Amiable example sentences

Related (10): friendly, affable, genial, sociable, pleasant, cordial, easygoing, congenial, likable, good-natured

"Amiable" Example Sentences

1. The amiable old man smiled warmly at everyone he passed.
2. Her amiable temperament and cheerful nature made her popular with colleagues.
3. With his amiable smile and friendly manner, he put all customers at ease.
4. The amiable butler greeted the guests warmly as they arrived for dinner.
5. The teacher had an amiable yet authoritative presence in the classroom.
6. Her amiable disposition and gentle humor endeared her to all who knew her.
7. Known for his amiable nature and pleasant demeanor, he was well-liked by all.
8. The amiable hostess made sure all the guests were well taken care of.
9. Her amiable smile and pleasant personality made her a natural fit for customer service.
10. Despite his amiable manner, there was a sharp intelligence behind his twinkling eyes.
11. Her amiable smile and cheerful greetings brightened up the office each morning.
12. The old dog wagged his tail happily and greeted visitors with an amiable bark.
13. The amiable young man offered to help me with my groceries.
14. The generally amiable employee occasionally had flashes of temper.
15. The amiable maid cheerfully went about her duties around the house.
16. He responded to the rude comment with an amiable smile and gentle rebuttal.
17. His generally amiable nature hid a streak of ruthlessness in business matters.
18. The tourist's amiable inquiries about local customs were well received.
19. She replied to his brusque manner with amiable politeness.
20. The amiable receptionist warmly welcomed guests as they arrived.
21. I found him to be amiable and well-mannered in our initial meeting.
22. Her amiable yet steadfast manner won over even the most difficult customers.
23. Despite his amiable smile and pleasantries, I sensed something sinister about him.
24. The usually amiable coworker snapped at me over a minor mistake.
25. He responded to her demands with amiable acquiescence.
26. Beneath his amiable smile and polite words lay a calculating mind.
27. The normally cheerful and amiable child threw a temper tantrum.
28. Her husband's generally amiable nature contrasted sharply with her own moodiness.
29. The older sister's amiable nature complemented the younger sister's touchiness.
30. He presented his sales pitch with an amiable yet persuasive manner.
31. She charmed guests with her amiable conversation and ready laughter.
32. Customers responded well to his amiable yet efficient service.
33. Though amiable in appearance, he had little sympathy for those less fortunate than himself.
34. The amiable minister greeted congregants warmly after Sunday service.
35. Despite his amiable pleasantries, his intentions toward me were anything but friendly.
36. The host addressed the crowd with an amiable yet formal speech.
37. He had an amiable yet no-nonsense way about him.
38. Her amiable manner belied a fierce independence and strong will.
39. She maintained an amiable facade even as tensions rose beneath the surface.
40. The generally amiable coworker became irritable when under stress.
41. His amiable manner quickly put nervous interviewees at ease.
42. The tutor's amiable yet firm approach helped the struggling student.
43. His amiable, patient manner won over even the most difficult clients.
44. The grandmother's amiable nature and easy laughter added joy to family gatherings.
45. Despite her amiable smile and kind words, I sensed scorn behind her pity.
46. The candidate's amiable facade hid a ruthless ambition for power.
47. She charmed guests with her amiable conversation and ready wit.
48. The amiable aunt doted on her nieces and nephews.
49. His amiable politeness masked a cutting sarcasm.
50. The usually amiable colleague snapped at me for no apparent reason.
51. Her cheerful and amiable disposition brought joy to those around her.
52. The normally amiable dog growled at the stranger approaching the house.
53. The amiable hostess made sure all her guests felt welcome and cared for.
54. Despite his amiable manners, I did not trust the salesman's intentions.
55. Her amiable nature quickly put nervous patients at ease.
56. He responded amiable to her rude comment.
57. The amiable couple greetes their neighbors warmly.
58. His amiable yet harmless flirtations caused trouble with his fiancée.
59. The amiable landlord cheerfully dealt with the various complaints and requests of his tenants.
60. Her pretense of amiability thinly veiled her disdain.

Common Phases

1. Amiable temperament
A pleasant and agreeable state of mind.
2. Amiable disposition
A tendency to be friendly, good-natured and agreeable.
3. Amiable nature
The inherent tendency to be pleasant, gentle and friendly.
4. Amiable manner
A way of acting or behaving that is pleasant and friendly.
5. Amiable smile
A friendly, pleasant smile.
6. Amiable facade
A friendly, pleasant front that hides the true nature or motives beneath.
7. Amiable yet authoritative
Pleasant but also commanding of respect and obedience.
8. Amiable yet no-nonsense
Pleasant but also not tolerant of trivial matters.
9. Amiable acquiescence
Pleasant agreement or compliance.
10. Amiable politeness
Courteousness, good manners and civility that arises from being pleasant and agreeable.

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