Personable example sentences

Related (13): likable, charming, friendly, approachable, affable, sociable, warm, cordial, genial, welcoming, engaging, amiable, delightful.



personable (adjective)

  - (of a person) having a pleasant appearance and manner:


pleasant, nice, friendly, agreeable, affable, amiable, genial, civil, charming, popular, clubbable, engaging, warm, pleasing, appealing, endearing, convivial, congenial, winning, delightful, enchanting, attractive, winsome, fetching, captivating, lovable, adorable, sweet, couthy, simpatico, chummy, pally, darling, lovely, adorbs, hateful, unpleasant

"Personable" Example Sentences

1. The receptionist was very personable and welcoming.
2. The customer service representative was friendly and personable.
3. Our tour guide was knowledgeable and personable which made the tour enjoyable.
4. The sales assistant was extremely personable and helpful.
5. The hostess was cheerful and personable which made for an excellent dining experience.
6. The teacher was personable and made learning enjoyable.
7. The waiter was cheerful, personable and attentive.
8. The nurse was compassionate and very personable which helped ease my concerns.
9. Our real estate agent was professional and personable which made finding a new home easy.
10. The bartender was personable and knowledgeable about the menu.
11. The manager was distant and impersonal rather than personable and engaging with employees.
12. The professor's personable demeanor made the lectures enjoyable.
13. Although she was soft-spoken, the new employee was personable and fit in well with the team.
14. The colleague's personable communication skills helped build relationships internally and externally.
15. The candidate's personable nature and pleasant demeanor were seen as strengths during the interview.
16. She was intelligent but lacked the warmth and personable skills required for the role.
17. Her personable nature and ability to connect with others was an asset in a customer-facing position.
18. The youth pastor's personable manner made him popular with the teens.
19. The trainer's personable style helped participants feel comfortable asking questions.
20. The doctor built rapport with patients through his warm and personable manner.
21. His personable communication skills helped him earn clients' trust.
22. The interviewer's personable demeanor helped put the candidate at ease.
23. The speaker's engaging and personable presentation style kept the audience interested.
24. Due to her personable nature, the kindergarten teacher was a favorite among the young students.
25. While reserved in larger groups, he was quite personable in one-on-one conversations.
26. The candidate's personable qualities and strong work ethic helped him land the job.
27. Although shy at first, she quickly revealed a warm and personable side during the meeting.
28. Despite being soft-spoken, she was thoughtful and personable, making her popular among coworkers.
29. He lacked the warmth and personable qualities that clients prefer.
30. Her kind and personable manner put customers at ease.
31. The neighbor's gruff manner lacked the warmth and personable qualities we enjoy in friends.
32. Her personable communication style put patients at ease.
33. The mayor's personable style helped him connect with voters.
34. The new teacher's cheerful and personable approach had students eager to learn.
35. Although somewhat reserved, his personable communication skills put clients at ease.
36. His warm and personable manner helped forge strong client relationships.
37. Due to her personable nature, the child was popular among her peers.
38. A cheerful demeanor and personable manner are key to success in customer service roles.
39. The job required a personable candidate who could build relationships client relationships.
40. The candidate's personable qualities and good-natured wit made him stand out during the interview.
41. Despite his professional and personable approach, the client lacked confidence in his abilities.
42. Her cheerful and personable manner makes her an ideal candidate for a customer-facing role.
43. The professor's personable style helped her connect with students.
44. His cheerful and personable manner helped him connect with customers.
45. The child's cheerful and personable nature made her popular with classmates.
46. The speaker's engaging and personable style helped convey complex concepts clearly.
47. The doctor's warm and personable bedside manner eased patient concerns.
48. The teacher's cheerful and personable manner helped students feel comfortable asking for help.
49. The clergy's personable style helped congregants feel at ease.
50. The coach's personable communication skills helped players feel motivated and inspired.

Common Phases

1. The hotel clerk was very personable and helpful.
2. Her new boss was friendly and personable, making her feel welcome on her first day.
3. The store clerk was a very personable young man who enjoyed interacting with customers.
4. The professor has a personable style which makes the class interesting and engaging.
5. The customer service representative was not just well trained but also very personable and put me at ease.
6. The personal trainer was cheerful, encouraging, and most importantly, personable.
7. The candidate made a good first impression - he was confident yet personable and spoke articulately.
8. The tour guide was energetic and personable, engaging with the group of tourists throughout the sightseeing trip.
9. The waiter's cheerful and personable attitude made our dining experience even more enjoyable.
10. The primary school teacher was not only knowledgeable but also warm and personable with the young children.
11. The real estate agent was professional yet personable which helped put us at ease during the stress of house hunting.
12. Our pilot gave a reassuring announcement before takeoff not just reading from a script but in a personable way that calmed nervous fliers.
13. The job recruiter was both knowledgeable about the position and personable which made me want to work for the company.
14. The young doctor had an impressive array of credentials yet remained grounded and personable with his patients.
15. The crossing guard's kind and personable manner was appreciated by parents and children on their walk to school.
16. The man had a natural, personable way about him that made him enjoyable to talk to.
17. The sales associate's personable and friendly demeanor helped put me at ease and made shopping more enjoyable.
18. The actor playing the lead role has a very personable presence that draws the audience into his character.
19. The hair stylist's outgoing and personable nature made the experience of getting a haircut surprisingly pleasant.
20. The receptionist's cheerful and personable greeting made me feel welcome at the doctor's office.
21. The speech was delivered in a professional yet personable way that helped connect with the audience.
22. The young woman had a friendly and personable smile that put customers at ease.
23. Due to his personable manner, the politician connected well with voters during the campaign trail.
24. The children instantly took a liking to their new nanny due to her cheerful and personable nature.
25. The host of the talk show had an inviting and personable way about him that put guests at ease.
26. Her personable and outgoing spirit made her popular among coworkers and customers alike.
27. The flight attendant's quick wit and personable manner helped ease the discomfort of a delayed flight.
28. The inclusion of personable and relatable characters helps draw readers into the novel.
29. The usher's cheerful and personable greeting made us feel welcome at the theater.
30. My new neighbor's friendly and personable manner helped put me at ease in my first few days in the new neighborhood.
31. The mechanic's no-nonsense yet personable attitude helped reassure me about the repair work on my car.
32. The elderly gentleman had a very personable way about him that made him enjoyable company.
33. The substitute teacher handled the class with ease thanks to her cheerful and personable demeanor.
34. The candidate's friendly and personable manner helped connect with potential voters.
35. His charismatic yet personable leadership style helped motivate and inspire employees.
36. She has a personable and enthusiastic style that helps explain even difficult concepts to students.
37. The intern's cheerful and personable attitude made a positive first impression on her new colleagues.
38. The spokesperson's confident yet personable delivery resonated well with viewers.
39. The author includes personable and relatable characters that draw readers into the story.
40. She had a simple yet personable style of making people feel comfortable and at home.
41. Thanks to her personable and friendly manner, customers enjoyed coming into the pet store.
42. The concierge had a cheerful and personable demeanor that helped make guests feel welcome at the hotel.
43. The comedian had a personable but self-deprecating style that audiences found charming and funny.
44. The elderly lady had a very warm and personable manner that put people instantly at ease.
45. The cab driver's cheerful and personable demeanor helped ease a stressful commute.
46. The reporter delivered the story in a confident yet personable manner that resonated with viewers.
47. The new store owner has made many customers by her personable and friendly sales approach.
48. Despite being a famous actor, he remained very down-to-earth and personable with fans.
49. The comedian's self-deprecating yet personable humor connected well with the audience.
50. His amiable and easygoing personality made him a very personable and engaging speaker.
51. Her enthusiastic, personable style engaged students and helped make concepts stick.
52. The friendly and personable style of the student guide helped make the campus tour enjoyable.
53. His professional yet personable bedside manner helped reassure anxious patients.
54. The beggar had a cheerful, personable smile despite his unfortunate circumstances.
55. The child's personable and outgoing manner helped him make friends easily in his new school.
56. The carpenter's no-nonsense yet personable demeanor helped put anxious clients at ease.
57. He had a quiet yet personable confidence that people found reassuring.
58. The patient's cheerful and personable manner helped lighten the mood in the hospital room.
59. The elderly neighbor's personable and friendly manner helped her strike up a good rapport with other residents.
60. The shy child's personable and enthusiastic teacher helped bring him out of his shell.

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