Pervade example sentences

Related (6): Infiltrate, saturate, infuse, suffuse, permeate, diffuse.

"Pervade" Example Sentences

1. A sense of gloom pervaded the room.
2. The smell of coffee pervaded the small cafe.
3. Happiness pervaded the crowd at the concert.
4. Excitement pervaded the air before the big game.
5. Silence pervaded the library as students studied for finals.
6. Calmness pervaded the yoga studio during meditation.
7. An atmosphere of distrust pervaded the team meeting.
8. Animosity pervaded their interactions after the argument.
9. A sense of urgency pervaded her voice during the 911 call.
10. Despair pervaded his thoughts after losing his job.
11. Gloom pervaded his dreams after the breakup.
12. Fear pervaded the neighborhood after the break-in.
13. Anxiety pervaded my mind as I awaited the test results.
14. The smell of marijuana pervaded the dorm room.
15. Hope pervaded their conversation about the future.
16. A culture of laziness pervaded the office after the merger.
17. Sexism pervaded the boys' jokes at the party.
18. Corruption pervaded every level of government.
19. The stench of pollution pervaded the city.
20. Hedonism pervaded the lavish Hollywood party.
21. Jubilation pervaded the crowd upon hearing the election results.
22. Melancholy pervaded her poetry after the loss of her love.
23. Prejudice pervades society at both conscious and unconscious levels.
24. Nostalgia pervaded as we reminisced about our college days.
25. Meditation helped dispel the anxiety that pervaded my thoughts.
26. An air of disappointment pervaded the stands after the team's loss.
27. Pessimism pervaded her outlook on life and relationships.
28. Logic and reasoning cannot fully penetrate the superstition that pervades society.
29. The incense smelled heavenly and helped dispel the staleness that pervaded the air.
30. An air of tension pervaded the room during the heated negotiations.
31. Professionalism pervaded every facet of the business environment.
32. Dread pervaded my stomach as I waited for the exam results.
33. Jubilation pervaded as the winning goal was scored in injury time.
34. Depression pervaded his demeanor after months of unemployment.
35. Arrogance pervaded among those who thought themselves better than others.
36. Peace pervaded their final moments together.
37. Fear pervades the lives of those who live under tyranny.
38. The stench of ammonia pervaded my sinuses on entering the cleaning supply closet.
39. A sense of indignation pervaded the protest movement.
40. Paranoia pervaded his speech as he spoke of government conspiracies.
41. The smell of coffee and pastries pervaded the bustling cafe.
42. Yearning pervaded her voice as she sang of lost love.
43. Contempt pervaded his tone when speaking about the government.
44. Awe pervaded the museum gallery as visitors viewed the awe-inspiring artworks.
45. Hate pervaded the airwaves during the bitter election campaign.
46. A spirit of cooperation pervades this workplace.
47. Fervor pervaded the revival meeting as the preacher called for repentance.
48. Misogyny pervades our culture to varying degrees.
49. A sense of melancholy pervaded the aging rock star's final concert performance.
50. Darkness pervaded the caves as we explored without flashlights.
51. Wealth worship pervades our materialistic culture.
52. Enthusiasm pervaded the event as fans celebrated their favorite band.
53. Doubt pervades every human endeavor.
54. The fragrance of pine pervaded the cabin in the woods.
55. Misinformation pervades internet discussion forums.
56. Serenity pervaded the temple as the monks chanted their sutras.
57. Mist pervaded the rolling hills of the Irish countryside.
58. An atmosphere of suspicion pervaded international relations during the Cold War.
59. Optimism pervades students at the beginning of each new semester.
60. Oppression pervades the lives of those without political voice.

Common Phases

1. An air of (emotion) pervaded the room.
2. (Something) pervaded the atmosphere.
3. A sense of (emotion) pervaded the (event/place).
4. (Something) pervaded the area.
5. (A feeling) pervaded the air.
6. (An emotion) pervaded his/her thoughts.
7. An atmosphere of (emotion) pervaded the situation.
8. (Something negative) pervades society/culture.
9. (An attitude) pervaded the group.
10. Silence pervaded the (place).

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