Persuadings example sentences

Related (10): convincing, cajoling, inducing, influencing, enticing, coaxing, reassuring, seducing, compelling, alluring.

"Persuadings" Example Sentences

1. The politician's persuasive speech was filled with clever persuadings to win over voters.
2. She used her powers of persuading to convince her skeptical friends to go to the new restaurant.
3. His long list of successful persuadings earned him the reputation of a master negotiator.
4. The company's CEO was known for her exceptional persuading skills in closing lucrative deals.
5. The teacher's skilled persuading led to the students volunteering for the school project.
6. The lawyer's expert persuading finally convinced the jury of his client's innocence.
7. His many persuadings did not sway her opinion on the matter.
8. With his charming personality, he was naturally gifted at persuading people to do things for him.
9. The sales representative's persuading abilities led to a significant boost in sales.
10. Her sharp mind and quick wit made her a force to be reckoned with in the persuasion game.
11. The politician's cunning persuadings helped him win the heavily contested election.
12. The manager's tactical use of persuading skills led to a successful team project.
13. The community leader's ability to persuade the masses was unparalleled.
14. Her persistent persuadings finally convinced her parents to let her go on the trip.
15. The influencer's social media persuading led to thousands of followers and endorsements.
16. The teacher's gentle persuading got the shy student to participate in class.
17. His passionate persuadings convinced the company to donate to the charity he supported.
18. She enhanced her persuading skills by taking a course in effective communication.
19. The coach's strong persuading influenced the team to push harder and win the game.
20. The activist's impactful persuadings led to government action on climate change.
21. He relied on his expert persuading skills to close a major business deal.
22. The motivational speaker's persuading inspired the audience to pursue their dreams.
23. Her tactful persuadings helped her settle conflicts amongst her friends.
24. The lobbyist's persuasive persuadings were instrumental in the passing of the new law.
25. With her calm demeanor and logical arguments, she was exceptional at persuading people to see her point of view.
26. The marketer's clever persuadings led to a successful product launch.
27. His ability to use humor in his persuading helped him win over even the toughest critics.
28. The teacher's gentle persuading helped the struggling student pass the test.
29. The consultant's persuading led to a profitable business strategy for the company.
30. Her honest persuadings earned her the trust and loyalty of her colleagues.
31. The politician's persuasive persuadings swayed the voters in his favor.
32. The negotiator's skilled persuading helped resolve the conflict peacefully.
33. The activist's compelling persuadings led to a change in the organization's policies.
34. The therapist's tactful persuading helped the patient overcome their fears.
35. The lawyer's strong persuading led to a favorable outcome for his client.
36. The coach's motivational persuading helped the team comeback and win the championship.
37. The spokesperson's persuasive persuadings helped restore the company's reputation.
38. The speaker's inspiring persuading led to a standing ovation from the audience.
39. The teacher's exceptional persuading led to the students developing critical thinking skills.
40. His impressive persuading earned him a promotion to a leadership position in the company.

Common Phases

1. You should really consider our product; it's been receiving great reviews.
2. Let me explain the benefits of our service; I'm sure you'll see why it's worth it.
3. Have you thought about switching to our brand; we offer competitive pricing and excellent quality.
4. I highly recommend trying our new feature; it's been a game changer for our other clients.
5. Don't miss out on this opportunity; our limited-time offer ends soon.

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