treatments with different levels of peroxideorigin for customers with different hair types and needs.
17. A scientific study found that the peroxideorigin of the cleaning product made it more effective than other traditional cleaners.
18. The doctor prescribed a mouthwash with a higher peroxideorigin to treat my gingivitis.
19. The lab analysis revealed that the blood sample had a peroxideorigin, which was unusual and required further investigation.
20. The peroxideorigin of the disinfectant spray made it effective against a wide range of viruses and bacteria.
21. The manufacturer advertised the product's peroxideorigin as a key selling point, claiming that it was better than other similar products on the market.
22. The peroxideorigin of the sanitizer made it gentle on the skin, even with frequent use.
23. The chemist synthesized a new molecule with a high peroxideorigin, which showed promising results in laboratory tests.
24. The peroxideorigin of the cleaning solution was ideal for use on food surfaces, as it was non-toxic and safe for consumption.
25. The dentist recommended using a toothpaste with a low peroxideorigin to avoid damaging the enamel.
26. The research team discovered the peroxideorigin of the compound after several years of studying its properties.
27. The beauty salon used a peroxideorigin treatment to help clients achieve the perfect shade of blonde hair.
28. The peroxideorigin of the acid made it effective at removing rust and corrosion from metal surfaces.
29. The cleaning company specialized in using products with a peroxideorigin, which were safe and effective for commercial and industrial cleaning needs.
30. The peroxideorigin of the mouthwash helped to freshen breath and improve oral hygiene.

Common Phases

not ingest peroxide;
do not mix peroxide with bleach;
do not get peroxide in your eyes;
use peroxide as directed;
do not use peroxide on certain materials.

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