Persuadable example sentences

Related (10): suggestible, pliable, compliant, open-minded, influenceable, malleable, tractable, susceptible, amenable, negotiable.

"Persuadable" Example Sentences

1. She is a persuadable person, willing to consider other points of view.
2. My father is not very persuadable once he has made up his mind.
3. The instructor made her argument as persuasively as possible, hoping the students would be persuadable.
4. He had a stern demeanor but was actually quite persuadable with the right approach.
5. Children are often more persuadable than adults because they have not fully formed their opinions yet.
6. I tried my best to explain my side logically and clearly, but he did not seem very persuadable on the issue.
7. The board members are rarely persuadable once they have chosen a course of action.
8. They aimed their advertising campaign at teenagers and young adults, who tend to be more persuadable consumers.
9. His manager thought if she explained the idea in a calm and rational manner, he might be persuadable to the new plan.
10. After she hears both sides of an argument, she likes to take time to reflect before making a final decision, making her very persuadable.
11. Some people are persuadable only by facts and logic, while others respond better to emotional appeals.
12. Since his mind was already made up, I knew he would not be persuadable by anything I said.
13. You have to be gentle and respectful if you want to have any hope of persuading someone who is normally not very persuadable.
14. When presenting a new idea, it's wise to consider the persuadability of your audience before deciding on an approach.
15. His persuadability often got him in trouble because he did not consider options thoroughly before agreeing to them.
16. My friend's persuadability has made her gullible at times—she believes whatever someone tells her convincingly.
17. Despite their spirited debate, neither side seemed particularly persuadable by the other's arguments.
18. Children are easily influenced and persuadable, which is why marketing toward them is so effective.
19. They devised a marketing campaign aimed at the most persuadable demographic for their product.
20. Facts and figures tend to persuade the highly rational, while stories and testimonials work better on the more emotionally persuadable.
21. His mind was already firmly made up, so I knew he would not be persuadable no matter what I said.
22. After an hour of debate, it became clear that no one would be persuadable to change their position on the issue.
23. I wish I were less persuadable and more decisive when making difficult choices.
24. She found her brother to be surprisingly persuadable once she appealed to his sense of family loyalty.
25. Since my father-in-law is not very persuadable, we usually just agree to disagree on political issues.
26. No one is completely impervious to persuasion; we all share a basic persuadability due to our need for social connection.
27. The more information you share, the more persuadable skeptical audiences become.
28. He will listen to reason if you present the facts in a calm manner, making him fairly persuadable for a teenager.
29. Playing devil's advocate can help make your own arguments more persuadable by exposing their weaknesses.
30. Focus groups are important to gauge the persuadability of potential customers for new products.
31. Persuadability depends on many factors, including an audience's knowledge, values, and emotional state.
32. Children should be taught critical thinking skills so they become less easily persuadable and prone to manipulation.
33. My girlfriend's persuadability concerns me because I worry she could be taken advantage of by untrustworthy people.
34. The politician tried to gauge the persuadability of the crowd before giving his speech.
35. The senator prided himself on being open-minded and persuadable on all issues based on facts and logic alone.
36. Public rhetoric rarely persuades those who are most persuadable; it tends to reinforce existing opinions.
37. The teenager pretended to be less persuadable than he actually was to avoid having to do extra chores.
38. Diffidence and persuadability often go hand in hand; the self-assured are less swayed by others' opinions.
39. Researchers found that people were more persuadable after seeing images of baby animals.
40. While children seem persuadable, their lack of life experience limits how much they can truly comprehend differing viewpoints.
41. Experience teaches us to be less persuadable, though it also makes our arguments seem more convincing to others.
42. I overestimated my persuadability as an adult; now I know my opinions are much more deeply ingrained than I had realized.
43. Persuadability depends not just on personality, but circumstances and mental state at any given time.
44. Not every salesperson can be equally persuadable, so choose the approach that fits each customer's profile.
45. Even the most persuadable among us will not change an opinion without sufficient evidence to back up new ideas.
46. Perceived persuadability is just as important as actual persuadability in ensuring a message is heard.
47. The crowd seemed persuadable at first but quickly grew hostile after hearing my speech.
48. Persuadability declines with age and experience as opinions become reinforced over time.
49. While children may seem persuadable, lack of worldly experience limits how deeply they can comprehend complex issues.
50. Persuadable audiences are more receptive but also more prone to embracing irrational or illogical arguments.
51. True persuadability requires maintaining an open yet critical mindset to evaluate arguments on their own merits.
52. Honest self-reflection is needed to determine what ideas we are truly persuadable by and which are too deeply ingrained.
53. Positive approaches almost always succeed over negative ones in persuading even the least persuadable among us.
54. I found myself more persuadable when the arguments aligned with my preexisting values and priorities.
55. One's persuadability fluctuates; moments of open-mindedness may follow periods of rigidity.
56. Addressing people's humanity tends to make even the stubborn and impervious among us somewhat persuadable.
57. Persuadability diminishes when we feel criticized, attacked or devalued, making positive approaches most effective.
58. Experts strive to maintain persuadability on topics outside their specialty to avoid problematic groupthink.
59. Those who present themselves as completely impervious to persuasion likely exaggerate their persuadability.
60. Invalidation annihilates persuadability; respect engenders openness to new ideas.

Common Phases

1. He seems persuadable. I think I can convince him if I make the right arguments.
2. The child was very persuadable, easily convinced to do what his parents suggested.
3. Her mind is persuadable by logic and reason, not by emotion alone.
4. He was not persuaded at first, but I could tell he was persuadable as long as I approached him in the right manner.
5. The politician addressed his persuadable base with promises of lower taxes and more spending.
6. She seems reasonably persuadable, as long as you keep an open and respectful tone.
7. The jury consisted of ordinary citizens who were persuadable by emotional testimonies and stories.
8. She targeted her persuadable voters with promises to improve education and lower healthcare costs.
9. The board members were a persuadable audience, receptive to the company's growth proposals.
10. The salesman knew his audience was persuadable, so he emphasized the product's benefits and money-back guarantee.
11. His boss was very persuadable when presented with evidence of potential cost savings and revenue growth.
12. Her audience was quite persuadable, consisting largely of concerned parents receptive to child safety proposals.
13. The majority of the board was persuadable and open to new ideas, but a vocal minority resisted any proposed changes.
14. The reform-minded candidate appealed to persuadable voters with promises of lower taxes, better schools, and more jobs.
15. With a reasonable, fact-based appeal, the manager was able to persuade the initially persuadable employees.
16. His initial reluctance stemmed from skepticism, but after I addressed his concerns respectfully he became persuadable.
17. The board's persuadable members were slowly won over by data showing the benefits of the proposed policy change.
18. I could tell her mind was persuadable; she just needed more information before committing either way.
19. With targeted outreach to persuadable constituencies, the candidate was able to expand his base of support.
20. With facts and evidence on my side, I was able to persuade the initially persuadable students and gain their trust.
21. His mind seemed open and persuadable, and I sensed he just needed more context before making a decision.
22. The campaign focused its messaging on the most persuadable voter groups who could potentially swing the election.
23. I knew if I was reasonable but passionate, I could persuade my normally persuadable boss to consider my proposal further.
24. Her initial skepticism softened as I presented my case respectfully, revealing an open and persuadable mind underneath.
25. With care and patience, I was able to persuade my hesitant but persuadable friend to reconsider her initial stance.
26. Many of the jury members seemed persuadable, particularly those most affected by the issue at hand.
27. Her position was persuadable through thoughtful discussion and evidence, not crude attacks or harsh rhetoric.
28 The committee was made up of persuadable but impartial members who reviewed all evidence fairly.
29. While he resisted at first, I could sense a persuadable spirit that just needed careful nurturing and cultivation.
30. The campaign targeted persuadable middle-of-the-road voters who had not yet made up their minds.
31. The manager knew her normally persuadable but cautious employees just needed data and context before committing.
32. Persuadable audiences crave clear, jargon-free communication that addresses their core concerns with empathy.
33. He considered himself an independent thinker who based decisions on evidence, not partisanship or persuadability.
34. The initially persuadable listeners became convinced as the data, stories, and arguments stacked up in my favor.
35. Through logical arguments and a respectful tone, I was able to persuade the initially persuadable but cautious intern.
36. Her skepticism arose from a place of fairness, not closed-mindedness, revealing a persuadable if prudent spirit.
37. The teacher focused her instruction on her most persuadable students who showed an inclination toward growth.
38. His open body language and occasional nods revealed an inner persuadability that required delicate nurturing.
39. Persuadable minds listen openly, maintain neutrality until all arguments have been weighed, and judge each idea on merit.
40. By being relatable, patient, and sticking to the facts, I was able to win over even the most hesitant persuadable listeners.
41. She promoted policies aimed at persuadable moderate constituencies who could potentially swing the election.
42. The board member's initial hesitance turned to openness as I addressed her questions respectfully, revealing persuadability.
43. Though skeptical at first, her persuadable spirit emerged as I conveyed my proposal with sincerity and clarity of purpose.
44. His persuadable nature showed in his willingness to consider new facts, adjust his views, and admit when he needed more context.
45. An initially persuadable but cautious supervisor became convinced as I backed up my proposal with data and testimonials.
46. With care and nuance, an open and persuadable mind can be cultivated from even the most doubtful initial skepticism.
47. Her persuadable spirit showed in her willingness to hear counterarguments, consider opposing views, and revise her position.
48. By building rapport and earning trust, I was eventually able to persuade even the most initially persuadable skeptics.
49. Persuadability requires an openness to being wrong, a willingness to change based on new evidence, and a transparent process.
50. An initially persuadable employee just needed context and a bit of nurturing before fully committing to the proposed change.
51. Though initially hesitant, her persuadable spirit emerged as I conveyed my vision in a thoughtful, respectful, and compelling way.
52. An initially closed board member revealed a persuadable spirit after I addressed her concerns with empathy and transparency.
53. Her persuadable nature showed in her ability to listen charitably, weigh arguments fairly, and assess ideas based on merit alone.
54. With a listener's persuadable spirit showing through initial skepticism, avoid attack and instead nurture openness with respect.
55. Though initially doubtful, her persuadability revealed itself as I addressed counterarguments directly and backed up claims thoroughly.
56. Though skeptical at first, his persuadable nature emerged as I conveyed my position calmly, transparently, and with empathy.
57. His persuadable nature showed in his willingness to have an open discussion, ask thoughtful questions, and consider counterarguments.
58. Initial skepticism gave way to persuadability after backing up claims thoroughly, addressing counterarguments directly, and tailoring communication to core concerns.
59. An open and persuadable mind listens closely, asks thoughtful questions, considers counterarguments fairly, and weighs arguments based on merit alone.
60. Though initially reluctant, their persuadable spirit emerged as we discussed the issue calmly, transparently, and with mutual respect.

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