Perpended example sentences

Related (3): masonry, perpendicle, perpender

"Perpended" Example Sentences

1. She perpended about the meaning of life while walking in the park.
2. The philosopher perpended deeply about the nature of reality.
3. He perpended over his decision to quit his job and start his own business.
4. She perpended on the consequences of her actions before making a final decision.
5. The student perpended over the challenging math problem before attempting to solve it.
6. He perpended on the best way to approach his boss about a raise.
7. The artist perpended on the color palette she would use for her next painting.
8. She perpended on the reasons why her relationship had failed.
9. The scientist perpended about the possible outcomes of his experiment.
10. He perpended on the meaning behind the ancient symbols on the wall.
11. The lawyer perpended on the best way to present her case in court.
12. She perpended on the deep connection between music and the human psyche.
13. The writer perpended on the plot twists that would surprise and intrigue her readers.
14. He perpended on the consequences of climate change and how it can be addressed.
15. The chef perpended on the perfect balance of ingredients for his signature dish.
16. She perpended on the different ways she could improve her leadership skills.
17. The engineer perpended on the design of the new bridge to ensure its safety and stability.
18. He perpended on the power of forgiveness and how it can heal broken relationships.
19. The traveler perpended on the beauty of diversity and culture in different countries.
20. She perpended on the importance of mindfulness and meditation in reducing stress.
21. The athlete perpended on the strategies to defeat his opponent in the upcoming game.
22. He perpended on the impact of social media on society and how people interact with each other.
23. The musician perpended on the emotions she wanted to convey through her music.
24. She perpended on the cultural significance of traditional dances in her country.
25. The teacher perpended on the best teaching practices to engage her students and enhance their learning.
26. He perpended on the sustainability of the world's food system and the need for eco-friendly practices.
27. The fashion designer perpended on the latest trends and how to incorporate them into her designs.
28. She perpended on the importance of mental health and self-care in leading a fulfilling life.
29. The entrepreneur perpended on the market demand for his product and the potential growth opportunities.
30. He perpended on the impact of technology on the job market and the necessary skillsets for the future.

Common Phases

1. The bricks were perpended with precision; each one lined up perfectly.
2. As the masonry apprentice, he learned how to perpend effectively; it became second nature to him.
3. The perpend of the brick wall was crucial to its strength and durability; an error in alignment could compromise the entire structure.
4. The skilled mason perpended the wall carefully and efficiently; the quality of his work was evident in its neat and solid appearance.
5. The old brick building had began to crumble due to poor perpending; it was in need of extensive restoration.
6. After several attempts to get the bricks to properly perpend, the novice mason sought help from a more experienced colleague; teamwork made the difference.
7. The perpends were too irregular and loose; the wall needed to be taken down and rebuilt with more attention to detail.
8. The new construction project required a specialized bricklaying technique called perpending; the crew underwent rigorous training to perfect it.
9. The importance of well-perpended walls cannot be overstated; they provide stability and safety for the building and its inhabitants.
10. The historical accuracy of the restoration project relied heavily on proper perpends; the masons studied old photographs and blueprints to ensure authenticity.

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